Ben Carson

Dude, you just love babbling. I ask you again - what executive in a corporation has absolute power? Here's a hint: the answer is none of them.

Everything you said about Obama is a lie.

There's not babbling.

What there is, is points you cannot address.

Because that is what happened.

And an executive has absolute power within their corporate entities.

If you ever worked for a Corporation? You'd know that.

That's about the "realest" thing he ever did.

That's something Ol' Mitt knew a lot about.

Firing people.

And that's what gives executives absolute power.

I'e never worked for a corporation, not that that's relevant, but I know enough about corporate structure. It's a simple question that you keep avoiding - who has absolute power in a corporation?

No you don't.

And I've answered your question, multiple times.
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What's his platform? I'd respect him a lot more if her dropped that "plantation" crap as it only turns out to be incendiary and denigrating. I think that he should emphasize the "light" of his ideas.

I already told you. The plantation reference is not meant to suggest blacks don't have a mind of there own. It used a pejorative toward the democrat party for how they treat blacks that don't agree with them.

Really, then why would Herman Cain say this: "Herman Cain suggested that members of the African American community "have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view.". NO it's not, it's used to insult Black people who vote for the Democrats. Add the little insults from some republicans and conservatives on this forum, other political forums, and on the air waves and you can truly see what they mean by it. "THe Blacks vote for them democrats because they want free stuff." "The Blacks vote democrat because they like being on the plantation." "The Blacks vote democrats because they want "Obamaphones". "The Blacks on the Democrat plantation vote that way because they want free stuff.". Those are just a few of the bigoted insults and generalizations with the "plantation reference", that comes from right wingers.
Your last assertion is totally inaccurate:
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about,” West said in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” responding to the anger that black Democrats showed earlier this week at a Congressional Black Caucus town hall in Detroit.

“I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility,” said West, who is the sole Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Some black leaders are “are nothing more than overseers over that plantation,”

Read more: West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein -

"Carson knows who to blame for the metaphorical beating he’s taking, though. White liberals. “They’re the most racist people there are,” he told radio host Mark Levin on Monday. “Because they put you in a little category, a box: ‘You have to think this way, how could you dare come off the plantation?’”

"Herman Cain 2012: 'I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago' "

LOL, come on man!!!!!

Is that a direct quote from Cain? I've never heard anyone say blacks like being on the democratic plantation. I'm not saying there aren't racists on the forum. You and I both know there are. The quote you cited from West was about him attacking the democrat party, not blacks.
Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

What's his platform? I'd respect him a lot more if her dropped that "plantation" crap as it only turns out to be incendiary and denigrating. I think that he should emphasize the "light" of his ideas.

That's hilarious......and moronic.

No, it's actually a true and accurate observation that I made. Now if you wish to refute it with some substance, that would be great. :)
There's not babbling.

What there is, is points you cannot address.

Because that is what happened.

And an executive has absolute power within their corporate entities.

If you ever worked for a Corporation? You'd know that.

That's about the "realest" thing he ever did.

That's something Ol' Mitt knew a lot about.

Firing people.

And that's what gives executives absolute power.

I'e never worked for a corporation, not that that's relevant, but I know enough about corporate structure. It's a simple question that you keep avoiding - who has absolute power in a corporation?

No you don't.

And I've answered your question, multiple times.

I already told you. The plantation reference is not meant to suggest blacks don't have a mind of there own. It used a pejorative toward the democrat party for how they treat blacks that don't agree with them.

Really, then why would Herman Cain say this: "Herman Cain suggested that members of the African American community "have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view.". NO it's not, it's used to insult Black people who vote for the Democrats. Add the little insults from some republicans and conservatives on this forum, other political forums, and on the air waves and you can truly see what they mean by it. "THe Blacks vote for them democrats because they want free stuff." "The Blacks vote democrat because they like being on the plantation." "The Blacks vote democrats because they want "Obamaphones". "The Blacks on the Democrat plantation vote that way because they want free stuff.". Those are just a few of the bigoted insults and generalizations with the "plantation reference", that comes from right wingers.
Your last assertion is totally inaccurate:
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about,” West said in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” responding to the anger that black Democrats showed earlier this week at a Congressional Black Caucus town hall in Detroit.

“I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility,” said West, who is the sole Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Some black leaders are “are nothing more than overseers over that plantation,”

Read more: West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein -

"Carson knows who to blame for the metaphorical beating he’s taking, though. White liberals. “They’re the most racist people there are,” he told radio host Mark Levin on Monday. “Because they put you in a little category, a box: ‘You have to think this way, how could you dare come off the plantation?’”

"Herman Cain 2012: 'I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago' "

LOL, come on man!!!!!

Is that a direct quote from Cain? I've never heard anyone say blacks like being on the democratic plantation. I'm not saying there aren't racists on the forum. You and I both know there are. The quote you cited from West was about him attacking the democrat party, not blacks.


Of course those are direct quotes. "Rush Limbaugh accused the Democratic Party on Thursday of trying “to keep blacks on the dependency plantation” — of “Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

“The Democrats of old fought to keep blacks living on the plantation, Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel. “We need to revise that. Now the Democrats fight to keep blacks on the dependency plantation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, no. It’s now Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

That's bullshit regarding west. Here's a simple and accurate fact; that plantation bullshit that is hurled by not a few "black conservatives" and their white counterparts DOES NOT even attempt to reach the heart and minds of Black people they "claim" to want to reach out to. There are PLENTY of hardworking Black people professionals and blue collar people who are doing well, vote for Democrats and are NOT on a fucking plantation. The Democratic party has MANY more Black representatives than the republican party does, the Democrats also voted for the first President to have visible African blood flowing through his veins. They have MUCH more of a voice and representation in the Democratic party.

Show me a few Black conservatives who have NOT hurled and used that insulting plantation reference or have made inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people. How are they being embraced by the white conservative republicans when compared to the ones who do hurl that plantation insult and make those blanket generalizations. Look at how the republican embrace Colin Powell and Michael Steele. J.C. Watts also has issue with the republican party and their "outreach" to Black people.
Black people had it better when Bush and Republicans ran things; MUCH better

true story
Really, then why would Herman Cain say this: "Herman Cain suggested that members of the African American community "have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view.". NO it's not, it's used to insult Black people who vote for the Democrats. Add the little insults from some republicans and conservatives on this forum, other political forums, and on the air waves and you can truly see what they mean by it. "THe Blacks vote for them democrats because they want free stuff." "The Blacks vote democrat because they like being on the plantation." "The Blacks vote democrats because they want "Obamaphones". "The Blacks on the Democrat plantation vote that way because they want free stuff.". Those are just a few of the bigoted insults and generalizations with the "plantation reference", that comes from right wingers.
Your last assertion is totally inaccurate:
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about,” West said in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” responding to the anger that black Democrats showed earlier this week at a Congressional Black Caucus town hall in Detroit.

“I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility,” said West, who is the sole Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Some black leaders are “are nothing more than overseers over that plantation,”

Read more: West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein -

"Carson knows who to blame for the metaphorical beating he’s taking, though. White liberals. “They’re the most racist people there are,” he told radio host Mark Levin on Monday. “Because they put you in a little category, a box: ‘You have to think this way, how could you dare come off the plantation?’”

"Herman Cain 2012: 'I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago' "

LOL, come on man!!!!!

Is that a direct quote from Cain? I've never heard anyone say blacks like being on the democratic plantation. I'm not saying there aren't racists on the forum. You and I both know there are. The quote you cited from West was about him attacking the democrat party, not blacks.


Of course those are direct quotes. "Rush Limbaugh accused the Democratic Party on Thursday of trying “to keep blacks on the dependency plantation” — of “Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

“The Democrats of old fought to keep blacks living on the plantation, Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel. “We need to revise that. Now the Democrats fight to keep blacks on the dependency plantation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, no. It’s now Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

That's bullshit regarding west. Here's a simple and accurate fact; that plantation bullshit that is hurled by not a few "black conservatives" and their white counterparts DOES NOT even attempt to reach the heart and minds of Black people they "claim" to want to reach out to. There are PLENTY of hardworking Black people professionals and blue collar people who are doing well, vote for Democrats and are NOT on a fucking plantation. The Democratic party has MANY more Black representatives than the republican party does, the Democrats also voted for the first President to have visible African blood flowing through his veins. They have MUCH more of a voice and representation in the Democratic party.

Show me a few Black conservatives who have NOT hurled and used that insulting plantation reference or have made inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people. How are they being embraced by the white conservative republicans when compared to the ones who do hurl that plantation insult and make those blanket generalizations. Look at how the republican embrace Colin Powell and Michael Steele. J.C. Watts also has issue with the republican party and their "outreach" to Black people.


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!1 why don't you go cry? the most open minds among Black Democrats are the ones that need not get offended by the plantation reference; SINCE IT IS TRUE. Dems have enslaved millions of Black people in a plantation of the mind with pandering, patronizing and condescending attitudes and fostered a victim mentality. if that isn't you what you crying about?
"Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."
"The revolutionaries in the American Revolution and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule."
"Early liberals also laid the groundwork for the separation of church and state."


because actual people are always as the dictionary definition of what they claim to be? lol and you consider yourselves to be deep thinkers?
What sarcasm? He's a brilliant man. A doctor....wants to be a factor in national politics. Why couldn't he be a good presidential candidate?
What makes him a "brilliant man"?

well the fact that he is a neurosurgeon
; and the fact he isn't cowed by rabid lib race politics; and unafraid to leave the liberal PLANTATION

That doesn't make him brilliant. It means that he excels in a field.

Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia is also a physician. He made the dumbass statement that evolution and the big bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of Hell."

Rafael 'Ted' Cruz is another one that's assumed to be smart just because he was an excellent law student. But he has been out-witted and out-smarted at every turn since joining the Senate. He shut down the government while having NO PLAN to stop Obamacare.
Is that a direct quote from Cain? I've never heard anyone say blacks like being on the democratic plantation. I'm not saying there aren't racists on the forum. You and I both know there are. The quote you cited from West was about him attacking the democrat party, not blacks.


Of course those are direct quotes. "Rush Limbaugh accused the Democratic Party on Thursday of trying “to keep blacks on the dependency plantation” — of “Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

“The Democrats of old fought to keep blacks living on the plantation, Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel. “We need to revise that. Now the Democrats fight to keep blacks on the dependency plantation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, no. It’s now Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

That's bullshit regarding west. Here's a simple and accurate fact; that plantation bullshit that is hurled by not a few "black conservatives" and their white counterparts DOES NOT even attempt to reach the heart and minds of Black people they "claim" to want to reach out to. There are PLENTY of hardworking Black people professionals and blue collar people who are doing well, vote for Democrats and are NOT on a fucking plantation. The Democratic party has MANY more Black representatives than the republican party does, the Democrats also voted for the first President to have visible African blood flowing through his veins. They have MUCH more of a voice and representation in the Democratic party.

Show me a few Black conservatives who have NOT hurled and used that insulting plantation reference or have made inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people. How are they being embraced by the white conservative republicans when compared to the ones who do hurl that plantation insult and make those blanket generalizations. Look at how the republican embrace Colin Powell and Michael Steele. J.C. Watts also has issue with the republican party and their "outreach" to Black people.


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!1 why don't you go cry? the most open minds among Black Democrats are the ones that need not get offended by the plantation reference; SINCE IT IS TRUE. Dems have enslaved millions of Black people in a plantation of the mind with pandering, patronizing and condescending attitudes and fostered a victim mentality. if that isn't you what you crying about?

Why should I go cry when I can tell the lowest type of people on the planet to go fuck themselves? :lol:
The most intelligent Black Democrats (doctors, teachers, lawyers, professionals) who I know certainly have the same middle finger that I do toward the people who hurl those inaccurate and blanket generalizations about "the Blacks". The very demographic in the Black Democratic community that could be swayed by a "low tax" message, are the VERY ones your party (and the people who have the same mindset as you do)are alienating with those insults. They tend to be the folks who are more politically and socially aware and the majority of "them" are telling you people to go fuck yourselves, just like I am. :lol:

Frankly, if the Libertarians can keep the bigots out, I'm more in line with them than either party. I think that Foxnews is starting to go in a better direction, if the republican/conservatives followed suit, they may have better results. If the republicans embraced candidates who have and positive message and not an antagonistic one where they actually tried to inform people about the benefits of their ideas instead of hurling wholesale insults, they would be a different party that yielded more positive results.

Low taxes (flat tax/consumption tax)
Self reliance (the positive aspects of)
Friendly business environment
No neocon McCain like foreign policy
No opposition to gay marriage (and the insane insults that come with that opposition)
welfare to work reform
unemployment to work reform
prison sentencing reform
path to citizenship
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"Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."
"The revolutionaries in the American Revolution and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule."
"Early liberals also laid the groundwork for the separation of church and state."


because actual people are always as the dictionary definition of what they claim to be? lol and you consider yourselves to be deep thinkers?

I guess in your "conservative" circle, using the actual meaning of words from a dictionary is suddenly "ignorant"? What a bunch of clowns you guys are, thanks for the laugh! :lol:
What makes him a "brilliant man"?

well the fact that he is a neurosurgeon
; and the fact he isn't cowed by rabid lib race politics; and unafraid to leave the liberal PLANTATION

That doesn't make him brilliant. It means that he excels in a field.

Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia is also a physician. He made the dumbass statement that evolution and the big bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of Hell."

Rafael 'Ted' Cruz is another one that's assumed to be smart just because he was an excellent law student. But he has been out-witted and out-smarted at every turn since joining the Senate. He shut down the government while having NO PLAN to stop Obamacare.

Paul Broun is brilliant.
Master Bull Shitter and the DUMB MASSES right wing KOOKS here eat it up.
But he has MASSIVE opposition here.
What Broun says is all crap, would not vote him for anything.
BTW, the Democrats in the Senate shut down the government, not the Republicans.
sorry. I'm not used to you being rational.

That is a "you problem". This guy is certainly capable of handling himself in a debate against the presumed GOP hopefuls. You have a pretty weak slate there, ya know.
From what I have seen and heard from him, he would mop up the floor with any progressive the DNC could throw at him.

How does this equate to being a strong leader for our nation? How would Carson have handled the 3,000,000,000 fake scandals that have been hurled at Obama?

Tall talk does not necessarily equal good president.
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well the fact that he is a neurosurgeon
; and the fact he isn't cowed by rabid lib race politics; and unafraid to leave the liberal PLANTATION

That doesn't make him brilliant. It means that he excels in a field.

Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia is also a physician. He made the dumbass statement that evolution and the big bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of Hell."

Rafael 'Ted' Cruz is another one that's assumed to be smart just because he was an excellent law student. But he has been out-witted and out-smarted at every turn since joining the Senate. He shut down the government while having NO PLAN to stop Obamacare.

Paul Broun is brilliant.
Master Bull Shitter and the DUMB MASSES right wing KOOKS here eat it up.
But he has MASSIVE opposition here.
What Broun says is all crap, would not vote him for anything.
BTW, the Democrats in the Senate shut down the government, not the Republicans.

So the Dem Senate rejects the GOP's demand that the individual mandate be delayed for one year (they should have demanded that the mandate be delayed until hell froze over), which the House GOP knew would be rejected. So if the GOP would have demanded that all Dems kill themselves and the Dems in the Senate rejected that proposal, the Dems would be blamed for the shutdown?
Why was the GOP celebrating shutting down the government, until the every opinion poll showed a huge drop in the GOP favorability? I mean the right had a huge circle jerk on these very pages celebrating the shutdown. After the poll results started showing up, they blamed the Dems!
I just love it when folks rewrite history! Party on down! :cheers2:
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Had a strong showing in the CPAC straw poll. He's strong conservative, who is NOT a career politician. Does he have what it takes to be a good candidate for president??

[MENTION=32229]Rocko[/MENTION] - thank you for starting the thread.

I cannot and would not speak for all of the Left, I can only speak for myself.

I have watched videos of Dr. Carson: he is smart, articulate and seems to have a good grasp of figures. Just as Obama's race played absolutely no role in my decision to vote for him, Carson's race would play absolutely no role as well. Were he to get the nomination, I would do what I do every time: I would compare his party's platform with the platforms of the Democratic Party, the Libertarian Party, the Green Party and any Independent party that may be showing some poll action in that year. Then, I would compare his record (and his mistakes, and his blunders, and his strengths) with those of his opponents and then, before election day, I would make my decision. In every election in which I have voted (and I have voted in every single one since 1982: mid-terms, presidential, specials in my home state) I have done this.

I give every nominee a fair shake. I took a long, hard look at Mitt Romney in 2012.

That being said, I don't think he would have a chance against Hillary Clinton.
That doesn't make him brilliant. It means that he excels in a field.

Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia is also a physician. He made the dumbass statement that evolution and the big bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of Hell."

Rafael 'Ted' Cruz is another one that's assumed to be smart just because he was an excellent law student. But he has been out-witted and out-smarted at every turn since joining the Senate. He shut down the government while having NO PLAN to stop Obamacare.

Paul Broun is brilliant.
Master Bull Shitter and the DUMB MASSES right wing KOOKS here eat it up.
But he has MASSIVE opposition here.
What Broun says is all crap, would not vote him for anything.
BTW, the Democrats in the Senate shut down the government, not the Republicans.

So the Dem Senate rejects the GOP's demand that the individual mandate be delayed for one year (they should have demanded that the mandate be delayed until hell froze over), which the House GOP knew would be rejected. So if the GOP would have demanded that all Dems kill themselves and the Dems in the Senate rejected that proposal, the Dems would be blamed for the shutdown?
Why was the GOP celebrating shutting down the government, until the every opinion poll showed a huge drop in the GOP favorability? I mean the right had a huge circle jerk on these very pages celebrating the shutdown. After the poll results started showing up, they blamed the Dems!
I just love it when folks rewrite history! Party on down! :cheers2:

You just admitted the Democrats shut down the government.
But there really was NO shutdown of government.
"non essential services" and some Blue Flu and that was it.
The Senate is majority Democrat and they refused to pass the bill that was sent over from the House.
The House is duly elected and has every right to send over a majority bill.
And the Senate had every right not to pass a bill that WOULD HAVE FUNDED the government.
But the Democratic held Senate did not and thus funding stopped flowing.
But your partisan spin was funny!
Anyone that believes the "GOP was celebrating shutting down the government" is a dumbass.
Even if they did "shut it down", which they didn't, NO WAY any of them celebrates it as it KILLED THEM with the bogus press no matter how anyone spins it.
Only a fool believes the Republicans wanted to see what the Democrats in the Senate did.

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