Benghazi Hearing featuring Hillary Clinton begins...

State Dept dumped 1300 more emails... Confusion and uncertainty in State Dept fro, 2012 on. Dropping interest in Benghazi noticed by State staffers. Feb 9. 2012 e mail ...C wasn't sure we still have a presence in Benghazi...She asked staffers. Denied that.
C wanted to get the weapons out of the wrong hands. Roby says you are not answering question. C says she has no recollection. Benghasi in lockdown...C says they can't work in bunkers.

E mails read about whether she knew there was a presence in Libya. Asked who's email it was. Roby says their names and C says they are not on my staff. Roby questions that and C says they work at the State Department, though.

There was not a consulate in was in Tripoli
Gowdy's hair looks like Stanley Tucci's from the Hunger Games
He's also the grown up Draco Malfoy

Stevens did not get the security he needed, he brought two men with him.

C reitterates she knew there was a presence (Stevens) in Libya. Democrat Smith asked again. Smith says we haven't learned anything new in this investigation.
Clearly, there are two different motivations from thios panel' The Democrats want to protect C and keep talking about earlier investigations. Republicans keep bringing up new e mail info that is troubling. C denies that the emails are indicative of the truth.
She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )

The stack of 800 emails from 2011 contradicts that statement.
She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )

The stack of 800 emails from 2011 contradicts that statement.
That's true. It is interesting that there were nearly 800 from before the attacks and only 65 right before, during and after the attacks.
Very presidential-type speech from Hillary, compared to rambling from Gowdy and Roskam.

Roskam tried to interrupt her answer, right after Gowdy pledged there would be no such interruptions. That didn't make him look good. Hillary just cut him off, then schooled him.
Please take your partisan bullshit and stow it.

Gowdy did not ramble, he is a veteran prosecutor and knows what he is doing at least with his opening statements.

One day libtards may realize that the rest of the world is not full of morons like the other libtards they associate with.
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She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )

In other words it was an undercover OP.

Undercover Ambassador. WTF?[/QUOTE


Yes, she alluded that Stevens job was trying to get the weapons back. US sent weapons to people in Lybia and Syria, but they were the wrong people to have them. He was supposed to try to get those weapons back.
Been watching it, but I had to turn it off. Gowdy has dropped the ball, I am afraid. He failed to vet the questions of the other GOP members and they are asking rambling pointless questions about some things that Hillary Clinton could not possibly have known about like asking her to explain some references from a discussion between two nonState Department employees that she was not engaged in. My Gawd, that is just too stupid. I am not a trained lawyer and even *I* know better than that.

The GOP members should be asking laser tight questions that are short, to the point and do not give Hilalry alot of room for creativity, mostly yes/no type questions. The Democrats would do the opposite asking softball questions that give her free room to bloviate about anything she wants to and being atrained veteran lawyer herself she is giving quite effective and persuasive responses.

Hillary Clinton came ready for this event, the Gowdy led GOP has not.

Hillary is going to gain in the polls against every potential GOP rival.

Today has become an utter disaster for the GOP.
That's true. It is interesting that there were nearly 800 from before the attacks and only 65 right before, during and after the attacks.

Brooks couldn't understand Hillary's simple answer either, hence why Hillary had to keep schooling her.

Email was for the meaningless stuff.

Real issues were addressed by meetings or secure phone.

Once Libya become a primary issue, it was addressed by means other than email.

And it was kind of funny seeing Brooks sort of deflate when her gotcha didn't go anywhere.
Very presidential-type speech from Hillary, compared to rambling from Gowdy and Roskam.

Roskam tried to interrupt her answer, right after Gowdy pledged there would be no such interruptions. That didn't make him look good. Hillary just cut him off, then schooled him.
Please take your partisan bullshit and stow it.

Gowdy did not ramble, he is a veteran prosecutor and knows what he is doing.

One day libtards may realize that the rest of the world is not full of morons like the other libtards they associate with.
This is Gowdy's last hurrah. He will fail to sufficiently damage Clinton's poll numbers, the GOP will shun him forever for that failure, and he will not pass Go and collect $200.
She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )

In other words it was an undercover OP.

Undercover Ambassador. WTF?

You do realize there is a long history of espionage connected to ambassadors right?

You do realize I am not denying that. That's what all ambassadors do.

However, as country official, he's presence is not undercover.
C wanted to get the weapons out of the wrong hands. Roby says you are not answering question. C says she has no recollection. Benghasi in lockdown...C says they can't work in bunkers.

E mails read about whether she knew there was a presence in Libya. Asked who's email it was. Roby says their names and C says they are not on my staff. Roby questions that and C says they work at the State Department, though.

There was not a consulate in was in Tripoli
Why would Roby ask such an inane question that Clinton could not reasonably be expected to know the answer to?
Been watching it, but I had to turn it off. Gowdy has dropped the ball, I am afraid. He failed to vet the questions of the other GOP members and they are asking rambling pointless questions about some things that Hillary Clinton could not possibly have known about. My Gawd, that is just too stupid. I am not a trained lawyer and even *I* know better than that.

The GOP members should be asking laser tight questions that are short, to the point and do not give Hilalry alot of room for creativity, mostly yes/no type questions. The Democrats would do the opposite asking softball questions that give her free room to bloviate about anything she wants to and being atrained veteran lawyer herself she is giving quite effective and persuasive responses.

Hillary Clinton came ready for this event, the Gowdy led GOP has not.

Hillary is going to gain in the polls against every potential GOP rival.

Today has become an utter disaster for the GOP.[/QUOTEI felt that there is so much leeway given to C that the GOP is trying not make it look like an interrogation. Agree there should be yes, no questions.
I felt that there is so much leeway given to C that the GOP is trying not make it look like an interrogation. Agree there should be yes, no questions.

What the hell is going on in the House? Gowdy looking like anamateur and Clinton getting good face time courtesy of the GOP.

IS the GOP establishment so determined to prevent a Trump Presidency that they are trying to rebuild Hillary's rep with America?

roflmao, it sounds hilarious to my ears as well, but none of this makes any sense if we work on the assumption that the GOP is determined to get to the Truth.

Maybe the best explanation is that they were lap dogs for the Democrats so long in the house that they have forgotten what an opposition party does?

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