Ben Carson

Of the three candidates that Republicans hold up as "Look, we have black candidates too", I vastly prefer Carson to either West or Cain

But it is all moot anyway. Republicans will not vote for a black candidate
Herman Cain is by the far the smartest man in the race.
Doubt anyone here knows his background and/or his education.
And he has a great ability to communicate and treats everyone with respect.
But he has 107 fewer sexual harassment charges against him than Clinton.
The left has friggin Al Franken and they speak of Dr. Carson?
A comedian versus a respected MD.

Franken ran for Senate which Dr Carson should do prior to trying to make the leap to President

Ron Reagan was an actor, Rand Paul was an eye doctor. But Reagan ran for Governor and Paul became a Senator before kicking his name around for President. If Carson was a Senator or Governor first, I would consider him a credible Presidential candidate
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Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President
Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President

When people asked what it was that Senator Obama brought to the table, all of you said he was "extremely intelligent"...

How many brain surgeons are not extremely intelligent?

That being said, Ben Carson does not bring the necessary experience to the table to run a country.

Neither did Obama.

We should not make the same mistake twice.
Rebellion. A good subject. Let's see. The Civil Rights rebellion of the sixties. Worked out well. Earned by the men and women that served in the Armed Forces of the USA in WW2. Yes, there were many that were colored, even some very superb fighter pilots. Women's Right to Vote in the '20's. Labor's right to organize, from the 1890's to the 1940's.

And many more. Point is, which side were the conseveratives on in all of these battles. Not political parties, but the liberal-conservative divide. The conservatives were on the losing side, the side that would allow the least freedom on all issues, just as the 'Conservatives' are today.

So, PC, don't lecture me with your idiotic cut and paste. I know the history of this nation well. My ancestors have served from the French and Indian wars to the present military. As volunteer citizens, not professional soldiers. They moved west with the frontier. How does your dd214 read, PC?
Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President

But community organizer does.

You're an idiot.

I would find the experience of a community organizer more credible than that of a surgeon. Community organizers need to get out and meet the people, listen to their problems, organize a constituency. It is the backbone of politics

Surgeons make alot of money
What possible reason would Carson make a great President other than he hates Obama? older threads about Carson you mentioned you liked him.
Sooo....why the turncoat?

I said I like him in this thread. Let him win as a Senator or Governor before we even consider him as President

But then again, Republicans would never vote for him as a Senator or Governor
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What possible reason would Carson make a great President other than he hates Obama? older threads about Carson you mentioned you liked him.
Sooo....why the turncoat?

I said I like him in this thread. Let him win as a Senator or Governor before we even consider him as President

But then again, Republicans would never vote for him as a Senator or Governor

If he's interested in the presidency, should he consider "community organizer" as a next career

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
What possible reason would Carson make a great President other than he hates Obama? older threads about Carson you mentioned you liked him.
Sooo....why the turncoat?

I said I like him in this thread. Let him win as a Senator or Governor before we even consider him as President

But then again, Republicans would never vote for him as a Senator or Governor

Unfortunately in the world of campaign fund raising that is primarily far-right groups (or left respectively) -- in early campaigning you have to say stupid sh*t to get the money - and then try to recant those statements later when running mainstream.
Problem with Carson or any republican runner, the media will be all over his statements made like hawks...not so much the Democrat candidates.
Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President

well we now have confirmation being a comuity organizer doesn't qualify you for president

Let's see. Bush, governor of Texas, after two terms, left the nation with two undeclared wars going on, the mastermind of the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil still unpunished after 7 years. And left us with the worst economic disaster since the First Great Republican Depression.

Now this community organizer, after only five years, has the markets at all time highs, unemployment is coming down. Too slowly, but still in the right direction. The wars have been wound down, and we are bringing our sons and daughters home from that sorry region. All this in spite of the GOP's efforts to destroy anything constructive for the citizens of this nation.
Ben Carson is an inspirational man. But I see nothing in the experience of brain surgeon that qualifies you as President

How about success and being in charge thousands of times of a serious situation? How about Carson saving lives rather than destroying people's lives like The Kenyan?

Obama did nothing noteworthy in his short time as a Senator. I would take Carson's management experience any time over the "community organizer!"
What possible reason would Carson make a great President other than he hates Obama? older threads about Carson you mentioned you liked him.
Sooo....why the turncoat?

I said I like him in this thread. Let him win as a Senator or Governor before we even consider him as President

Yes, I agree. He needs experience ( learning the ropes though I think he would find them too twisted to ever go along ) and he also needs something not in his nature and that is passion. He needs to have passion to stir the voters. Great orators are very charismatic and I don't see Carson ever developing those skills. He is passive. He belongs behind the scenes, in politics, but he definitely belongs. He stands for honor and integrity.

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