Ben Carson

Sallow is the kind of guy that doesn't care about being factual, he cares about wining an argument.
The term legislate refers to making law. That is supposed outside of the president's jurisdiction, but Obama is a lawless president, so he's not a good example.

Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

And they'll be hauling him into court for that one any day now..

I can't hardly wait.

The term legislate refers to making law. That is supposed outside of the president's jurisdiction, but Obama is a lawless president, so he's not a good example.

Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

Why would he have to go through Congress for an executive action?
Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

And they'll be hauling him into court for that one any day now..

I can't hardly wait.


No they won't, but he's still not following the law, his own law.
The question is can he survive the racist demagogues of the democratic party? Is he willing to put himself and his family through the filth that the left will unleash on him?
By all accounts, he is as clean as the OR floor.

Pretty difficult to slime a man who has only suits, shirts and lab coats in his closet.

Look at Rightwinger and Shallow; facts don't matter when smearing an enemy of the party. They'll accuse him of molesting kittens on MSNBC, and all the party press will push it to the top of the news cycle.

You've got to understand how these people act, they took the programs of Goebbels and magnified them by 10,000. These are demagogues, pure and simple. They have one purpose in life, to smear enemies of the party. Facts are not even slightly relevant.
Short story? Wandering shreds of human debris. Wastes of protoplasm.
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That's the thing about singing Pokémon, making fun of foreign names and coming up with fantasy tax plans.

You'd better not cheat on your wife.. :D

Fo sho, iffen yooz beez a darky off awander away from massah dems plantation, yooz bes be MO den perfect, or Shallow be puttinz on his white robe and hood, and burnenz dem crosses on yo lawn, mebee even worse...
Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

Why would he have to go through Congress for an executive action?

So now you're going to play constitutional lawyer? Give me a break. Everyone knows he can't use an executive order to delay Obamacare.
Ah so..when Reagan pushed through an agenda of cutting regulations, unilaterally firing Union members, secretly funding the contras and making secret deals with terrorists in Iran, that was keeping with the law?

Or when Bush walked away from the ABM treaty, pushed tax cuts for the wealthy in through reconciliation, secretly bypassed the FISA court..that was in keeping with the law?

Not sure what you mean by "lawlessness".

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

Why would he have to go through Congress for an executive action?
The President may NOT alter a LAW without the consent of the Congress dipshit. There are THREE branches of Government, remember? But that doesn't mean shit to a Gubmint employee as yourself as long as it favours YOU...right?

For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

Why would he have to go through Congress for an executive action?

So now you're going to play constitutional lawyer? Give me a break. Everyone knows he can't use an executive order to delay Obamacare.

Sure he can. You think the law becomes invalid if it can't be executed on time?
So now you're going to play constitutional lawyer? Give me a break. Everyone knows he can't use an executive order to delay Obamacare.

Sure he can. You think the law becomes invalid if it can't be executed on time?

Part of the law was that it was supposed to be implemented at a specific

There were no directed consequences

If this is not implemented by Jan 1 2014, ACA becomes invalid

Congress wants to invoke consequences, they can
For starter, how about him delaying Obamacare a million times without going through congress.

Why would he have to go through Congress for an executive action?
The President may NOT alter a LAW without the consent of the Congress dipshit. There are THREE branches of Government, remember? But that doesn't mean shit to a Gubmint employee as yourself as long as it favours YOU...right?


Sure he can.

If Congress feels otherwise, let them direct it. The executive branch has latitude to enact the law as it warrants. At least it did before a Kenyan was running things
By all accounts, he is as clean as the OR floor.

Pretty difficult to slime a man who has only suits, shirts and lab coats in his closet.

Look at Rightwinger and Shallow; facts don't matter when smearing an enemy of the party. They'll accuse him of molesting kittens on MSNBC, and all the party press will push it to the top of the news cycle.

You've got to understand how these people act, they took the programs of Goebbels and magnified them by 10,000. These are demagogues, pure and simple. They have one purpose in life, to smear enemies of the party. Facts are not even slightly relevant.
Short story? Wandering shreds of human debris. Wastes of protoplasm.

Which is another reason you Theocrats will be occupying the dustbins of history.

You simply hate humanity.
Enlighten me. Who has absolute power in a corporation?

Obama has never compromised on anything.

Enlighten you about what?

Most executives have a great deal of power in corporations. If you told to do something or follow a policy and you refuse? You will be fired on the spot. That's pretty absolute. In a corporation you can be fired for insubordination. And immediately. I've actually seen it happen.

And you weren't paying attention.

-Obama initially wanted the stimulus to be 1.2 trillion. Republicans cut that in half and added tax cuts. Obama agreed.

-Obama initially wanted Single Payer, then a Public Option. Instead a committee made up of equal parts Democrats and Republicans floated the Individual Mandate, an idea cooked up by the Heritage Foundation, floated by Bob Dole and used by Mitt Romney. Obama agreed.

-Obama didn't mess with TARP at all, and that was passed by Republicans.

-Obama met with Republicans more than half way on the "Grand Bargain" and threw chained CPI into the mix. Republicans got everything they wanted and still walked away. To avoid a default, Obama gave them the "Sequester" which they agreed too. you know what compromise is?

Dude, you just love babbling. I ask you again - what executive in a corporation has absolute power? Here's a hint: the answer is none of them.

Everything you said about Obama is a lie.

There's not babbling.

What there is, is points you cannot address.

Because that is what happened.

And an executive has absolute power within their corporate entities.

If you ever worked for a Corporation? You'd know that.

That's about the "realest" thing he ever did.

That's something Ol' Mitt knew a lot about.

Firing people.

And that's what gives executives absolute power.
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That's the thing about singing Pokémon, making fun of foreign names and coming up with fantasy tax plans.

You'd better not cheat on your wife.. :D

Fo sho, iffen yooz beez a darky off awander away from massah dems plantation, yooz bes be MO den perfect, or Shallow be puttinz on his white robe and hood, and burnenz dem crosses on yo lawn, mebee even worse...

No dude.

He quoted Pokémon.

Made fun of other countries.

And he got caught cheating on his wife.

His campaign was never really serious in the first place.
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Enlighten you about what?

Most executives have a great deal of power in corporations. If you told to do something or follow a policy and you refuse? You will be fired on the spot. That's pretty absolute. In a corporation you can be fired for insubordination. And immediately. I've actually seen it happen.

And you weren't paying attention.

-Obama initially wanted the stimulus to be 1.2 trillion. Republicans cut that in half and added tax cuts. Obama agreed.

-Obama initially wanted Single Payer, then a Public Option. Instead a committee made up of equal parts Democrats and Republicans floated the Individual Mandate, an idea cooked up by the Heritage Foundation, floated by Bob Dole and used by Mitt Romney. Obama agreed.

-Obama didn't mess with TARP at all, and that was passed by Republicans.

-Obama met with Republicans more than half way on the "Grand Bargain" and threw chained CPI into the mix. Republicans got everything they wanted and still walked away. To avoid a default, Obama gave them the "Sequester" which they agreed too. you know what compromise is?

Dude, you just love babbling. I ask you again - what executive in a corporation has absolute power? Here's a hint: the answer is none of them.

Everything you said about Obama is a lie.

There's not babbling.

What there is, is points you cannot address.

Because that is what happened.

And an executive has absolute power within their corporate entities.

If you ever worked for a Corporation? You'd know that.

That's about the "realest" thing he ever did.

That's something Ol' Mitt knew a lot about.

Firing people.

And that's what gives executives absolute power.

I'e never worked for a corporation, not that that's relevant, but I know enough about corporate structure. It's a simple question that you keep avoiding - who has absolute power in a corporation?
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Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

What's his platform? I'd respect him a lot more if her dropped that "plantation" crap as it only turns out to be incendiary and denigrating. I think that he should emphasize the "light" of his ideas.

I already told you. The plantation reference is not meant to suggest blacks don't have a mind of there own. It used a pejorative toward the democrat party for how they treat blacks that don't agree with them.

Really, then why would Herman Cain say this: "Herman Cain suggested that members of the African American community "have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view.". NO it's not, it's used to insult Black people who vote for the Democrats. Add the little insults from some republicans and conservatives on this forum, other political forums, and on the air waves and you can truly see what they mean by it. "THe Blacks vote for them democrats because they want free stuff." "The Blacks vote democrat because they like being on the plantation." "The Blacks vote democrats because they want "Obamaphones". "The Blacks on the Democrat plantation vote that way because they want free stuff.". Those are just a few of the bigoted insults and generalizations with the "plantation reference", that comes from right wingers.
Your last assertion is totally inaccurate:
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about,” West said in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” responding to the anger that black Democrats showed earlier this week at a Congressional Black Caucus town hall in Detroit.

“I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility,” said West, who is the sole Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Some black leaders are “are nothing more than overseers over that plantation,”

Read more: West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein -

"Carson knows who to blame for the metaphorical beating he’s taking, though. White liberals. “They’re the most racist people there are,” he told radio host Mark Levin on Monday. “Because they put you in a little category, a box: ‘You have to think this way, how could you dare come off the plantation?’”

"Herman Cain 2012: 'I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago' "

LOL, come on man!!!!!

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