Ben Carson

There are many who think like you

That is one of the most idiotic reasons for selecting a candidate ever

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, what characteristics do you think would make a great President and how has Carson demonstrated them?

I told you. He's a man that's been wildly successful in a rare and prestigious field, his knowledge, developed world view.

Without government, someone like Obama is nothing. Carson was one of the most successful doctors in the world. You don't think people are impressed by that?
the only people i see making this a black issue are the conservatives.

Wait and see if the guy gets hot. Like when Herman Cain started getting popular. Then they'll try to ruin him.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

What's his platform? I'd respect him a lot more if her dropped that "plantation" crap as it only turns out to be incendiary and denigrating. I think that he should emphasize the "light" of his ideas.
I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, what characteristics do you think would make a great President and how has Carson demonstrated them?

I told you. He's a man that's been wildly successful in a rare and prestigious field, his knowledge, developed world view.

Without government, someone like Obama is nothing. Carson was one of the most successful doctors in the world. You don't think people are impressed by that?
Suddenly experience in Politics no longer matters? Fun...
Of course. And that would just ruin his chances. If a black man gets called an "Uncle Tom" or a signals the end of his political career. That is why the GOP doesn't run many black candidates. It is almost impossible for a black man to get past the liberal hate for his skin color.

Are you actually denying that being ridiculed and demonized in that way hurts a black conservatives chances of getting elected? Would Barak Obama be a two term President if he were conservative? I for one can't say for a fact he wouldn't be but his odds would have been greatly reduced.

I think Ben Carson faces a tough road ahead of him if he chooses to run. Not saying he can't win, but because he's a black conservative they're going to go after him viciously and relentlessly.

Of course. If he were a white conservative, we would all vote for him. You have it nailed.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

What's his platform? I'd respect him a lot more if her dropped that "plantation" crap as it only turns out to be incendiary and denigrating. I think that he should emphasize the "light" of his ideas.

I already told you. The plantation reference is not meant to suggest blacks don't have a mind of there own. It used a pejorative toward the democrat party for how they treat blacks that don't agree with them.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

What's his platform? I'd respect him a lot more if her dropped that "plantation" crap as it only turns out to be incendiary and denigrating. I think that he should emphasize the "light" of his ideas.

That's hilarious......and moronic.
the only people i see making this a black issue are the conservatives.

Yeah, isn't it annoying when someone shoves race into every conversation, completely out of context, in a transparent effort to put you on the defensive and control the conversation? Don't you wish they'd just discuss the issue at hand honestly instead of deflecting like that?

Boy, no kiddin'....

the only people i see making this a black issue are the conservatives.

Yeah, isn't it annoying when someone shoves race into every conversation, completely out of context, in a transparent effort to put you on the defensive and control the conversation? Don't you wish they'd just discuss the issue at hand honestly instead of deflecting like that?

Boy, no kiddin'....


if he gets the nod expect it from both sides. The right will play the race card at every move, and their excuse will be the left did it.
Are you actually denying that being ridiculed and demonized in that way hurts a black conservatives chances of getting elected? Would Barak Obama be a two term President if he were conservative? I for one can't say for a fact he wouldn't be but his odds would have been greatly reduced.

I think Ben Carson faces a tough road ahead of him if he chooses to run. Not saying he can't win, but because he's a black conservative they're going to go after him viciously and relentlessly.

Of course. If he were a white conservative, we would all vote for him. You have it nailed.

Do you deny that the color of his skin makes it harder for him?
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Wait and see if the guy gets hot. Like when Herman Cain started getting popular. Then they'll try to ruin him.

they didnt ruin Cain because he is black. They ruined him because he is a moron.

What what? surely you jest. Cain is stupid" Are you kidding me?

uh yes....his policies were moronic. Running a business does not make you smart.
His opinions on foreign policy issues was a disaster.
I think Ben Carson faces a tough road ahead of him if he chooses to run. Not saying he can't win, but because he's a black conservative they're going to go after him viciously and relentlessly.

Of course. If he were a white conservative, we would all vote for him. You have it nailed.

Do you deny that the color of his skin makes it harder for him?
Liberal blacks weren't going to vote for him anyway, not in large numbers that is, and the racist whites vote for you. Those are the ones who'd stay home so yeah, he has a couple of strikes against him already.

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