Ben Carson said homosexuality is a choice

Doubt away. Either way you are gay.

What makes you think me calling you gay is an insult?

Of course fucktard - we are in Jr. High and your level of stupidity is fully effective.

Keep making a fool of yourself, imbecile.
I always wondered why your posts were so stupid. Now that I know you are in Jr High that makes sense. I always thought no adult could be that dumb.
I can't believe how someoe with so much education can be such a complete and total idiot when he is outside his area of expertise
You Libs are never out of your area of expertise when talking your knowledge of unnatural sex. You're all as unnatural as Obabble's throwing motion. I wonder what that's a sign of?
You must be talking about Dr. Carson since he's the one who seems to have this knowledge.
So do you guys deny that it can be a choice. If so you are the dolts

I think the issue is that prisoners have no choice

Offer them females and see who they choose

The point is you can choose to be gay. Many people think when their young that if they have a homosexual experience that makes them gay while in reality its just your hormones raging

They are choosing to have sex not choosing to be gay

They have no other options available to them. Once they are released, they go back to heterosexual sex

The point that Dr Carson is missing is that homosexuality is not just sex. It is relationships, attraction and love. can't have a fishing buddy without fugging him?
Where did anyone (but you) say that?
The scientist in the study prove you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about.


What would YOU know about scientists, you drunken feral baboon?

Good god but you are a stupid fuck...
Dont roll on the floor cave monkey. The trees are where you are safe.

Read the paper by the scientist or have someone read it to you.
They have sex with men in prison because there are no women. most of them do not continue this practice when they are around women again, and they do not consider themselves as gay when they are in prison.

Stick your dick in a mans ass, take a dick up your ass - you're gay.

Simple reality.
Wrong. So....if you went to prison and that happened to you (let us assume involuntarily on your part) you would now be gay?
They have sex with men in prison because there are no women. most of them do not continue this practice when they are around women again, and they do not consider themselves as gay when they are in prison.

Stick your dick in a mans ass, take a dick up your ass - you're gay.

Simple reality.
So why did you get mad when I called you gay? You told me thats what you did when in prison and at home.
They have sex with men in prison because there are no women. most of them do not continue this practice when they are around women again, and they do not consider themselves as gay when they are in prison.

Stick your dick in a mans ass, take a dick up your ass - you're gay.

Simple reality.
Not true. except to men like you who are insecure about their masculinity.
They have sex with men in prison because there are no women. most of them do not continue this practice when they are around women again, and they do not consider themselves as gay when they are in prison.

Stick your dick in a mans ass, take a dick up your ass - you're gay.

Simple reality.
Not true. except to men like you who are insecure about their masculinity.
He lost his masculinity in prison. Thats why he is insecure and thinks being gay is an insult.
So why did you get mad when I called you gay? You told me thats what you did when in prison and at home.

Why did you think it would make me mad, you drooling baboon?

Why were you outraged when I laughed at your childishness instead?

Now don't puke on the carpet again, you drunken fool.
I didnt think it would make you mad. I thought since you admitted being gay it would not anger you.

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