Ben Carson

Bill O'reilly had more to his suggestion.

He didn't the night I heard him say it.

He was amazed at why the GOP did so poorly among women. And was mostly speaking on that. Then he got to the Latino numbers - which also sucked for the GOP that cycle - and said "Put Rubio on the ticket. There ya go - problem solved."

The fact that O'Reilly was so amazed that the GOP did so poorly among women just shows how clueless he is about what is really going on in the real world. I'm afraid far too many Republicans are in the same boat - just living in their little echo chambers - and not bothering to get out and really listen to people - ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE."
what the hell is wrong with the notion of self-deportation anyway?

OK - how you gonna sell it to the Latino community and win more Latino votes?
How are you going to convince them that it is the right thing to do and not just a knee-jerk reaction AGAINST the Latino community?
Well highlights the superficial, bumper sticker mentality of Conservative America. Republicans think they can win over black voters with "Did you know Lincoln was a Republican?" and by trotting out blacks to spout the company line. "Look everyone, we have blacks too"
Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots. Be a place minorities can go to if they have a problem or need a job.

Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it

really? And if they told the blacks to "stay out of the way" you would say "they don't even let the blacks speak at their conventions"

So with your thinking, they cant do anything right as it pertains to black conservatives.

"Trotting out blacks".; know...that has to be one of the most racial things I have seen on this board.

And, as usual, it is from a liberal PUTTING WORDS IN THE MOUTHS OF CONSERVATIVES.

Did you see the 2012 GOP convention where they canvassed the floor to try to find blacks and hispanics they could move to the front?
Republicans need to move away from reminding people they supported Civil Rights and freed the slaves. At some point, what have you done for me lately comes into play
Are Republicans openly engaging in tokenism? It is hard to prove but their minority members need to do more than preach to white conservatives. Hey, that black guy thinks just like me. They need to engage the minority communities and convince them that they will do better under Republican leadership.
If they can't do that, they might as well be tokens

You are joking, I hope.

You think the people at every political event that are behind the speakers by BOTH PARTIES are not staged?

Wow. I thought you knew more about politics than that. are SHCKED that the GOP stage the people behind the speakers! Your are SHOCKED!!!!!
Well highlights the superficial, bumper sticker mentality of Conservative America. Republicans think they can win over black voters with "Did you know Lincoln was a Republican?" and by trotting out blacks to spout the company line. "Look everyone, we have blacks too"
Republicans need to become a presence in black and minority neighborhoods. Engage them at the grass roots. Be a place minorities can go to if they have a problem or need a job.

Calling them freeloaders and low information voters will not cut it

really? And if they told the blacks to "stay out of the way" you would say "they don't even let the blacks speak at their conventions"

So with your thinking, they cant do anything right as it pertains to black conservatives.

"Trotting out blacks".; know...that has to be one of the most racial things I have seen on this board.

And, as usual, it is from a liberal PUTTING WORDS IN THE MOUTHS OF CONSERVATIVES.

Did you see the 2012 GOP convention where they canvassed the floor to try to find blacks and hispanics they could move to the front?
Republicans need to move away from reminding people they supported Civil Rights and freed the slaves. At some point, what have you done for me lately comes into play
Are Republicans openly engaging in tokenism? It is hard to prove but their minority members need to do more than preach to white conservatives. Hey, that black guy thinks just like me. They need to engage the minority communities and convince them that they will do better under Republican leadership.
If they can't do that, they might as well be tokens

more hilarious projection; it is the Left that is obsessed with race politics:

Obama advance: 'Get me more white people' - Ben Smith ... - Politico

Politics, Political News - › Ben Smith*


by Ben Smith - in 891 Google+ circlesApr 8, 2008 - “I didn't know they would say, 'We need a white person here,' ” said .... He makes it pretty clear: this is something every campaign does/is ...... "If we can't get more white people, bring in some white mannequins.....the ..... That overlooked story about Obama's nasty reaction to a guy wanting a photo-op with ...
what the hell is wrong with the notion of self-deportation anyway?

OK - how you gonna sell it to the Latino community and win more Latino votes?
How are you going to convince them that it is the right thing to do and not just a knee-jerk reaction AGAINST the Latino community?

well, you start off by NOT telling them that it is because the GOP hates know...the spin the democrats like to spew regarding the issue.

Then you start asking them for their ideas of solutions that will not compromise the integrity of our immigration laws.

And you would continually remind them how their parents and grandparents did it the right way; the hard way; the legal way...

And get an honest dialogue going.

Not the crap you seem to believe....."conservatives hate Latinos"
really? And if they told the blacks to "stay out of the way" you would say "they don't even let the blacks speak at their conventions"

So with your thinking, they cant do anything right as it pertains to black conservatives.

"Trotting out blacks".; know...that has to be one of the most racial things I have seen on this board.

And, as usual, it is from a liberal PUTTING WORDS IN THE MOUTHS OF CONSERVATIVES.

Did you see the 2012 GOP convention where they canvassed the floor to try to find blacks and hispanics they could move to the front?
Republicans need to move away from reminding people they supported Civil Rights and freed the slaves. At some point, what have you done for me lately comes into play
Are Republicans openly engaging in tokenism? It is hard to prove but their minority members need to do more than preach to white conservatives. Hey, that black guy thinks just like me. They need to engage the minority communities and convince them that they will do better under Republican leadership.
If they can't do that, they might as well be tokens

You are joking, I hope.

You think the people at every political event that are behind the speakers by BOTH PARTIES are not staged?

Wow. I thought you knew more about politics than that. are SHCKED that the GOP stage the people behind the speakers! Your are SHOCKED!!!!!

Look everybody

We have black people and they are clapping! :clap2:
Bill O'reilly had more to his suggestion.

He didn't the night I heard him say it.

He was amazed at why the GOP did so poorly among women. And was mostly speaking on that. Then he got to the Latino numbers - which also sucked for the GOP that cycle - and said "Put Rubio on the ticket. There ya go - problem solved."

The fact that O'Reilly was so amazed that the GOP did so poorly among women just shows how clueless he is about what is really going on in the real world. I'm afraid far too many Republicans are in the same boat - just living in their little echo chambers - and not bothering to get out and really listen to people - ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE."

He didn't the night you heard him say it? You don't get it. We don't talk in spin. I know exactly what he meant. He wasn't saying "Latinos only vote for Latinos".....he believes, as all of us do...the way to attract voters to YOUR IDEOLOGY is to showcase examples of success of those of the same ethnic/sex background who follow the ideology.

Sorry are way too wrapped up in the spin to truly understand the real dialogue.
well, you start off by NOT telling them that it is because the GOP hates know...the spin the democrats like to spew regarding the issue.

Then you start asking them for their ideas of solutions that will not compromise the integrity of our immigration laws.

And you would continually remind them how their parents and grandparents did it the right way; the hard way; the legal way...

And get an honest dialogue going.

Not the crap you seem to believe....."conservatives hate Latinos"

Where did I say "Conservatives hate Latinos"?????
Or anything that suggested that?????
I think our conservation will go better if we avoid trying to put words into each others mouths. If I have done that, I apologize and I'll do my very best not to do it again.

And get an honest dialogue going.

Which is EXACTLY what I have been advocating from my very first post.

Apparently we want pretty much the same thing. Do you believe this honest dialogue has been taking place? Because, I do not.
Bill O'reilly had more to his suggestion.

He didn't the night I heard him say it.

He was amazed at why the GOP did so poorly among women. And was mostly speaking on that. Then he got to the Latino numbers - which also sucked for the GOP that cycle - and said "Put Rubio on the ticket. There ya go - problem solved."

The fact that O'Reilly was so amazed that the GOP did so poorly among women just shows how clueless he is about what is really going on in the real world. I'm afraid far too many Republicans are in the same boat - just living in their little echo chambers - and not bothering to get out and really listen to people - ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE."

He didn't the night you heard him say it? You don't get it. We don't talk in spin. I know exactly what he meant. He wasn't saying "Latinos only vote for Latinos".....he believes, as all of us do...the way to attract voters to YOUR IDEOLOGY is to showcase examples of success of those of the same ethnic/sex background who follow the ideology.

Sorry are way too wrapped up in the spin to truly understand the real dialogue.

Yeah - because I listened to his ACTUAL words - and you apparently read in a whole lot more than he said because you find it more palatable .

And I'M the one caught up in spin?
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He didn't the night I heard him say it.

He was amazed at why the GOP did so poorly among women. And was mostly speaking on that. Then he got to the Latino numbers - which also sucked for the GOP that cycle - and said "Put Rubio on the ticket. There ya go - problem solved."

The fact that O'Reilly was so amazed that the GOP did so poorly among women just shows how clueless he is about what is really going on in the real world. I'm afraid far too many Republicans are in the same boat - just living in their little echo chambers - and not bothering to get out and really listen to people - ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE."

He didn't the night you heard him say it? You don't get it. We don't talk in spin. I know exactly what he meant. He wasn't saying "Latinos only vote for Latinos".....he believes, as all of us do...the way to attract voters to YOUR IDEOLOGY is to showcase examples of success of those of the same ethnic/sex background who follow the ideology.

Sorry are way too wrapped up in the spin to truly understand the real dialogue.

Yeah - because I listened to his ACTUAL words - and you apparently read in a whole lot more than he said because you find it more palatable .

And I'M the one caught up in spin?

That's quite unfair of you.

I know how I feel. I know what I believe in. I know how O'Reilly feels. I know what he believes in. I have been watching him for years. I disagree with some of what he believes, but I most certainly understand what he meant by it. He has NEVER said that Latinos would vote for a Latino. He has, however, said that people need to see the SUCCESS of Latinos because the media and democratic politicians seem to always talk about how they are held back.

I do not hear what I hear because it is more palatable. If I believed he was as you describe, I would never watch him.
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well, you start off by NOT telling them that it is because the GOP hates know...the spin the democrats like to spew regarding the issue.

Then you start asking them for their ideas of solutions that will not compromise the integrity of our immigration laws.

And you would continually remind them how their parents and grandparents did it the right way; the hard way; the legal way...

And get an honest dialogue going.

Not the crap you seem to believe....."conservatives hate Latinos"

Where did I say "Conservatives hate Latinos"?????
Or anything that suggested that?????
I think our conservation will go better if we avoid trying to put words into each others mouths. If I have done that, I apologize and I'll do my very best not to do it again.

And get an honest dialogue going.

Which is EXACTLY what I have been advocating from my very first post.

Apparently we want pretty much the same thing. Do you believe this honest dialogue has been taking place? Because, I do not.

I did not say you said that.

I answered your question in the way it was asked...

You asked...."how do you....."

And I answered "you......"

As for honest may have missed the point....

The GOP does not want to offer amnesty or a "head start" because it compromises the integrity of our laws and PUNISHES those that are coming in the legal way.

The democrats say..."the GOP does not care about the fact that it is inhumane and want to keep Latinos out of the country for they will likely vote democratic"

Now....who is being honest?
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He didn't the night you heard him say it? You don't get it. We don't talk in spin. I know exactly what he meant. He wasn't saying "Latinos only vote for Latinos".....he believes, as all of us do...the way to attract voters to YOUR IDEOLOGY is to showcase examples of success of those of the same ethnic/sex background who follow the ideology.

Sorry are way too wrapped up in the spin to truly understand the real dialogue.

Yeah - because I listened to his ACTUAL words - and you apparently read in a whole lot more than he said because you find it more palatable .

And I'M the one caught up in spin?

That's quite unfair of you.

I know how I feel. I know what I believe in. I know how O'Reilly feels. I know what he believes in. I have been watching him for years. I disagree with some of what he believes, but I most certainly understand what he meant by it. He has NEVER said that Latinos would vote for a Latino. He has, however, said that people need to see the SUCCESS of Latinos because the media and democratic politicians seem to always talk about how they are held back.

I do hear what I hear because it is more palatable. If I believed he was as you describe, I would never watch him.

I don't think it is unfair of me at all. I think it is ultimately the most fair thing I can do - listen to what people actually say

It's just way too easy to fill in the blanks in a positive way for people you are predisposed to like and fill in the blanks negatively for those you are predisposed to dislike.

That is the definition of "spin." IMHO, it doesn't matter if you do it silently in your mind or out loud in front of a camera - it's still just spinning it imho.
Yeah - because I listened to his ACTUAL words - and you apparently read in a whole lot more than he said because you find it more palatable .

And I'M the one caught up in spin?

That's quite unfair of you.

I know how I feel. I know what I believe in. I know how O'Reilly feels. I know what he believes in. I have been watching him for years. I disagree with some of what he believes, but I most certainly understand what he meant by it. He has NEVER said that Latinos would vote for a Latino. He has, however, said that people need to see the SUCCESS of Latinos because the media and democratic politicians seem to always talk about how they are held back.

I do hear what I hear because it is more palatable. If I believed he was as you describe, I would never watch him.

I don't think it is unfair of me at all. I think it is ultimately the most fair thing I can do - listen to what people actually say

It's just way too easy to fill in the blanks in a positive way for people you are predisposed to like and fill in the blanks negatively for those you are predisposed to dislike.

That is the definition of "spin." IMHO, it doesn't matter if you do it silently in your mind or out loud in front of a camera - it's still just spinning it imho.


Spinning it would be my KNOWING that O'Reilly believes that Latinos will vote for Latinos, and saying he meant something more noble....

What you are saying is "maybe I am not a good judge of character"...although you may not realize it.

I believe in my ability to judge ones character. It has worked well for me.

For example, I don't watch Hannity. He is a spinner; hyper partisan; hypocrite. I disagree with more than I agree with and the little I agree with, he spins to oblivion.

Like I said, I watch O'Reilly daily...and for years. I know his ideology. And I did not misjudge it.
well, you start off by NOT telling them that it is because the GOP hates know...the spin the democrats like to spew regarding the issue.

Then you start asking them for their ideas of solutions that will not compromise the integrity of our immigration laws.

And you would continually remind them how their parents and grandparents did it the right way; the hard way; the legal way...

And get an honest dialogue going.

Not the crap you seem to believe....."conservatives hate Latinos"

Where did I say "Conservatives hate Latinos"?????
Or anything that suggested that?????
I think our conservation will go better if we avoid trying to put words into each others mouths. If I have done that, I apologize and I'll do my very best not to do it again.

And get an honest dialogue going.

Which is EXACTLY what I have been advocating from my very first post.

Apparently we want pretty much the same thing. Do you believe this honest dialogue has been taking place? Because, I do not.

I did not say you said that.

I answered your question in the way it was asked...

You asked...."how do you....."

And I answered "you......"

As for honest may have missed the point....

The GOP does not want to offer amnesty or a "head start" because it compromises the integrity of our laws and PUNISHES those that are coming in the legal way.

The democrats say..."the GOP does not care about the fact that it is inhumane and want to keep Latinos out of the country for they will likely vote democratic"

Now....who is being honest?

I never said anything to indicate that I think:

Not the crap you seem to believe....."conservatives hate Latinos"

The GOP does not want to offer amnesty or a "head start" because it compromises the integrity of our laws and PUNISHES those that are coming in the legal way.

I agree. I believe that a pathway to citizenship should include some penalties. But if you make them TOO harsh ... people will just stay underground. I believe you have to strike a balance ... but I do support a pathway to citizenship for many for purely pragmatic reasons. They are here anyway, they aren't going to leave on their own, we don't have the resources to track them all down and deport them (revolving door anyway) AND we need them paying into the system.

The democrats say..."the GOP does not care about the fact that it is inhumane and want to keep Latinos out of the country for they will likely vote democratic"

There may be SOME Republicans who feel that way, but I believe that the vast majority hold the positions you describe. So YES many democratic do make false and misleading claims that way.
That's quite unfair of you.

I know how I feel. I know what I believe in. I know how O'Reilly feels. I know what he believes in. I have been watching him for years. I disagree with some of what he believes, but I most certainly understand what he meant by it. He has NEVER said that Latinos would vote for a Latino. He has, however, said that people need to see the SUCCESS of Latinos because the media and democratic politicians seem to always talk about how they are held back.

I do hear what I hear because it is more palatable. If I believed he was as you describe, I would never watch him.

I don't think it is unfair of me at all. I think it is ultimately the most fair thing I can do - listen to what people actually say

It's just way too easy to fill in the blanks in a positive way for people you are predisposed to like and fill in the blanks negatively for those you are predisposed to dislike.

That is the definition of "spin." IMHO, it doesn't matter if you do it silently in your mind or out loud in front of a camera - it's still just spinning it imho.


Spinning it would be my KNOWING that O'Reilly believes that Latinos will vote for Latinos, and saying he meant something more noble....

What you are saying is "maybe I am not a good judge of character"...although you may not realize it.

I believe in my ability to judge ones character. It has worked well for me.

For example, I don't watch Hannity. He is a spinner; hyper partisan; hypocrite. I disagree with more than I agree with and the little I agree with, he spins to oblivion.

Like I said, I watch O'Reilly daily...and for years. I know his ideology. And I did not misjudge it.

I watch O'Reilly from time to time. I don't like his personality, but I agree with his positions sometimes.

But all you are saying is that you firmly believe that he meant the things he didn't say.

And that is certainly your right.
why shouldnt Palin be a role model for female voters?

Because she holds positions that most women reject

you have no business lecturing others on wanting to recurit Rubio

What I was criticizing is what Bill O'Reilly said about recruiting Rubio and I believe it reflects the opinion of way too many in the GOP - O'Reilly believes that Rubio is more important than platform or policy when it comes to solving their problem with Latino voters.

See the pattern?

Policy and platform taking a backseat to cosmetics.
It's obviously enough for SOME people - but I find it insulting. To cynically assume that voters will be too stupid to see past the dog and pony show and vote based on policy and platform.

Apparently it works all to often.

Because she holds positions that most women reject

According to whom? Just who or what made you the authority on women?

What I was criticizing is what Bill O'Reilly said about recruiting Rubio and I believe it reflects the opinion of way too many in the GOP - O'Reilly believes that Rubio is more important than platform or policy when it comes to solving their problem with Latino voters.

As compared to Obama's and the left's policy on Latinos which grants amnesty to illegal immigrants. Obama's platform is a political one, his policy is pandering. How does that help Latinos?
I like Ben Carson. He is a black candidate who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy with no political experience.

Just the kind of person we prefer as our President. Was he by any chance born in Hawaii?

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