Ben Carson

How many blacks have republicans elected to high office in the last 100 years?

If you answer more than six you are lying

seeing as the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State are appointments; your question is a straw man

so typical of the stupidity you put up here everyday

anybody can see the garbage you post is just a mind-phuck you do on yourself

Again, appointing blacks to high office is easy for Republicans. They just know their base would never elect them

makes no sense at all; you're a joke, seriously. and should i remind you about the patronizing comments toward obama made by Reid; obama was acceptable becaue he "talked right"

idiots and hypocrites
Reid apologizes for racial remarks about Obama during campaign ...*


Jan 9, 2010 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid apologized Saturday for making racially ... The authors quote Reid as saying privately that Obama, as a black candidate, could ... and speaking patterns "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one. .... He has broken history alright he has broken more campaign ...
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??
You are welcome to run him. He will lose as well.

you may be right, he is a good honest, caring, decent human being, with more brains in the dirt under his finger nails than the entire liberscum/demoncRATS political herd plus you and every liberfool on USMB !! :up:
Reid apologizes for racial remarks about Obama during campaign ...*


Jan 9, 2010 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid apologized Saturday for making racially ... The authors quote Reid as saying privately that Obama, as a black candidate, could ... and speaking patterns "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one. .... He has broken history alright he has broken more campaign ...

Democrats turned out in record numbers to elect Obama

Republicans haven't elected a representative higher than Congressman in 50 years. The base just won't turn out for a black candidate.

They are perfectly willing to use a man like Ben Carson to trot out and spout their rhetoric. But they know better than to actually run him. Look what Republicans did to Herman Cain when people started to take him seriously....wasn't pretty was it?
Reid apologizes for racial remarks about Obama during campaign ...*


Jan 9, 2010 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid apologized Saturday for making racially ... The authors quote Reid as saying privately that Obama, as a black candidate, could ... and speaking patterns "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one. .... He has broken history alright he has broken more campaign ...

Democrats turned out in record numbers to elect Obama

Republicans haven't elected a representative higher than Congressman in 50 years. The base just won't turn out for a black candidate.

They are perfectly willing to use a man like Ben Carson to trot out and spout their rhetoric. But they know better than to actually run him. Look what Republicans did to Herman Cain when people started to take him seriously....wasn't pretty was it?

yawn; OF COURSE THEY TURNED OUT leftard; you losers still arent self-aware of your own hypocritical bigotry
What disappoints me most is the lack of respect for voters some in the GOP have.
They think cosmetics are enough.

They have a problem with women voters - they put Sarah Palin on the ticket thinking the fact that she is a woman is all they need to do to get women's votes.

Bill O'Reilly commented on the problems the GOP has with Latino voters and he said, "Put Marco Rubio on the ticket. There you go, problem solved."

Now they think that simply promoting a black man will solve their problems with black voters.

The GOP desperately needs to ENGAGE the communities that overwhelming reject their platform. They need to LISTEN to people - not preach AT people.

All the lipstick in the world isn't going to turn that pig into a puppy.

This is coming from someone who desperately WANTS to vote for GOP candidates.
What disappoints me most is the lack of respect for voters some in the GOP have.
They think cosmetics are enough.

They have a problem with women voters - they put Sarah Palin on the ticket thinking the fact that she is a woman is all they need to do to get women's votes.

Bill O'Reilly commented on the problems the GOP has with Latino voters and he said, "Put Marco Rubio on the ticket. There you go, problem solved."

Now they think that simply promoting a black man will solve their problems with black voters.

The GOP desperately needs to ENGAGE the communities that overwhelming reject their platform. They need to LISTEN to people - not preach AT people.

All the lipstick in the world isn't going to turn that pig into a puppy.

This is coming from someone who desperately WANTS to vote for GOP candidates.

your post is idiotic garbage. why shouldnt Palin be a role model for female voters? what you call cosmetics others call substance. hillary clinton and her empty resume; she actually hasnt accomplished anything in her lofty position; is more of an example of cosmetics than Sarah Palin is.

you voted for obama simply because he was black and to the far left; no other reason; he certainly nver brought "change" to ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, EVER. so you have no business lecturing others on wanting to recurit Rubio

you think you can make obama a success by demonizing his critics; but you're the one trying to put lipstick on a pic

ur a joke
What disappoints me most is the lack of respect for voters some in the GOP have.
They think cosmetics are enough.

They have a problem with women voters - they put Sarah Palin on the ticket thinking the fact that she is a woman is all they need to do to get women's votes.

Bill O'Reilly commented on the problems the GOP has with Latino voters and he said, "Put Marco Rubio on the ticket. There you go, problem solved."

Now they think that simply promoting a black man will solve their problems with black voters.

The GOP desperately needs to ENGAGE the communities that overwhelming reject their platform. They need to LISTEN to people - not preach AT people.

All the lipstick in the world isn't going to turn that pig into a puppy.

This is coming from someone who desperately WANTS to vote for GOP candidates.

Well highlights the superficial, bumper sticker mentality of Conservative America. Republicans think they can win over black voters with "Did you know Lincoln was a Republican?" and by trotting out blacks to spout the company line. "Look everyone, we have blacks too"

Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots. Be a place minorities can go to if they have a problem or need a job.

Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it
What disappoints me most is the lack of respect for voters some in the GOP have.
They think cosmetics are enough.

They have a problem with women voters - they put Sarah Palin on the ticket thinking the fact that she is a woman is all they need to do to get women's votes.

Bill O'Reilly commented on the problems the GOP has with Latino voters and he said, "Put Marco Rubio on the ticket. There you go, problem solved."

Now they think that simply promoting a black man will solve their problems with black voters.

The GOP desperately needs to ENGAGE the communities that overwhelming reject their platform. They need to LISTEN to people - not preach AT people.

All the lipstick in the world isn't going to turn that pig into a puppy.

This is coming from someone who desperately WANTS to vote for GOP candidates.

If you truly want to vote GOP...and I believe you not allow the spin to take hold of your thinking.

It is unreasonable to think that ANY party does not look at the image of a to say that the GOP is wrong for doing it, is taking sides...for you forgive the democrats for doing it.

No one put Ben Carson on a ticket. No one is saying he is the one. He is a potential candidate from out of the blue and therefore many are talking about it.

Bill O'reilly had more to his suggestion. He believes Rubio would be good for the Latino vote because it shows the Latinos that the GOP is not just a bunch of rich white old men. It would showcase a Latino man who has achieved success following a conservative ideology.

As for your take on Palin. One of the concerns of the GOP back in 2008 was the "in the middle" image of McCain as it pertains to attracting the conservative vote. So they went with an ultra conservative woman. They did not just look for a woman. The sought out a true conservative woman who achieved success following a conservative ideology.

And finally......President Obama. As it pertained to the 2008 primary field, Obama was the least experienced of them all. It is foolish to think that if he were white, that he would have beaten out Hillary. And no, I am not referring to the black vote. Many of them may have voted for a white Obama. I am referring to the history vote. Many democrats pushed for him for they knew it would be history making; and the image of a black man in the White House would be something great.

So what it comes down to is both parties apply a variety of reasons in determining candidates.

Don't frown on one side for doing it...unless you equally frown on the other side.
why shouldnt Palin be a role model for female voters?

Because she holds positions that most women reject

you have no business lecturing others on wanting to recurit Rubio

What I was criticizing is what Bill O'Reilly said about recruiting Rubio and I believe it reflects the opinion of way too many in the GOP - O'Reilly believes that Rubio is more important than platform or policy when it comes to solving their problem with Latino voters.

See the pattern?

Policy and platform taking a backseat to cosmetics.
It's obviously enough for SOME people - but I find it insulting. To cynically assume that voters will be too stupid to see past the dog and pony show and vote based on policy and platform.

Apparently it works all to often.
Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots.... Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it


Preaching at people ... pointing the bony finger in their face ... name-calling and insults is NOT the way to engage ANY community!
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

Is he a conspiracy nut that can talk about his hunt for bigfoot with utter conviction? Does he have a horribly embarrassing grasp of geopolitics? Does he spit on the working poor with vicious but clever one-liners? If so he's your man.
Why would he run as a Democrat?
What disappoints me most is the lack of respect for voters some in the GOP have.
They think cosmetics are enough.

They have a problem with women voters - they put Sarah Palin on the ticket thinking the fact that she is a woman is all they need to do to get women's votes.

Bill O'Reilly commented on the problems the GOP has with Latino voters and he said, "Put Marco Rubio on the ticket. There you go, problem solved."

Now they think that simply promoting a black man will solve their problems with black voters.

The GOP desperately needs to ENGAGE the communities that overwhelming reject their platform. They need to LISTEN to people - not preach AT people.

All the lipstick in the world isn't going to turn that pig into a puppy.

This is coming from someone who desperately WANTS to vote for GOP candidates.

Well highlights the superficial, bumper sticker mentality of Conservative America. Republicans think they can win over black voters with "Did you know Lincoln was a Republican?" and by trotting out blacks to spout the company line. "Look everyone, we have blacks too"
Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots. Be a place minorities can go to if they have a problem or need a job.

Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it

really? And if they told the blacks to "stay out of the way" you would say "they don't even let the blacks speak at their conventions"

So with your thinking, they cant do anything right as it pertains to black conservatives.

"Trotting out blacks".; know...that has to be one of the most racial things I have seen on this board.

And, as usual, it is from a liberal PUTTING WORDS IN THE MOUTHS OF CONSERVATIVES.
Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots.... Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it


Preaching at people ... pointing the bony finger in their face ... name-calling and insults is NOT the way to engage ANY community!

And they don't get involved in minority neighborhoods? GOP politicians here in NY do.
What GOP candidates do you know of that call them freeloaders?

Why are you regurgitating the spin? Not sounding like someone who even WANTS to know what a GOP candidate is all about.
He believes Rubio would be good for the Latino vote because it shows the Latinos that the GOP is not just a bunch of rich white old men.

WHY would that prove ANYTHING when the GOP platform is "self deport"?????????

The "show" trumps the "platform"???

THAT is my issue with some Republicans - not all - I believe there are truly some Republicans who want the GOP to engage and work with EVERYONE to pursue a more conservative vision.

I think a lot of Republicans call them RINOs whenever they think they are not being confrontational enough.
He believes Rubio would be good for the Latino vote because it shows the Latinos that the GOP is not just a bunch of rich white old men.

WHY would that prove ANYTHING when the GOP platform is "self deport"?????????

The "show" trumps the "platform"???

THAT is my issue with some Republicans - not all - I believe there are truly some Republicans who want the GOP to engage and work with EVERYONE to pursue a more conservative vision.

I think a lot of Republicans call them RINOs whenever they think they are not being confrontational enough.

what the hell is wrong with the notion of self-deportation anyway?

and republicans ARENT being confrontational enough. just the false charges of racism from losers who cant back up their slurs should provoke a stronger response
What disappoints me most is the lack of respect for voters some in the GOP have.
They think cosmetics are enough.

They have a problem with women voters - they put Sarah Palin on the ticket thinking the fact that she is a woman is all they need to do to get women's votes.

Bill O'Reilly commented on the problems the GOP has with Latino voters and he said, "Put Marco Rubio on the ticket. There you go, problem solved."

Now they think that simply promoting a black man will solve their problems with black voters.

The GOP desperately needs to ENGAGE the communities that overwhelming reject their platform. They need to LISTEN to people - not preach AT people.

All the lipstick in the world isn't going to turn that pig into a puppy.

This is coming from someone who desperately WANTS to vote for GOP candidates.

Well highlights the superficial, bumper sticker mentality of Conservative America. Republicans think they can win over black voters with "Did you know Lincoln was a Republican?" and by trotting out blacks to spout the company line. "Look everyone, we have blacks too"
Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots. Be a place minorities can go to if they have a problem or need a job.

Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it

really? And if they told the blacks to "stay out of the way" you would say "they don't even let the blacks speak at their conventions"

So with your thinking, they cant do anything right as it pertains to black conservatives.

"Trotting out blacks".; know...that has to be one of the most racial things I have seen on this board.

And, as usual, it is from a liberal PUTTING WORDS IN THE MOUTHS OF CONSERVATIVES.

Did you see the 2012 GOP convention where they canvassed the floor to try to find blacks and hispanics they could move to the front?
Republicans need to move away from reminding people they supported Civil Rights and freed the slaves. At some point, what have you done for me lately comes into play
Are Republicans openly engaging in tokenism? It is hard to prove but their minority members need to do more than preach to white conservatives. Hey, that black guy thinks just like me. They need to engage the minority communities and convince them that they will do better under Republican leadership.
If they can't do that, they might as well be tokens

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