Ben Carson

The term legislate refers to making law. That is supposed outside of the president's jurisdiction, but Obama is a lawless president, so he's not a good example.

Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

Obama is lawless because he’s a democrat; Bush wasn’t lawless because he was a republican.

Obama is lawless because he's inept; and trampling the constitution he claims to know so much about. Bush isn't lawless because you never proved he was. is that too hard to understand leftardz?
No..nothing it seems, disqualifies a person from being a candidate.

Not a criminal record..nothing.

I am starting to think that is kinda wrong. Maybe one should get some license to practice politics. Doctors need them. Lawyers need them. Heck, drivers need them.

Politicians deal with a number of issues, but mainly they legislate.

I have more faith in someone familiar with the law, sociology, foreign policy and/or the military than I do someone who practices medicine.

It's a field totally devoid of any skills required by a politician.

A president doesn't legislate, Sallow. And I hope you were kidding about politicians needing licenses.

They don't?


They push through political agendas and sign bills into law.

While you may not have to know ANYTHING about the law (Bush/Reagan are proof of that) to sign a bill, it does help.

Swallow you love those million pages bills that no one knows what in them. All libtards do

Yes Regan and Bush knew what was in their laws, but you know who didn't?

Every democrat in congress who voted for Obamacare.

You know how I know? Nancy Pelosi said so.

Had NO CLUE, yet voted for it. That's who you love, not me.
Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

Obama is lawless because he’s a democrat; Bush wasn’t lawless because he was a republican.

Obama is lawless because he's inept; and trampling the constitution he claims to know so much about. Bush isn't lawless because you never proved he was. is that too hard to understand leftardz?


Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

Obama is lawless because he’s a democrat; Bush wasn’t lawless because he was a republican.

Obama is lawless because he's inept; and trampling the constitution he claims to know so much about. Bush isn't lawless because you never proved he was. is that too hard to understand leftardz?

Another one that can't speak English, knows nothing about the Constitution or how the justice system works.
A president doesn't legislate, Sallow. And I hope you were kidding about politicians needing licenses.

They don't?


They push through political agendas and sign bills into law.

While you may not have to know ANYTHING about the law (Bush/Reagan are proof of that) to sign a bill, it does help.

Swallow you love those million pages bills that no one knows what in them. All libtards do

Yes Regan and Bush knew what was in their laws, but you know who didn't?

Every democrat in congress who voted for Obamacare.

You know how I know? Nancy Pelosi said so.

Had NO CLUE, yet voted for it. That's who you love, not me.
Sallow could care less until his Gubmint checks stop.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

The question is can he survive the racist demagogues of the democratic party? Is he willing to put himself and his family through the filth that the left will unleash on him?
Obama is lawless because he’s a democrat; Bush wasn’t lawless because he was a republican.

Obama is lawless because he's inept; and trampling the constitution he claims to know so much about. Bush isn't lawless because you never proved he was. is that too hard to understand leftardz?


McNaughton's painting of Jeebus holding the Constitution was more in line with how you folks think.

Theocrat to the last of yas.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

The question is can he survive the racist demagogues of the democratic party? Is he willing to put himself and his family through the filth that the left will unleash on him?
By all accounts, he is as clean as the OR floor.

Pretty difficult to slime a man who has only suits, shirts and lab coats in his closet.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

The question is can he survive the racist demagogues of the democratic party? Is he willing to put himself and his family through the filth that the left will unleash on him?
By all accounts, he is as clean as the OR floor.

Pretty difficult to slime a man who has only suits, shirts and lab coats in his closet.

Like Herman Cain?

I am talking about real stuff here..guy.

Not your 5 year old pals Johnny and Barry that exist only in your head.

No you're not, you're spewing mindless hating points, which is pretty much all you're good for.'s the history.

Go back to stating that Nugent never said he pooped his pants or wanted to cut the President's head off.

That was freakin hilarious.
1. Seems you've never worked for a corporation.
2. Obama's never practiced that. TARP, the Stimulus package, the ACA, and the Sequester are proof of that.

Enlighten me. Who has absolute power in a corporation?

Obama has never compromised on anything.

Enlighten you about what?

Most executives have a great deal of power in corporations. If you told to do something or follow a policy and you refuse? You will be fired on the spot. That's pretty absolute. In a corporation you can be fired for insubordination. And immediately. I've actually seen it happen.

And you weren't paying attention.

-Obama initially wanted the stimulus to be 1.2 trillion. Republicans cut that in half and added tax cuts. Obama agreed.

-Obama initially wanted Single Payer, then a Public Option. Instead a committee made up of equal parts Democrats and Republicans floated the Individual Mandate, an idea cooked up by the Heritage Foundation, floated by Bob Dole and used by Mitt Romney. Obama agreed.

-Obama didn't mess with TARP at all, and that was passed by Republicans.

-Obama met with Republicans more than half way on the "Grand Bargain" and threw chained CPI into the mix. Republicans got everything they wanted and still walked away. To avoid a default, Obama gave them the "Sequester" which they agreed too. you know what compromise is?

Dude, you just love babbling. I ask you again - what executive in a corporation has absolute power? Here's a hint: the answer is none of them.

Everything you said about Obama is a lie.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

The question is can he survive the racist demagogues of the democratic party? Is he willing to put himself and his family through the filth that the left will unleash on him?
By all accounts, he is as clean as the OR floor.

Pretty difficult to slime a man who has only suits, shirts and lab coats in his closet.

Look at Rightwinger and Shallow; facts don't matter when smearing an enemy of the party. They'll accuse him of molesting kittens on MSNBC, and all the party press will push it to the top of the news cycle.

You've got to understand how these people act, they took the programs of Goebbels and magnified them by 10,000. These are demagogues, pure and simple. They have one purpose in life, to smear enemies of the party. Facts are not even slightly relevant.
Obama is lawless because he’s a democrat; Bush wasn’t lawless because he was a republican.

Obama is lawless because he's a crook.

The democratic party is attractive to crooks, providing a nurturing home for criminals.

He's a crook because:

A. The FEMA concentration camps.
B. The gun grabbing.
C. The lack of a birth certificate.
D. The Obama phones.

Pick one.

And say it over and over again.

They don't?


They push through political agendas and sign bills into law.

While you may not have to know ANYTHING about the law (Bush/Reagan are proof of that) to sign a bill, it does help.

The term legislate refers to making law. That is supposed outside of the president's jurisdiction, but Obama is a lawless president, so he's not a good example.

Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.'s the history.

Go back to stating that Nugent never said he pooped his pants or wanted to cut the President's head off.

That was freakin hilarious.

Why? Everyone here knows you shamelessly and brazenly lie.

Say, I AM STILL waiting for evidence that Nugent said he wanted to cut Obama's head off...

Ah, but that's okay - you're a demagogue, you're here to smear - lying is a major part of your tool kit.

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