Ben Carson said homosexuality is a choice

Yes you did. You sent it to me in a PM hoping I was gay but you got mad when I turned you down.


I suppose the best we can hope for is that you're drunk - either that or you had a stroke and have lost 2/3rds or more of your brain function.
Dont lie. I dont care if you are gay. I'm just not interested since I like women. No need to get insulted.
So much for him being a "man of science".

But he's a Republican so he wouldn't have any way of knowing the difference between consensual gay sex and prison rape.

When you need brain surgery we should make sure your choices come down to either Carson or that really smart guy you love, obama.

Well, I sure as hell don't want Crazy Ben running the country. He's a social moron.
Yet he's ten times better than what we've been dealt the past six years. And that's not an endorsement of Carson.

Are you queer by choice?
Disparagement. That's the MO of an intellectually defeated lefty.
So much for him being a "man of science".

But he's a Republican so he wouldn't have any way of knowing the difference between consensual gay sex and prison rape.

When you need brain surgery we should make sure your choices come down to either Carson or that really smart guy you love, obama.

Well, I sure as hell don't want Crazy Ben running the country. He's a social moron.
Yet he's ten times better than what we've been dealt the past six years. And that's not an endorsement of Carson.

Are you queer by choice?
Yes he is.
Another intellectually defeated lefty. And they commune.
Thanks. ClosedCaption is a pretty impressive poster.

If you're impressed by someone with 2nd grade reasoning skills and a 1st grade vocabulary - as you obviously are.

Do yourself a favor Asslips, come back when you sober up - you're making even a bigger fool of yourself than usual.
Dont be upset because your 1rst grade reasoning skills and preschool vocabulary is not up to par.

Do all of us a favor and come back when you stop huffing computer cleaner. Dont you ever wonder why everyone mocks you?
Being GAY IS A CHOICE! There's no fucking gene that makes you gay!

There may be a natural tendency toward homosexuality, just as there is toward alcoholism and addiction. All three may be manifestations of the same tendency, an inability to forestall the desire for instant gratification. Acting on the urges is absolutely a choice.
I'm sober. No means no.

I doubt you're sober.

Either way, you're just sad.

Open question to the other Communists in this thread; You claim to be so tolerant and supportive of homosexuals, so why is it that you are convinced that calling someone queer is the most damaging insult there is? Note the drooling retard Asslips here, completely convinced that shrieking "faggot" at me is going to injure me. Obviously I just look at him like he's a stupid fuck - which he is - but IF there is nothing wrong with being gay, why do all of you leftists think it is the most grievous insult possible?

Look, I know thinking isn't something you leftists do, still....
Ben Carson Prison inmates prove being gay is absolutely a choice

On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Associationwrites, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

A lot of people go to prison straight, and come out of prison gay? What a fucking moron. :lol:

Why do you cling to the sad myth that gays have no control over their sexuality?
I'm sober. No means no.

I doubt you're sober.

Either way, you're just sad.

Open question to the other Communists in this thread; You claim to be so tolerant and supportive of homosexuals, so why is it that you are convinced that calling someone queer is the most damaging insult there is? Note the drooling retard Asslips here, completely convinced that shrieking "faggot" at me is going to injure me. Obviously I just look at him like he's a stupid fuck - which he is - but IF there is nothing wrong with being gay, why do all of you leftists think it is the most grievous insult possible?

Look, I know thinking isn't something you leftists do, still....
Doubt away. Either way you are gay.

What makes you think me calling you gay is an insult?
Pretty simple. A person in the medical field should know its not a choice. All the evidence points to it being genetic.

Largest study of gay brothers homes in on gay genes - life - 17 November 2014 - New Scientist

No it doesn't, you retard. Everybody in the medical field knows nobody is *born gay*. At least if they've had any education whatever in genetics.
The scientist in the study prove you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Ben Carson Prison inmates prove being gay is absolutely a choice

On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Associationwrites, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

A lot of people go to prison straight, and come out of prison gay? What a fucking moron. :lol:
They have sex with men in prison because there are no women. most of them do not continue this practice when they are around women again, and they do not consider themselves as gay when they are in prison.

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