Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness


Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse

Primaried Out.

Hit the road weasel, you're done.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sass

Primaried Out.

Hit the road weasel, you're done.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of Americans say former President Donald Trump bears at least some blame for the Capitol insurrection, and about half say the Senate should vote to convict him at the end of his impeachment trial.

That’s according to a survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that also finds many Republicans continue to believe — contrary to all evidence — that President Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate.

It's the latest sign that Trump's monthslong disinformation campaign could have long-lasting ramifications for Biden as he tries to govern a fractured country and underscores the deep partisan divides that will outlast Trump's presidency. But it also shows some degree of consensus, with even many Republicans saying that Trump was at least partially responsible for his supporters' deadly storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 in a bid to overturn the results of the November election.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that Trump bears at least a moderate amount of responsibility for the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including half who say he bears a great deal or quite a bit. Just over a third say he bears little to no responsibility.
Personality cults are conservative....
Politics as a religion is conservative (many conservatives don't even believe in a separation between church and state at the state level, Ron Paul being the msot famous)
Yes it can often be about one dude (Reagan), although this is a repeat of the personality cult claim
Conspiracy theories are the domain of the right, the left has academia and media so their narratives tend to win in the court of public opinion out when there is doubt.

I'll grant whining about election results has in my lifetime been the domain of the left. But there is nothing inherent to conservative politics that prevents that belief.

Rest of this shit is delusional
WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of Americans say former President Donald Trump bears at least some blame for the Capitol insurrection, and about half say the Senate should vote to convict him at the end of his impeachment trial.

That’s according to a survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that also finds many Republicans continue to believe — contrary to all evidence — that President Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate.

It's the latest sign that Trump's monthslong disinformation campaign could have long-lasting ramifications for Biden as he tries to govern a fractured country and underscores the deep partisan divides that will outlast Trump's presidency. But it also shows some degree of consensus, with even many Republicans saying that Trump was at least partially responsible for his supporters' deadly storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 in a bid to overturn the results of the November election.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that Trump bears at least a moderate amount of responsibility for the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including half who say he bears a great deal or quite a bit. Just over a third say he bears little to no responsibility.

The power of demagoguery is shocking.


If they can paint the right as insurrectionists and coup plotters, they can then justify any method to stop and/or punish the insurrection and coup plotting. If you think they’d never do it, consider all the ways the world has changed because of a virus with a 99.87% survival rate. This is why it’s so important to push back against that narrative. Indeed, what happened that day was stupid, tragic, and completely unnecessary, but it was NOT an insurrection, nor was it a coup attempt. It wasn’t even close.

The Merriam-Webster definition of “insurrection” is “an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.” The definition of a “coup d'état” is “the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.”

Were the few hundred rioters who broke into the U.S. Capitol and even the few dozen miscreants who attacked police, damaged property, or broke into unauthorized areas literally attempting to revolt or violently overthrow an existing government? Seriously? Sure, the media tells us this with a straight face, but watch any video of the events of that day, especially the one of the clowns who made it inside the Senate chamber, and tell me if any of it screams “violent overthrow” to you.

I’m not defending them. What they did was horrible, stupid and illegal. But these were the actions of a riotous, out-of-control mob who irrationally thought that going inside the U.S. Capitol was going to somehow sway the vote taking place. In the video, one guy in the Senate chamber even says, “it’s a PR war,” as he and his cohorts lose every ounce of positive PR the right may have had prior to January 6. It was ugly, but a “violent overthrow” attempt, it was not.

It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:

Yep - FACT: Ben Sasse is a real conservative. Trump supporters aren't.
They've (Evangelicals in particular) abandoned their faith and jointed a cult.


How long has Ben Sasse been in office and how often did he or his colleagues scream that the U.S needed a wall to defend it's border as you looked to add another 20M illegal immigrants BEFORE (or even after) Trump?

How often did Ben Sasse or his colleagues yell that shipping jobs to Communist China was't good for Americas global influence or capitalism before Trump?

If not for Trump, you would have been entering year 13 straight of Obama policies. As much as some dislike Trump they don't understand that their own weakness and allowing guys like McCain sic the IRS on Tea Party members, for example, destroyed his Party, not Trump. These are the facts from a guy looking from the outside in and taking in all the information I could in the process.

I know this much, if I had voted for a Party time and again only to be let down time and again, I should as hell wouldn't support them in the future (see Georgia). In a round about way I believe I have picked up a new word, "gas lighting". Is this what Ben is doing here?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of Americans say former President Donald Trump bears at least some blame for the Capitol insurrection, and about half say the Senate should vote to convict him at the end of his impeachment trial.

That’s according to a survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that also finds many Republicans continue to believe — contrary to all evidence — that President Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate.

It's the latest sign that Trump's monthslong disinformation campaign could have long-lasting ramifications for Biden as he tries to govern a fractured country and underscores the deep partisan divides that will outlast Trump's presidency. But it also shows some degree of consensus, with even many Republicans saying that Trump was at least partially responsible for his supporters' deadly storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 in a bid to overturn the results of the November election.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that Trump bears at least a moderate amount of responsibility for the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including half who say he bears a great deal or quite a bit. Just over a third say he bears little to no responsibility.

The power of demagoguery is shocking.


If they can paint the right as insurrectionists and coup plotters, they can then justify any method to stop and/or punish the insurrection and coup plotting. If you think they’d never do it, consider all the ways the world has changed because of a virus with a 99.87% survival rate. This is why it’s so important to push back against that narrative. Indeed, what happened that day was stupid, tragic, and completely unnecessary, but it was NOT an insurrection, nor was it a coup attempt. It wasn’t even close.

The Merriam-Webster definition of “insurrection” is “an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.” The definition of a “coup d'état” is “the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.”

Were the few hundred rioters who broke into the U.S. Capitol and even the few dozen miscreants who attacked police, damaged property, or broke into unauthorized areas literally attempting to revolt or violently overthrow an existing government? Seriously? Sure, the media tells us this with a straight face, but watch any video of the events of that day, especially the one of the clowns who made it inside the Senate chamber, and tell me if any of it screams “violent overthrow” to you.

I’m not defending them. What they did was horrible, stupid and illegal. But these were the actions of a riotous, out-of-control mob who irrationally thought that going inside the U.S. Capitol was going to somehow sway the vote taking place. In the video, one guy in the Senate chamber even says, “it’s a PR war,” as he and his cohorts lose every ounce of positive PR the right may have had prior to January 6. It was ugly, but a “violent overthrow” attempt, it was not.

While I tend to agree the media is not the legal authority nor are they the moral authority. Both instances of actions were insurrection in nature and all parties involved should be dealt with in a manner that is lawful.

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