Ben Carson

the all-black Conservative would have made a much better choice for president than the idiot we have now

We will never know will we?

Republicans would never vote for a black. Look at the panic they went into when Cain started doing well in the polls

Republicans put the first Black man in charge of all the military; and had the first Black Secretary of State

you dont know what you're talking about; as usual

That was a pretty unique quality of George W. Bush.

One of the most Colorblind Presidents in US history.

And a very admirable attribute.
I think that if a republican becomes president by the 2016 election, then Ben Carson will be on the short list for SG.
According to whom? Just who or what made you the authority on women?

I am trusting the polling responses women give.

Why - do you want to unskew those polls?

Making the assumption that you know what all women think based on polls with a set number of random respondents is rather arrogant and presumptuous.

so you are saying they are skewed.

I never said I know what ALL support.
I said I know why they don't support the GOP in greater numbers.
The polls certainly seem to support that.

Or are you arguing that I'm wrong and that the 20 point gender gap did NOT exist in the 2012 election?
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.

simply comical; from an idiot that is more than likely still making excuses for the half-black failure in the White House now.

obama has the "social skills and intelligence" you say? then why is record welfare and food stamps his legacy?
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

Hmm. How would he handle the present situation with Putin?

More importantly, how would he have handled the situation six months ago, when Ukraine was starting to have internal fighting and Putin hadn't jumped in yet?
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.
Ironic, coming from someone so lacking in those very social skills.

And when I think "unintelligent", the next word that pops into my head is "neurosurgeon".:lol:
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.

If he lacks any intelligence, how on earth did be become a neurosurgeon then?
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.

If he lacks any intelligence, how on earth did be become a neurosurgeon then?

That wasn't his point
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.

simply comical; from an idiot that is more than likely still making excuses for the half-black failure in the White House now.

obama has the "social skills and intelligence" you say? then why is record welfare and food stamps his legacy?

Yeah..actually he does.

Barrack Obama is extremely personable.

And the other crap in your post is just that. The same amount of people went on Welfare and Food Stamps during the Bush administration as did the Obama administration.

And that WITH all the government spending Bush did..
Yeah yeah..someone is going to ask for a link..

But Gingrich goes too far to say Obama has put more on the rolls than other presidents. We asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition service for month-by-month figures going back to January 2001. And they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.

And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama’s time in office than during Bush’s.

It’s possible that when the figures for January 2012 are available they will show that the gain under Obama has matched or exceeded the gain under Bush. But not if the short-term trend continues. The number getting food stamps declined by 43,528 in October. And the economy has improved since then.
Newt?s Faulty Food-Stamp Claim

Won't matter however.

Conservatives never met a lie they don't repeat forever and ever.
Yeah yeah..someone is going to ask for a link..

But Gingrich goes too far to say Obama has put more on the rolls than other presidents. We asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition service for month-by-month figures going back to January 2001. And they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.

And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama’s time in office than during Bush’s.

It’s possible that when the figures for January 2012 are available they will show that the gain under Obama has matched or exceeded the gain under Bush. But not if the short-term trend continues. The number getting food stamps declined by 43,528 in October. And the economy has improved since then.
Newt?s Faulty Food-Stamp Claim

Won't matter however.

Conservatives never met a lie they don't repeat forever and ever.

Sure, just as liberals did with "If you like it, you can keep it." Might as well just admit it, they're all liars.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.
Ironic, coming from someone so lacking in those very social skills.

And when I think "unintelligent", the next word that pops into my head is "neurosurgeon".:lol:

You miss that part?

Like I posted in this thread..he comes off as a sociopath reciting right wing talking points.

Additionally doctors make poor politicians, just as I imagine politicians would make poor doctors.

Like if I need brain surgery? Carson's my guy.

President? Not so much.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

lol...aren't this loser's 15 minutes up yet?

Carson may be a brilliant surgeon but he lacks the social skills and intelligence to be anything more than one more black face in the sea of whities that makes up the Republican Party.


Now, if you said...."aren't HIS 15 minutes of fame up yet"..

Then I would say you are posting something worthwhile.

But instead, you referred to him as a "LOSER"....

And in no way has the man come across as a loser. Perhaps not presidential material, I agree....but to call him a loser?

Well, only a loser would call him a loser.
Maybe we need to look outside the click of "national-level politicians."
I would argue that it hasn't been working out so well for us as of late.

I don't think Carson is the guy, but maybe there is one out there.

I think Carson is a great story, but what if he happens to have one of those legendary temper tantrums at the wrong time?
Maybe we need to look outside the click of "national-level politicians."
I would argue that it hasn't been working out so well for us as of late.

I don't think Carson is the guy, but maybe there is one out there.

I think Carson is a great story, but what if he happens to have one of those legendary temper tantrums at the wrong time?

I could understand maybe going with a non-politician business type if we had an outstanding candidate. But a President doesn't have the absolute power that a corporate executive has. Like it or not, politics does come into play and a "my way or the highway" personality will not succeed
How dare an African American man turn Uncle Tom and have a different opinion than what the Democrats tell him how he must act?
Outrageous that 100% of African Americans do not act, think, believe the same things and vote Democrat.
Negros should know their place.

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