Ben Carson quits his race for the White House

Not surprising that Republicans wouldn't elect a black person.

I would have voted for him, but certainly not because of his color. I saw him as a human, not a color. And I liked him, as I stated above.
Probably about right..
Nice guys finish last running against those snakes in Washington, and now you know why Trump gets in their face.

just because someone is soft-spoken doesn't mean what they're saying is "nice".

Carson is a nice man. He is a humble man. He has a couple of ideas I may not have agreed with, but I never heard him be unkind.
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Nobody doubts he is a renowned brain surgeon. .

All thinking people have doubts. Carson ADMITTED in his books he was an AA baby. THINK
I think a lot.

As I do often when I read your posts, today I think you are a fucked up, racist asshole with a brain the size of a mustard seed.

Carson likely had some doors opened to him via AA, as he should have. AA did not give him the skills required for neurosurgery.
He did poorly in the debates because he's just plain stupid and voters saw it. He's a fraud and NOT the brilliant neurosurgeon he claims to be. He admits he got thru college thanks to affirmative action. Without AA he'd be washing cars.
You're an idiot. He was a brilliant surgeon, but a neophyte politician, his main problem. If he was just an AA hire, he wouldn't have been allowed to operate on people's brains at Johns Hopkins.
He may have been a good surgeon before he sniffed too much anesthesia........... Seriously would you let him operate on your kid?
He may have been a good surgeon before he sniffed too much anesthesia........... Seriously would you let him operate on your kid?
Why not? Read the article found in message #52. Weird beliefs and superlative surgical skills aren't mutually exclusive.
I liked him..a lot. Kind man.

HAHAHA. Kind?? He has admitted he wanted to kill his mother when he was a kid and admitted that as a teen he rammed a knife into a friend's stomach!!! THINK
Carson likely had some doors opened to him via AA, as he should have. AA did not give him the skills required for neurosurgery.

Which means a more-qualified white had the door slammed in his face. And white-hating racists like you support that!!!

As for having neurosurgeon skills, there is no evidence he has any. Most hospitals have black surgeons they hire to keep the feds off their back and they tell the doc "just sit in your office and don't do anything."

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