Ben Carson refers to himself as a "scientist".

Ben Carson isn't a scientist, he isn't even a surgeon. He left a sponge in someone's brain that he operated on. I'd guess today if asked for a show of hands who would want this creepy freak to put a Band-Aid on a cut the number of hands would be limited to the bugwits posting here that support him.

He's finished. His creepiness, lying, and insane 'proclamations' and rhetoric are quickly revealing him for what he is.

An also ran who has been doing his best to hide who he is.

He is doing that on purpose.

He does not want the nomination, he is trying to get his name out as another important Black leader.

Then he will capitalize from a Black social conservative view point--which stands to make a whole lot more money than what Sharpton and Jesse Jackson could do from a liberal viewpoint.

Ben Carson is deliberately trying to kill his momentum, but these damn conservatives are too angry to buy into the "Crazy brain surgeon with no reason to become president" line he is feeding them.

Carson is 'raising hell' among the left and that is reason enough to support him for the time being). Come the primaries, I doubt Carson will have much notice.

Carson will never be a BLACK leader.He wants to be a right wing religious leader who happens to be black. Either way, the presidency is not his goal.
The theory of evolution is the result of the work of scientists.

Ben Carson considers those scientists satanic, just because he disagrees with them. By that measure, that justifies considering Carson a tool of the Devil to anyone who disagrees with his science.

No -- Ben Carson understands the 200 years of science that has been done SINCE Darwin died. His beef was with the leap to conclusions that Darwin made without the availability of scientific evidence. If you showed a jar of fruit flies with 20 new species in it that was "created" last Wednesday -- his head would spin like BeetleJuice.

Evolution nows allows the possibility that missing links are irrelevant. That sudden and ABRUPT changes in DNA could be created by things legally referred to as "acts of God" -- like Cosmic Ray showers and other stressors.

So you are backing off of the "God created everything as it is today" claim that is the core of creationism.

Let's say I don't see faith as a bad thing. EVEN AS a scientist. It makes you humble and less likely to bully others with your authority.. Nobody likes "know - it - alls... :cool-45:

Well,make up your mind. Do you believe God created everything in the form it is today, which is the core of creationism, or not?

I don't know.. But I DO KNOW --- that Darwin did not fully understand "the origin of the species"..

He certainly understood it better than whoever wrote Genesis did.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

He has a M.D. What is your degree? And yes....doctors are well trained into research and research methodology.
No -- Ben Carson understands the 200 years of science that has been done SINCE Darwin died. His beef was with the leap to conclusions that Darwin made without the availability of scientific evidence. If you showed a jar of fruit flies with 20 new species in it that was "created" last Wednesday -- his head would spin like BeetleJuice.

Evolution nows allows the possibility that missing links are irrelevant. That sudden and ABRUPT changes in DNA could be created by things legally referred to as "acts of God" -- like Cosmic Ray showers and other stressors.

So you are backing off of the "God created everything as it is today" claim that is the core of creationism.

Let's say I don't see faith as a bad thing. EVEN AS a scientist. It makes you humble and less likely to bully others with your authority.. Nobody likes "know - it - alls... :cool-45:

Well,make up your mind. Do you believe God created everything in the form it is today, which is the core of creationism, or not?

I don't know.. But I DO KNOW --- that Darwin did not fully understand "the origin of the species"..

Nobody ever said it was a complete explanation. Creationists claim their theory is complete and unassailable.

Actually, the story in Genesis is pretty damn accurate for an allegorical account of the Creation. If you look at the SEQUENCE of events and not the time scale. For instance the descendence of life from the sea. Or the existence of plants before animals.

Did you folks never go to Sunday School??

Probably a bit more accurate than the Cherokee version that involved a turtle.

Creationists as a whole don't insist on a literal reading of Genesis. They only allow a measure of faith that God had a role in the Creation.

And if I'm forced to buy either the Creation or the The Big Bang without being allowed some measure of "faith" in those beliefs --- I'd be lying.. Even with a life spent in the sciences..
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I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

He has a M.D. What is your degree? And yes....doctors are well trained into research and research methodology.

How much research has he done on pyramids?
Ben Carson isn't a scientist, he isn't even a surgeon. He left a sponge in someone's brain that he operated on. I'd guess today if asked for a show of hands who would want this creepy freak to put a Band-Aid on a cut the number of hands would be limited to the bugwits posting here that support him.

He's finished. His creepiness, lying, and insane 'proclamations' and rhetoric are quickly revealing him for what he is.

An also ran who has been doing his best to hide who he is.

He is doing that on purpose.

He does not want the nomination, he is trying to get his name out as another important Black leader.

Then he will capitalize from a Black social conservative view point--which stands to make a whole lot more money than what Sharpton and Jesse Jackson could do from a liberal viewpoint.

Ben Carson is deliberately trying to kill his momentum, but these damn conservatives are too angry to buy into the "Crazy brain surgeon with no reason to become president" line he is feeding them.

Carson is 'raising hell' among the left and that is reason enough to support him for the time being). Come the primaries, I doubt Carson will have much notice.

Carson will never be a BLACK leader.He wants to be a right wing religious leader who happens to be black. Either way, the presidency is not his goal.

Now THERE -- is an actual indication of the racist levels that folks will stoop to in order to destroy a Prez candidate. Seen it from BOTH sides. Which is why I take a pass on either of the party gangs that run this place right now. :9:
So you are backing off of the "God created everything as it is today" claim that is the core of creationism.

Let's say I don't see faith as a bad thing. EVEN AS a scientist. It makes you humble and less likely to bully others with your authority.. Nobody likes "know - it - alls... :cool-45:

Well,make up your mind. Do you believe God created everything in the form it is today, which is the core of creationism, or not?

I don't know.. But I DO KNOW --- that Darwin did not fully understand "the origin of the species"..

Nobody ever said it was a complete explanation. Creationists claim their theory is complete and unassailable.

Actually, the story in Genesis is pretty damn accurate for an allegorical account of the Creation. If you look at the SEQUENCE of events and not the time scale. Probably a bit more accurate than the Cherokee version that involved a turtle.

Creationists as a whole don't insist on a literal reading of Genesis. They only allow a measure of faith that God had a role in the Creation.

And if I'm forced to buy either the Creation or the The Big Bang without being allowed some measure of "faith" in those beliefs --- I'd be lying..

I guess you haven't been paying attention to what creationists are saying. They claim it is completely literal, and anything less is heretical. I am a Christian myself even though I rail against the religious nuts that use Christianity as an excuse for their personal hatred. God didn't create man to be stupid and ignore the reality of the world around them in favor of dogma.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

He has a M.D. What is your degree? And yes....doctors are well trained into research and research methodology.

Joseph Mengele was a doctor. What's YOUR point?
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

It's as logical as Democrats calling themselves economists
Eventually Ben Carson will have to discover that there's a great mass of moderate America that simply refuses to join the rightwing cult.

Are those the people who support illegal immigration, out of control spending, and the President wiping his ass on the Constitution?

No, those are the people that voted for Obama 60 - 40 and won him the election.

There also the kind of people that made a monkey out of Barry Goldwater and all his rightwing supporters who thought RWnuttery was mainstream in America.
Obama didn't win 60/40, numskull. I was right, they are the crowd that supports illegal immigration, out of control spending, and the President wiping his ass on the Constitution. You only confirmed the fact by failing to list anything "cultish" they believe in.
Let's say I don't see faith as a bad thing. EVEN AS a scientist. It makes you humble and less likely to bully others with your authority.. Nobody likes "know - it - alls... :cool-45:

Well,make up your mind. Do you believe God created everything in the form it is today, which is the core of creationism, or not?

I don't know.. But I DO KNOW --- that Darwin did not fully understand "the origin of the species"..

Nobody ever said it was a complete explanation. Creationists claim their theory is complete and unassailable.

Actually, the story in Genesis is pretty damn accurate for an allegorical account of the Creation. If you look at the SEQUENCE of events and not the time scale. Probably a bit more accurate than the Cherokee version that involved a turtle.

Creationists as a whole don't insist on a literal reading of Genesis. They only allow a measure of faith that God had a role in the Creation.

And if I'm forced to buy either the Creation or the The Big Bang without being allowed some measure of "faith" in those beliefs --- I'd be lying..

I guess you haven't been paying attention to what creationists are saying. They claim it is completely literal, and anything less is heretical. I am a Christian myself even though I rail against the religious nuts that use Christianity as an excuse for their personal hatred. God didn't create man to be stupid and ignore the reality of the world around them in favor of dogma.

Yeah, that's as fucked as Democrats saying government can run our economy better than free enterprise. Jesus, stupid bitches they are
Carson's problem is he doesn't understand that faith and science are an apples and oranges comparison.

Let me explain, Dr. Ben:

Science is the orange.

Faith is the empty bowl that you imagine is holding an apple.

Got it?
Eventually Ben Carson will have to discover that there's a great mass of moderate America that simply refuses to join the rightwing cult.

Are those the people who support illegal immigration, out of control spending, and the President wiping his ass on the Constitution?

No, those are the people that voted for Obama 60 - 40 and won him the election.

There also the kind of people that made a monkey out of Barry Goldwater and all his rightwing supporters who thought RWnuttery was mainstream in America.
Obama didn't win 60/40, numskull. I was right, they are the crowd that supports illegal immigration, out of control spending, and the President wiping his ass on the Constitution. You only confirmed the fact by failing to list anything "cultish" they believe in.

He beat McCain 60 - 40 among Moderates.

Learn to read.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

He has a M.D. What is your degree? And yes....doctors are well trained into research and research methodology.

Joseph Mengele was a doctor. What's YOUR point?

He was also a scientist. He was an evil scientists, that's true, but medicine still uses some of the research he performed on concentration camp victims.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

He has a M.D. What is your degree? And yes....doctors are well trained into research and research methodology.

Joseph Mengele was a doctor. What's YOUR point?

He was also a scientist. He was an evil scientists, that's true, but medicine still uses some of the research he performed on concentration camp victims.

Silver Lining Bribaby comes through.
Eventually Ben Carson will have to discover that there's a great mass of moderate America that simply refuses to join the rightwing cult.

Are those the people who support illegal immigration, out of control spending, and the President wiping his ass on the Constitution?

No, those are the people that voted for Obama 60 - 40 and won him the election.

There also the kind of people that made a monkey out of Barry Goldwater and all his rightwing supporters who thought RWnuttery was mainstream in America.
Obama didn't win 60/40, numskull. I was right, they are the crowd that supports illegal immigration, out of control spending, and the President wiping his ass on the Constitution. You only confirmed the fact by failing to list anything "cultish" they believe in.

He beat McCain 60 - 40 among Moderates.

Learn to read.

"Moderate" is just a libturd euphemism for "liberal." You didn't say "among moderates," so what is there to read?
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

He has a M.D. What is your degree? And yes....doctors are well trained into research and research methodology.

Joseph Mengele was a doctor. What's YOUR point?

He was also a scientist. He was an evil scientists, that's true, but medicine still uses some of the research he performed on concentration camp victims.

Silver Lining Bribaby comes through.
I stated an indisputable fact, moron.
I don't know if you have standing to criticize the Republican choices in their "field". Because YOU don't have a field. You have a PRETEND competition that's been pre-ordained. Since leftists HATE competitions and merit and principles and all that other stuff that parties should be about.. Me thinks you ought to fix your own "field" first...

I would never presume to tell the right who they should pick for their candidate. I was only giving my personal opinion. I'm just enjoying the reality show your hopefuls are putting on. What exactly do you know about any competition I might be or have been involved with? As far as my field, I get about 7 1000-1200 lb bales per acre.
Your giving democrat talking points. Yesterday liberals were outraged over the fake lie politico tried to pull over on Carson. But you have no problem supporting a woman that lies constantly. Can I say hypocrite.

You can say what ever you want, but that don't make it true.Carson admitted he lied.
Link, he said he was invited to an interview to get in to that school. True story, no matter how you twist it. How about when Hillary did lie about sniper fire?

He said he turned down a scholarship. An interview is not the offer of a scholarship.
Ben Carson Campaign Says He Never Had Formal Offer From West Point

You're quibbling about semantics. That's hardly the stuff that scandals are made of.
Al Gore also invented the internet.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."
Every freaking surgeon in the world is a scientist. Why would the racist left question whether a Black surgeon is a scientist?

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