Ben Carson

I'm finding more and more, Medical Doctors make poor politicians.

Ron and Rand Paul were Medical Doctors

No, wait.........guess that proves your point

But the Pauls are poor politicians because they are libertarians not because they were doctors
Wait and see if the guy gets hot. Like when Herman Cain started getting popular. Then they'll try to ruin him.

they didnt ruin Cain because he is black. They ruined him because he is a moron.

That can't be true. Obama is a far bigger moron than Cain and they did not ruin him.

Maybe because Obama has done a great job ruining himself.

Herman Cain was quoting Pokemon during his campaign. He was making fun of the names of Foreign Countries and leaders.

It was never a serious run. It was a book tour.
I'm finding more and more, Medical Doctors make poor politicians.

Ron and Rand Paul were Medical Doctors

No, wait.........guess that proves your point

But the Pauls are poor politicians because they are libertarians not because they were doctors

Both come off as cold, uncaring and self interested.

That might be good enough for their districts, but they will never have any real appeal beyond them.
they didnt ruin Cain because he is black. They ruined him because he is a moron.

That can't be true. Obama is a far bigger moron than Cain and they did not ruin him.

Maybe because Obama has done a great job ruining himself.

Herman Cain was quoting Pokemon during his campaign. He was making fun of the names of Foreign Countries and leaders.

It was never a serious run. It was a book tour.

This is what I find laughable about Republicans and their fixation with plucking someone out of the business world and making them President

Their candidates so far? Herman Cain and Donald Trump
Now they say...Brain Surgeons are smart, that will make a good President

Do they really expect to be taken seriously?
I'm finding more and more, Medical Doctors make poor politicians.

Ron and Rand Paul were Medical Doctors

No, wait.........guess that proves your point

But the Pauls are poor politicians because they are libertarians not because they were doctors

Both come off as cold, uncaring and self interested.

That might be good enough for their districts, but they will never have any real appeal beyond them.

Cold, uncaring and self interested

By definition, a Libertarian
Ron and Rand Paul were Medical Doctors

No, wait.........guess that proves your point

But the Pauls are poor politicians because they are libertarians not because they were doctors

Both come off as cold, uncaring and self interested.

That might be good enough for their districts, but they will never have any real appeal beyond them.

Cold, uncaring and self interested

By definition, a Libertarian
Yep. Just more of Ayn Rand's selfish and immature children.
So RW'gr - what do you want as qualifications for President?
You want them to be former senators/house members???
You want them to be recruited from this ocean of corruption and self interested pond scum?

Vice President is pretty good. We have elected quite a few Governors who have done a good job. Senator is acceptable but Congressman comes up a little short in my book

Other than that, we have had a few Generals who we elected President. Washington and Ike did pretty good...some of the others? Not so much

I find the idea that someone ran a business, so that means they can run the country to be laughable. Surgeon? Beyond laughable

So then what is the qualifications for VP?
Senator or congress?
We are in a sad state affair if all that can be President is a former lying, self serving politician.
A brilliant plan. The GOP saw how well it worked out for America when the Democrats hired an inexperienced black man for President, they figured they would try to play catch-up!
I strongly suspect that Carson would surround himself with the best and brightest people available, rather than stacking his administration with party hacks, cronies and faculty lounge ideologues.

It also helps that he is not hostile to the 80% of the rest of the nation, who aren't blind progressive ideologues, let alone openly so.

Those are a couple of differences that can bee recognized without too much effort.

Well...he toed the party line when asked how he would fix health care with the ridiculous idea of a health care savings account. Like people who are struggling to feed themselves can save money for health care.
MSAs are only one part of the equation. Another piece would be full deductability for everyone or none for anyone, not one set of riles for employers and another for people buying insurance on their own. There are numerous ways of positively changing the system that don't involve government aggression and force.

The "people struggling to feed themselves" meme is just plain stale.
A brilliant plan. The GOP saw how well it worked out for America when the Democrats hired an inexperienced black man for President, they figured they would try to play catch-up!
I strongly suspect that Carson would surround himself with the best and brightest people available, rather than stacking his administration with party hacks, cronies and faculty lounge ideologues.

It also helps that he is not hostile to the 80% of the rest of the nation, who aren't blind progressive ideologues, let alone openly so.

Those are a couple of differences that can bee recognized without too much effort.

And flying monkeys will stream out of my ass

Carson will run as a Republican with TeaTard backing. He will have conservative financial backing and be making promises based on winning primaries

That is the problem with Republicans, They think just because he is a political neophyte that the political rules do not apply to him
What comes streaming out of your ass is your problem.

Problem with progressive super hacks like you is that a truly intellectual, articulate and principled black gentleman, who has the wherewithal to not be a democrat, scares the living hell out of you.
So RW'gr - what do you want as qualifications for President?
You want them to be former senators/house members???
You want them to be recruited from this ocean of corruption and self interested pond scum?

Vice President is pretty good. We have elected quite a few Governors who have done a good job. Senator is acceptable but Congressman comes up a little short in my book

Other than that, we have had a few Generals who we elected President. Washington and Ike did pretty good...some of the others? Not so much

I find the idea that someone ran a business, so that means they can run the country to be laughable. Surgeon? Beyond laughable

So then what is the qualifications for VP?
Senator or congress?
We are in a sad state affair if all that can be President is a former lying, self serving politician.
VP can be a half term governor from a small state

As crooked as politicians are, corporate executives are worse
I strongly suspect that Carson would surround himself with the best and brightest people available, rather than stacking his administration with party hacks, cronies and faculty lounge ideologues.

It also helps that he is not hostile to the 80% of the rest of the nation, who aren't blind progressive ideologues, let alone openly so.

Those are a couple of differences that can bee recognized without too much effort.

And flying monkeys will stream out of my ass

Carson will run as a Republican with TeaTard backing. He will have conservative financial backing and be making promises based on winning primaries

That is the problem with Republicans, They think just because he is a political neophyte that the political rules do not apply to him
What comes streaming out of your ass is your problem.

Problem with progressive super hacks like you is that a truly intellectual, articulate and principled black gentleman, who has the wherewithal to not be a democrat, scares the living hell out of you.

I like Carson.....he is so articulate

But not remotely Presidential material
And flying monkeys will stream out of my ass

Carson will run as a Republican with TeaTard backing. He will have conservative financial backing and be making promises based on winning primaries

That is the problem with Republicans, They think just because he is a political neophyte that the political rules do not apply to him
What comes streaming out of your ass is your problem.

Problem with progressive super hacks like you is that a truly intellectual, articulate and principled black gentleman, who has the wherewithal to not be a democrat, scares the living hell out of you.

I like Carson.....he is so articulate

But not remotely Presidential material

Right, he wasn't a community agitator and won't use government agencies to harass and disenfranchise Americans that disagree with him.........
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??
You are welcome to run him. He will lose as well.

What you ignorant fellows and females fail to understand is this:

What Ben Carson, has NO ONE currently in power can ever learn.

Carson is brilliant, compassionate, hard working, endured racism and succeeded and he is the best at his profession and has learned and gained wisdom through many years spent in the field of saving lives.

But most of all he LOVES America!

No one on the Democrat menu has all that.

And they can't learn it.

Ben Carson can learn everything Obama knows except how to be a manipulating, lying user, loser, third world Communist would be dictator.

Ben Carson has everything Hillary has except what it takes to abide a lying, adulterous spouse, a mastery of Alinsky tactics and a reluctance to stand up for our troops when in mortal peril.
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What comes streaming out of your ass is your problem.

Problem with progressive super hacks like you is that a truly intellectual, articulate and principled black gentleman, who has the wherewithal to not be a democrat, scares the living hell out of you.

I like Carson.....he is so articulate

But not remotely Presidential material

Right, he wasn't a community agitator and won't use government agencies to harass and disenfranchise Americans that disagree with him.........
Great President and Nobel Prize winner

Carson.....not so much
And flying monkeys will stream out of my ass

Carson will run as a Republican with TeaTard backing. He will have conservative financial backing and be making promises based on winning primaries

That is the problem with Republicans, They think just because he is a political neophyte that the political rules do not apply to him
What comes streaming out of your ass is your problem.

Problem with progressive super hacks like you is that a truly intellectual, articulate and principled black gentleman, who has the wherewithal to not be a democrat, scares the living hell out of you.

I like Carson.....he is so articulate

But not remotely Presidential material
Far more so than your incompetent socialist ideologue Dear Leader.
Vice President is pretty good. We have elected quite a few Governors who have done a good job. Senator is acceptable but Congressman comes up a little short in my book

Other than that, we have had a few Generals who we elected President. Washington and Ike did pretty good...some of the others? Not so much

I find the idea that someone ran a business, so that means they can run the country to be laughable. Surgeon? Beyond laughable

So then what is the qualifications for VP?
Senator or congress?
We are in a sad state affair if all that can be President is a former lying, self serving politician.
VP can be a half term governor from a small state

As crooked as politicians are, corporate executives are worse

Where is it better, in that regard, than here?

Seriously, not propaganda.
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Vice President is pretty good. We have elected quite a few Governors who have done a good job. Senator is acceptable but Congressman comes up a little short in my book

Other than that, we have had a few Generals who we elected President. Washington and Ike did pretty good...some of the others? Not so much

I find the idea that someone ran a business, so that means they can run the country to be laughable. Surgeon? Beyond laughable

So then what is the qualifications for VP?
Senator or congress?
We are in a sad state affair if all that can be President is a former lying, self serving politician.
VP can be a half term governor from a small state

As crooked as politicians are, corporate executives are worse
The half governor just called for a nuclear solution.

Palin Urges Tougher Approach Towards Putin
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke," says former Republican vice presidential candidate.

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