Ben Carson on critical race theory. "Its a bunch of garbage"

Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
No. Why do I have to envy him? Do we blacks not have the right to oppose those who expouse beliefs that are detrimental to us? I have a masters degree, what the fuck do I need to be jealous of that idiot for? Please!

Dr Carson is not an idiot.

You on the other hand.....:rolleyes:
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
No. Why do I have to envy him? Do we blacks not have the right to oppose those who expouse beliefs that are detrimental to us? I have a masters degree, what the fuck do I need to be jealous of that idiot for? Please!
ok-----good---masters degree. Has being black been an obstacle in your life?
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
No. Why do I have to envy him? Do we blacks not have the right to oppose those who expouse beliefs that are detrimental to us? I have a masters degree, what the fuck do I need to be jealous of that idiot for? Please!
ok-----good---masters degree. Has being black been an obstacle in your life?
Oh look, another person with a lot to say about CRT that obviously knows less than nothing about CRT.
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
No. Why do I have to envy him? Do we blacks not have the right to oppose those who expouse beliefs that are detrimental to us? I have a masters degree, what the fuck do I need to be jealous of that idiot for? Please!

Dr Carson is not an idiot.

You on the other hand.....:rolleyes:
Dr. Carson is a dumb ass. You think he's great because hes black and his faulty opinion validates your racist beliefs.
Exactly right! :clap:

Dr Carson is not an idiot.
He, in fact, is. he may be able to map a brain, but that stupid shit believes some of the most idiotic shit imaginable.
can you be specific?
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
No. Why do I have to envy him? Do we blacks not have the right to oppose those who expouse beliefs that are detrimental to us? I have a masters degree, what the fuck do I need to be jealous of that idiot for? Please!
ok-----good---masters degree. Has being black been an obstacle in your life?
Oh look, another person with a lot to say about CRT that obviously knows less than nothing about CRT.
so true----neither you nor IM-2 has said anything about it

Nailed it in his opening statement.

As if the moron Ben Carson knows anything about Critical Race Theory. His comments show he does not.

what did he miss?

What did he get right?

His statement seemed correct to me. He DESCRIBED the theory and rejected it. Can
you describe what he MISSED about the theory?

He missed everything. Not one word he stated was correct.
Nobody fears Carson. He is the type of black white racists love. He offers no challenge to them and he denigrates his own people to curry favor with whites. Because nobody black believes the government can lift you out of poverty. Yet while whites post these memes, they vote for candidates in government that will help lift them in every way.

Nailed it in his opening statement.

As if the moron Ben Carson knows anything about Critical Race Theory. His comments show he does not.

what did he miss?

What did he get right?

His statement seemed correct to me. He DESCRIBED the theory and rejected it. Can
you describe what he MISSED about the theory?

He missed everything. Not one word he stated was correct.

thanks for being specific
Nobody fears Carson. He is the type of black white racists love. He offers no challenge to them and he denigrates his own people to curry favor with whites. Because nobody black believes the government can lift you out of poverty. Yet while whites post these memes, they vote for candidates in government that will help lift them in every way.
I agree that the government cannot solve poverty----neither persons of color or
what is commonly called "white trash"
ok-----good---masters degree. Has being black been an obstacle in your life?

There are hurdles I had to jump to get where I am that whites did not. I have been denied jobs when I was the best qualified candidate for a white person with less experience. Because of that, I helped a friend build and organization from an idea on a piece of paper to an award winning agency. Because whitey refused to hire me.
ok-----good---masters degree. Has being black been an obstacle in your life?

There are hurdles I had to jump to get where I am that whites did not. I have been denied jobs when I was the best qualified candidate for a white person with less experience. Because of that, I helped a friend build and organization from an idea on a piece of paper to an award winning agency. Because whitey refused to hire me.
Did you ever think that it was not racism? Maybe they thought you were / are a jerk?

Nailed it in his opening statement.

As if the moron Ben Carson knows anything about Critical Race Theory. His comments show he does not.

what did he miss?

What did he get right?

His statement seemed correct to me. He DESCRIBED the theory and rejected it. Can
you describe what he MISSED about the theory?

He missed everything. Not one word he stated was correct.

thanks for being specific

You can't get more specific than that. His opinion on the CRT was completely wrong.

The Three-Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. It says: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Starting right here the premise of Critical Race Theory is validated.

On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for a minimum of one year. This law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural-born citizens.” Please notice the first 7 words. Only whites were entitled to be citizens of this country.

Again, this policy itself validates CRT.

The Homestead Act that went from 1862 until 1934, gave away 246 million acres of land. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, to include white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or basically the equivalent of a minimum of $500,000 per family. Today 93 million whites still live on homestead land, that is at least 40 percent of the white population in America. That land has helped whites accumulate the wealth they have today.

Again, this policy itself validates CRT.

Dred Scott v. Sanford.

Again, this itself validates CRT.

Plessy v. Ferguson.

Again, this validates CRT.

The Chines Exclusion Policy
The Indian Removal Policy.
Restrictive Covenants.
Shelby Co. vs. Holder.

I can keep going. All these this support the premise of the CRT.
ok-----good---masters degree. Has being black been an obstacle in your life?

There are hurdles I had to jump to get where I am that whites did not. I have been denied jobs when I was the best qualified candidate for a white person with less experience. Because of that, I helped a friend build and organization from an idea on a piece of paper to an award winning agency. Because whitey refused to hire me.
Did you ever think that it was not racism? Maybe they thought you were / are a jerk?

I know when racism is the problem. Being black and facing it, you learn what it looks like. You see, I applied for a directors job at an agency and they asked me what would I do on the job. So I laid out a plan and all the Board members were nodding their heads in afreement and they told me how I mentioned ideas they had have thought of beforr and how they would like to implement some of them. II had 12 years of executive experience and the job called for a minimum of 3 years.

A white kid kid with no experience who had just graduated from college got the job. That did not happen because I was a jerk.
Highly intelligent and skilled Black man. The kind of person Democrats hate.

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