Ben Carson

Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

You have to have a candidate that has managed something. Candidates are usually former or current governors. Ask the 18-24 old crowd and I bet they say, "Ben who?"
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

You have to have a candidate that has managed something. Candidates are usually former or current governors. Ask the 18-24 old crowd and I bet they say, "Ben who?"
Yep. Ask the 25 to 36, same answer.
I like Ben Carson as he is a good example and role model for youth.
Appears the man has earned everything he has.
But he is elected to no office and accountable to no one.
Same as Rush, Sean, Sarah and a long line of other conservative "leaders".
And we wonder why the Senate fucks up everything fiscal sane ELECTED LEADERS want to do.
Great. So just pick an elite and keep your fingers crossed? Sounds like the US these days.

Isn't that what you did?
Nope. I picked a young Pol, who could win, and he did, twice.

If you're referring to Obama, you deluded yourself. Check that. He deluded you. By the way, he was 47 the first time he ran in 2008, and 51 in 2012.

Take a look around you country, my friend. Did he succeed as a leader? Did he make good on any of his major campaign promises? Did his healthcare plan work? Are we a better country because of him? Millions are still in poverty, millions upon millions of others are firmly ensconced within government entitlement programs and are still unemployed. Alas, tens of millions are still jobless. Did he find a way to help the indigent? Did he pass any jobs legislation?
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Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

He’ll be as good a candidate as any other republican, considering the fact none are qualified to be president.

Not one.
Only a Democrat is qualified to be President.
Will give you time to change that crazy claim.
We have as unqualified fanny sitting in the White House now as there has ever been.
Nice guy and good family man.
Has no clue on economics and does not oppose his employees refusing to answer to the citizens.
Isn't that what you did?
Nope. I picked a young Pol, who could win, and he did, twice.

If you're referring to Obama, you deluded yourself. Check that. He deluded you. By the way, he was 47 the first time he ran in 2008, and 51 in 2012.

Take a look around you country, my friend. Did he succeed as a leader? Did he make good on any of his major campaign promises? Did his healthcare plan work? Are we a better country because of him? Millions are still in poverty, millions upon millions of others are firmly ensconced within government entitlement programs and are still unemployed. Alas, tens of millions are still jobless. Did he find a way to help the indigent? Did he pass any jobs legislation?
Your half-empty glass is noted. So is my half-full.
Nope. I picked a young Pol, who could win, and he did, twice.

If you're referring to Obama, you deluded yourself. Check that. He deluded you. By the way, he was 47 the first time he ran in 2008, and 51 in 2012.

Take a look around you country, my friend. Did he succeed as a leader? Did he make good on any of his major campaign promises? Did his healthcare plan work? Are we a better country because of him? Millions are still in poverty, millions upon millions of others are firmly ensconced within government entitlement programs and are still unemployed. Alas, tens of millions are still jobless. Did he find a way to help the indigent? Did he pass any jobs legislation?
Your half-empty glass is noted. So is my half-full.

Actually the glass is always full. What do you think occupies the empty half? Air. I look at it like this, the glass is always full of something, no matter how much water is in it.
If you're referring to Obama, you deluded yourself. Check that. He deluded you. By the way, he was 47 the first time he ran in 2008, and 51 in 2012.

Take a look around you country, my friend. Did he succeed as a leader? Did he make good on any of his major campaign promises? Did his healthcare plan work? Are we a better country because of him? Millions are still in poverty, millions upon millions of others are firmly ensconced within government entitlement programs and are still unemployed. Alas, tens of millions are still jobless. Did he find a way to help the indigent? Did he pass any jobs legislation?
Your half-empty glass is noted. So is my half-full.

Actually the glass is always full. What do you think occupies the empty half? Air. I look at it like this, the glass is always full of something, no matter how much water is in it.
I imagine the glasses of the groupies of Dear Leader are at least half full of something else. :lol:
Suddenly experience in Politics no longer matters? Fun...

Just ask Obama how much experience he has being a leader... somehow that no longer matters either. Fun indeed.
Great. So just pick an elite and keep your fingers crossed? Sounds like the US these days.

Liberals elected obama twice, the most unqualified person to be president in our history. Liberals lost all credibility on the subject. Charlie brown could do better than obama has. Lets also not forget carter.
For starters the guy was a world world renowned neurosurgeon, has a great grasp of economics and is a conservative on social issues.

How many neurosurgeons have made great leaders?

Well we know now that a community organizer sucks as a president

Obamas experience as a community organizer gives him more qualifications than Carson. Not to mention eight years in the State Senate and four years as a US Senator

Now, explain what qualities that Carson has that makes him qualified to be President

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