Ben Carson said homosexuality is a choice

This is another example of the war on obvious.

Everyone jokes about prison homosexual rape.

Would this be the case if they were not in prison?

And you telling me, that a guy accustomed to sex with men for a 10 year sentence might come out deciding he prefers that and doesn't want to go back to women?

You guys are calling Carson stupid, but you are protesting WAY TOO LOUDLY to avoid the obvious.

A lot of these guys didn't go into prison gay. They turned to it, because it's a population of men.

No straight man has ever left prison gay. The idea has never even been discussed until Ben Carson said this. There is no basis in fact. He was talking out of his ass.

How do you know???????

I doubt very seriously there has ever been documented "studies" to confirm that.

You just don't like he brought it up.
What Carson said it true. You libs only hate him because he is a black conservative. You libs are RACISTS and BIGOTS. You also hate MIa Love don't you, you racist bastards.
Ben Carson Prison inmates prove being gay is absolutely a choice

On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Associationwrites, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

A lot of people go to prison straight, and come out of prison gay? What a fucking moron. :lol:

Ben Carson is a political neophyte. Its like watching a little boy trying on his daddy's shoes. He's simply out of his depth. He's a fine neurosurgeon and has had an accomplished life in medicine.

But this ain't medicine.

and obama was------------------------------a political neophyte. Whats your point?

Are you saying that all neophyte black men make bad presidents? You racist!
So do you guys deny that it can be a choice. If so you are the dolts

I think the issue is that prisoners have no choice

Offer them females and see who they choose

The point is you can choose to be gay. Many people think when their young that if they have a homosexual experience that makes them gay while in reality its just your hormones raging

What difference does that make? Were you born with your religious beliefs or did you choose your religion?

People go to prison without any religious beliefs...then are they not have constitutional protections?

Whether one is born gay or chooses to be gay is irrelevant. Doc Carson is clueless as to what constitutes a protection.
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This is another example of the war on obvious.

Everyone jokes about prison homosexual rape.

Would this be the case if they were not in prison?

And you telling me, that a guy accustomed to sex with men for a 10 year sentence might come out deciding he prefers that and doesn't want to go back to women?

You guys are calling Carson stupid, but you are protesting WAY TOO LOUDLY to avoid the obvious.

A lot of these guys didn't go into prison gay. They turned to it, because it's a population of men.

No straight man has ever left prison gay. The idea has never even been discussed until Ben Carson said this. There is no basis in fact. He was talking out of his ass.

How do you know???????

I doubt very seriously there has ever been documented "studies" to confirm that.

You just don't like he brought it up.

I know many people who have been to prison. I have toured prisons, and talked to the inmates. Rape in general isn't as prevalent as it is in the movies. Gay people go in and choose to "provide". Straight people won't even remove their underwear or shoes in the shower.

When they are raped it's the same as any rape. It's about dominance.

In fact, I work with a few convicts. None of them are gay. I'm the only one with no criminal record, and I'm bi-sexual.
This is another example of the war on obvious.

Everyone jokes about prison homosexual rape.

Would this be the case if they were not in prison?

And you telling me, that a guy accustomed to sex with men for a 10 year sentence might come out deciding he prefers that and doesn't want to go back to women?

You guys are calling Carson stupid, but you are protesting WAY TOO LOUDLY to avoid the obvious.

A lot of these guys didn't go into prison gay. They turned to it, because it's a population of men.

Provide me with facts proving that he is right, or admit that he is talking out of his ass.
What Carson said it true. You libs only hate him because he is a black conservative. You libs are RACISTS and BIGOTS. You also hate MIa Love don't you, you racist bastards.

I can disagree with his asinine comments and have no hatred for him. Why should I hate someone so brilliant yet so clueless.

If I had a cracked brain...I would Doc Carson in there doing his magic. I would never want Doc Carson leading this nation. My brain is expendable...this Nation is not.
This is another example of the war on obvious.

Everyone jokes about prison homosexual rape.

Would this be the case if they were not in prison?

And you telling me, that a guy accustomed to sex with men for a 10 year sentence might come out deciding he prefers that and doesn't want to go back to women?

You guys are calling Carson stupid, but you are protesting WAY TOO LOUDLY to avoid the obvious.

A lot of these guys didn't go into prison gay. They turned to it, because it's a population of men.

Provide me with facts proving that he is right, or admit that he is talking out of his ass.

Oh, nice try but you are making the assertion that he's talking about his butt. YOU PROVIDE THE FACTS.

I don't have to make your arguments for you.

I'm saying you have no concrete evidence to say Carson is wrong. You are just asserting he's wrong, because the point he's made challenges what you assume to be true.

But ASSUMING something is true, doesn't make it true.

I don't think you have any basis to call him full of it.
This is another example of the war on obvious.

Everyone jokes about prison homosexual rape.

Would this be the case if they were not in prison?

And you telling me, that a guy accustomed to sex with men for a 10 year sentence might come out deciding he prefers that and doesn't want to go back to women?

You guys are calling Carson stupid, but you are protesting WAY TOO LOUDLY to avoid the obvious.

A lot of these guys didn't go into prison gay. They turned to it, because it's a population of men.

Provide me with facts proving that he is right, or admit that he is talking out of his ass.

Oh, nice try but you are making the assertion that he's talking about his butt. YOU PROVIDE THE FACTS.

I don't have to make your arguments for you.

I'm saying you have no concrete evidence to say Carson is wrong. You are just asserting he's wrong, because the point he's made challenges what you assume to be true.

But ASSUMING something is true, doesn't make it true.

I don't think you have any basis to call him full of it.

It is up to him or his supporters to provide facts.You can't just make a blanket statement about any group, and insist that that group is the ones who have to provide facts. He provided nothing but his opinion.

Tell me this, TPS. His expertise in prison homosexuality comes from...?
22% of the country's population is incarcerated. About 3% of the country's population is gay. And that's including those who have never been to prison. What Carson said was stupid.
I can't believe how someoe with so much education can be such a complete and total idiot when he is outside his area of expertise
You Libs are never out of your area of expertise when talking your knowledge of unnatural sex. You're all as unnatural as Obabble's throwing motion. I wonder what that's a sign of?
So do you guys deny that it can be a choice. If so you are the dolts

I think the issue is that prisoners have no choice

Offer them females and see who they choose

The point is you can choose to be gay. Many people think when their young that if they have a homosexual experience that makes them gay while in reality its just your hormones raging

They are choosing to have sex not choosing to be gay

They have no other options available to them. Once they are released, they go back to heterosexual sex

The point that Dr Carson is missing is that homosexuality is not just sex. It is relationships, attraction and love.
It might help the homo cause if their trusty science could prove they are born gay.

Bigots don't care why homosexuals are homosexuals- 'choice' is just a term they use to justify their hate.

As Taylor Swift says:

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Ben Carson Prison inmates prove being gay is absolutely a choice

On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Associationwrites, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

A lot of people go to prison straight, and come out of prison gay? What a fucking moron. :lol:
I was wondering if he has studies to back his claims? If we keep letting men and women get raped by the same sex in jail, besides long times without sex, people tend to screw whatever is around. Some, may just might take to it for its' ease of getting some? lol just wondering. Let's ask the experts, less you guys already been there and done that. Don't worry it doesn't make you a pal person. lol.
So do you guys deny that it can be a choice. If so you are the dolts

I think the issue is that prisoners have no choice

Offer them females and see who they choose

The point is you can choose to be gay. Many people think when their young that if they have a homosexual experience that makes them gay while in reality its just your hormones raging

They are choosing to have sex not choosing to be gay

They have no other options available to them. Once they are released, they go back to heterosexual sex

The point that Dr Carson is missing is that homosexuality is not just sex. It is relationships, attraction and love. can't have a fishing buddy without fugging him?
Ben Carson Prison inmates prove being gay is absolutely a choice

On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Associationwrites, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

A lot of people go to prison straight, and come out of prison gay? What a fucking moron. :lol:
You can laugh all you want but if you think all gay sex is committed by gay people you're just plain wrong. I know of two individuals that have seen the light and turned their life away from the dark. Not all gay people can change to a straight lifestyle but many many do everyday.
What I don't understand about Dr Carson is his bizarre logic

Just because prisoners choose to have homosexual sex in the absence of any other option
That proves that homosexuals also choose to be homosexual even though they have the choice of partners of either sex

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