Ben Carson

ben carson is an inspirational man. But i see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as president

but community organizer does.

You're an idiot.

i would find the experience of a community organizer more credible than that of a surgeon. Community organizers need to get out and meet the people, listen to their problems, organize a constituency. It is the backbone of politics

surgeons make alot of money

Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President

well we now have confirmation being a comuity organizer doesn't qualify you for president

Let's see. Bush, governor of Texas, after two terms, left the nation with two undeclared wars going on, the mastermind of the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil still unpunished after 7 years. And left us with the worst economic disaster since the First Great Republican Depression.

Now this community organizer, after only five years, has the markets at all time highs, unemployment is coming down. Too slowly, but still in the right direction. The wars have been wound down, and we are bringing our sons and daughters home from that sorry region. All this in spite of the GOP's efforts to destroy anything constructive for the citizens of this nation.


What a crock! The wars were bipartisan and brought on by the incompetence of Slick Willie! The economy was on a down stroke when Bush took office, and the wars caused by Clinton made it worse. Bush made mistakes, but not as many as Barry! You should apologize for sucking up to the lies of The Kenyan!:eek:
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

A brilliant plan. The GOP saw how well it worked out for America when the Democrats hired an inexperienced black man for President, they figured they would try to play catch-up!
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Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President

When people asked what it was that Senator Obama brought to the table, all of you said he was "extremely intelligent"...

How many brain surgeons are not extremely intelligent?

That being said, Ben Carson does not bring the necessary experience to the table to run a country.

Neither did Obama.

We should not make the same mistake twice.


And nothing more really needs to be said on this topic. That summed it up quite well.
Continuing as a top rated physician does far more than holding a seat in a legislative body. Dr. Carson is a shining example of what can happen when one gets off their duff and WORKS to improve themselves - a totally conservative approach.

I sincerely hope he doesn't run for office. :eusa_clap:
Continuing as a top rated physician does far more than holding a seat in a legislative body. Dr. Carson is a shining example of what can happen when one gets off their duff and WORKS to improve themselves - a totally conservative approach.

I sincerely hope he doesn't run for office. :eusa_clap:

I totally agree.

How about "Special Advisor To The President" or "Surgeon General?"

VP outside possibility?
Continuing as a top rated physician does far more than holding a seat in a legislative body. Dr. Carson is a shining example of what can happen when one gets off their duff and WORKS to improve themselves - a totally conservative approach.

I sincerely hope he doesn't run for office. :eusa_clap:


13-months have passed since the Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon criticized President Obama's health care reform in front of him. Dr. Carson has since retired from medicine, but remains in the political arena.

Read More at: Dr. Ben Carson Excites CPAC Crowd, Places 3rd in Straw Poll - WBFF Fox Baltimore - Top Stories
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

A brilliant plan. The GOP saw how well it worked out for America when the Democrats hired an inexperienced black man for President, they figured they would try to play catch-up!
I strongly suspect that Carson would surround himself with the best and brightest people available, rather than stacking his administration with party hacks, cronies and faculty lounge ideologues.

It also helps that he is not hostile to the 80% of the rest of the nation, who aren't blind progressive ideologues, let alone openly so.

Those are a couple of differences that can bee recognized without too much effort.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

A brilliant plan. The GOP saw how well it worked out for America when the Democrats hired an inexperienced black man for President, they figured they would try to play catch-up!
I strongly suspect that Carson would surround himself with the best and brightest people available, rather than stacking his administration with party hacks, cronies and faculty lounge ideologues.

It also helps that he is not hostile to the 80% of the rest of the nation, who aren't blind progressive ideologues, let alone openly so.

Those are a couple of differences that can bee recognized without too much effort.

And flying monkeys will stream out of my ass

Carson will run as a Republican with TeaTard backing. He will have conservative financial backing and be making promises based on winning primaries

That is the problem with Republicans, They think just because he is a political neophyte that the political rules do not apply to him older threads about Carson you mentioned you liked him.
Sooo....why the turncoat?

I said I like him in this thread. Let him win as a Senator or Governor before we even consider him as President

Yes, I agree. He needs experience ( learning the ropes though I think he would find them too twisted to ever go along ) and he also needs something not in his nature and that is passion. He needs to have passion to stir the voters. Great orators are very charismatic and I don't see Carson ever developing those skills. He is passive. He belongs behind the scenes, in politics, but he definitely belongs. He stands for honor and integrity.

I couldn't disagree more.
We need LESS "experienced politicians" not more.
the problem in Washington is we have 100's of "experienced politicians" - and no clear thinking, intelligent problem solvers.
After all, what is an "experienced politician" but someone who has learned how to make backroom deals and preferential/corrupt campaign paybacks?
F*ck that.
We need intelligent leaders and problem solvers. Not more politicians.
I said I like him in this thread. Let him win as a Senator or Governor before we even consider him as President

Yes, I agree. He needs experience ( learning the ropes though I think he would find them too twisted to ever go along ) and he also needs something not in his nature and that is passion. He needs to have passion to stir the voters. Great orators are very charismatic and I don't see Carson ever developing those skills. He is passive. He belongs behind the scenes, in politics, but he definitely belongs. He stands for honor and integrity.

I couldn't disagree more.
We need LESS "experienced politicians" not more.
the problem in Washington is we have 100's of "experienced politicians" - and no clear thinking, intelligent problem solvers.
After all, what is an "experienced politician" but someone who has learned how to make backroom deals and preferential/corrupt campaign paybacks?
F*ck that.
We need intelligent leaders and problem solvers. Not more politicians.

How does a less experienced politician accomplish anything in Washington? His boyish good looks?
Yes, I agree. He needs experience ( learning the ropes though I think he would find them too twisted to ever go along ) and he also needs something not in his nature and that is passion. He needs to have passion to stir the voters. Great orators are very charismatic and I don't see Carson ever developing those skills. He is passive. He belongs behind the scenes, in politics, but he definitely belongs. He stands for honor and integrity.

I couldn't disagree more.
We need LESS "experienced politicians" not more.
the problem in Washington is we have 100's of "experienced politicians" - and no clear thinking, intelligent problem solvers.
After all, what is an "experienced politician" but someone who has learned how to make backroom deals and preferential/corrupt campaign paybacks?
F*ck that.
We need intelligent leaders and problem solvers. Not more politicians.

How does a less experienced politician accomplish anything in Washington? His boyish good looks?

The founding fathers never meant for political office to be a career. There is no office to be held that can properly prepare you for the office of president of the United States. Carson has certainly distinguished himself in the private sector, which Obama did not BTW.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

A brilliant plan. The GOP saw how well it worked out for America when the Democrats hired an inexperienced black man for President, they figured they would try to play catch-up!
I strongly suspect that Carson would surround himself with the best and brightest people available, rather than stacking his administration with party hacks, cronies and faculty lounge ideologues.

It also helps that he is not hostile to the 80% of the rest of the nation, who aren't blind progressive ideologues, let alone openly so.

Those are a couple of differences that can bee recognized without too much effort.

Well...he toed the party line when asked how he would fix health care with the ridiculous idea of a health care savings account. Like people who are struggling to feed themselves can save money for health care.
Yes, I agree. He needs experience ( learning the ropes though I think he would find them too twisted to ever go along ) and he also needs something not in his nature and that is passion. He needs to have passion to stir the voters. Great orators are very charismatic and I don't see Carson ever developing those skills. He is passive. He belongs behind the scenes, in politics, but he definitely belongs. He stands for honor and integrity.

I couldn't disagree more.
We need LESS "experienced politicians" not more.
the problem in Washington is we have 100's of "experienced politicians" - and no clear thinking, intelligent problem solvers.
After all, what is an "experienced politician" but someone who has learned how to make backroom deals and preferential/corrupt campaign paybacks?
F*ck that.
We need intelligent leaders and problem solvers. Not more politicians.

How does a less experienced politician accomplish anything in Washington? His boyish good looks?

So what you are saying is, that getting someone who fits in well with the corrupt system is better than someone who does not? :eusa_eh:
I couldn't disagree more.
We need LESS "experienced politicians" not more.
the problem in Washington is we have 100's of "experienced politicians" - and no clear thinking, intelligent problem solvers.
After all, what is an "experienced politician" but someone who has learned how to make backroom deals and preferential/corrupt campaign paybacks?
F*ck that.
We need intelligent leaders and problem solvers. Not more politicians.

How does a less experienced politician accomplish anything in Washington? His boyish good looks?

The founding fathers never meant for political office to be a career. There is no office to be held that can properly prepare you for the office of president of the United States. Carson has certainly distinguished himself in the private sector, which Obama did not BTW.

The founding fathers were politicians. Nastier than even todays variety. Ever hear of Aaron Burr?

There are plenty of offices that prepare you to be president. Vice President is a good one. So is Secretary of State, or Governor

Carson, as any Republican would remind you, never ran a Business which is what they claim is President worthy. Being a surgeon has no bearing on running a country. He has no experience running for office or being in office

He would be eaten alive
I couldn't disagree more.
We need LESS "experienced politicians" not more.
the problem in Washington is we have 100's of "experienced politicians" - and no clear thinking, intelligent problem solvers.
After all, what is an "experienced politician" but someone who has learned how to make backroom deals and preferential/corrupt campaign paybacks?
F*ck that.
We need intelligent leaders and problem solvers. Not more politicians.

How does a less experienced politician accomplish anything in Washington? His boyish good looks?

So what you are saying is, that getting someone who fits in well with the corrupt system is better than someone who does not? :eusa_eh:

Yes it is

How else does Carson push his political agenda if he is unable to form a political consensus in his own party not to mention getting bipartisan support? Carson has no knowledge of political fundraising, partisan politics, Congressional dealmaking, budgeting, foreign policy....but he is good with a knife
How does a less experienced politician accomplish anything in Washington? His boyish good looks?

The founding fathers never meant for political office to be a career. There is no office to be held that can properly prepare you for the office of president of the United States. Carson has certainly distinguished himself in the private sector, which Obama did not BTW.

The founding fathers were politicians. Nastier than even todays variety. Ever hear of Aaron Burr?

There are plenty of offices that prepare you to be president. Vice President is a good one. So is Secretary of State, or Governor

Carson, as any Republican would remind you, never ran a Business which is what they claim is President worthy. Being a surgeon has no bearing on running a country. He has no experience running for office or being in office

He would be eaten alive

you are correct. Most medical professionals don't even know how to run a practice. They usually hire an business management firm.

Those who are on the Carson bandwagon simply like what they hear. It is ideological. He says what they want to hear; he is a fresh face; he is not the same old same old.

Same exact thing was true with Obama. No experience worthy of candidacy; but he captured the left with his ideology...and then he captured the moderates with his fresh new face and his assurance that he would "change the way we do things in Washington"..

Of course, I doubt he would have won the moderates if they were aware that he would change his mantra AFTER the election to "fundamentally change America".....but that's the way things go.....

But Carson is just another Obama....but from the conservative side.
Carson, as any Republican would remind you, never ran a Business which is what they claim is President worthy. Being a surgeon has no bearing on running a country. He has no experience running for office or being in office

He would be eaten alive

What I remember hearing, as well as I said, Obama lacked executive experience.
Owning a business is one way to get that.
But let's apply your theory to Ronald Reagan.
Politics aside, he was an extremely effective President. You may disagree with everything he did, but he has a litany of accomplishments. And he was a very powerful President. A definite leader.
Yet, his only political experience was really only three years as Governor of California. I marginalize the 8 years as governor because for a heckuva lot of those years he was on the campaign trail running for President three times while Governor.
Carson, as any Republican would remind you, never ran a Business which is what they claim is President worthy. Being a surgeon has no bearing on running a country. He has no experience running for office or being in office

He would be eaten alive

What I remember hearing, as well as I said, Obama lacked executive experience.
Owning a business is one way to get that.
But let's apply your theory to Ronald Reagan.
Politics aside, he was an extremely effective President. You may disagree with everything he did, but he has a litany of accomplishments. And he was a very powerful President. A definite leader.
Yet, his only political experience was really only three years as Governor of California. I marginalize the 8 years as governor because for a heckuva lot of those years he was on the campaign trail running for President three times while Governor.

Reagan was an actor. Jack shit in terms of experience. But he was Governor of California for eight years which is good experience
Obama was a State Senator for eight years and US Senator for four. Much more experience than Carson

You want to run for office after being a doctor? Both Pauls did it. But they ran for Congressman and Senator....not President
Carson, as any Republican would remind you, never ran a Business which is what they claim is President worthy. Being a surgeon has no bearing on running a country. He has no experience running for office or being in office

He would be eaten alive

What I remember hearing, as well as I said, Obama lacked executive experience.
Owning a business is one way to get that.
But let's apply your theory to Ronald Reagan.
Politics aside, he was an extremely effective President. You may disagree with everything he did, but he has a litany of accomplishments. And he was a very powerful President. A definite leader.
Yet, his only political experience was really only three years as Governor of California. I marginalize the 8 years as governor because for a heckuva lot of those years he was on the campaign trail running for President three times while Governor.

Do a little more research on Ronnie and get back to us.
5 years President of SAG, a very hard and demanding executive job.
And more.

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