Benghazi Hearing featuring Hillary Clinton begins...

maybe we should bring baby bush back to explain why he ignored the PDB of August, 2001.
And that would have what to do with Benghazi, moron?

I figured as much.

I know wingers have trouble drawing analogies.... but let me try to help you, limited as you are....

the real failure was 9/11....

I haven't seen shrub held accountable. yet you're all concerned about a dead ambassador but didn't give a damn about 3,000 dead new Yorkers.


you're embarrassing.
It's so funny watching the wingers try to get Hillary's numbers down.
It is so pathetic to see dimbocrats play partisan war fare while an inquiry into the deaths of four Americans is being conducted, to include our Ambassador.

You libtards are fucking stupid.
C says there was not actionable on any kind of planned attack.
Susan Brooks asking why there are so many 800 e mails about Benghazi in 2011 to Clinton. Only 65 in 2112, on.

C -Met with Stevens in Paris he was supposed to do reconnassaince on the Libya.
OP Center e mail transferred to C ...Stevens was supposed to stay in Libya 30 days. Was a "risky" job.
Within 5 days, Stevens thinking of leaving Libya. Too dangerous. C knew that.

No email, not one when an explosive device went off in 2012. C - didn't have much to do with it. She was taking phone call,didn't have a computer. Second attack on compound, again no emails (Where are they?)

I guess you aren't listening very well. She said she didn't even use Email during the day. She had many more and better ways to communicate. Cables,voice communication, reports, etc.I would be concerned if she relegated important stuff to Email when she had better means of communication.
Beg to differ. There have been several pics of her texting and reading her email on the news.

Any proof those were highly critical issues and she had better means of communication available to her?
I know wingers have trouble drawing analogies.... but let me try to help you, limited as you are....

the real failure was 9/11....

And Bush had not been in office to put one law into effect by the time of 9/11; you do realize that he had only been in office for less than a year, right?

Idiotic hack

I haven't seen shrub held accountable. yet you're all concerned about a dead ambassador but didn't give a damn about 3,000 dead new Yorkers.

If Bush were to be dragged before a comittee hearing then Bill Clinton should have to way before Bush.

IT was Clintons policies still in effect at 9.11 not Bush.

Shit, you libtards have been blaming Bush for the past seven years and you cant see how Bush had not yet had time with less than a year in office, to do much of anything to prevent 9/11?

Yes, you are a fucking hypocrit. Nice of you to sign off with it.
stop projecting, idiota.

I am not projecting and anyone can read your posts to see that you are nothing more than a stupid partisan hack with no objectivity or even a basic sense of fair play.

Piss off moron, and welcome to my ignore list.
J Jordan, R. Ohio All this time you have never mentioned a video. No protests, no demonstrations.

Rice... spontaneous reaction from a video. They worked for State Dept. Where did the false narrative start?

10:08 Official statement declares it was a result of a video. Two of the men were still alive.

C - I said SOME suggest this was caused by a video. Spokesman said no connection between Cairo and Benghazi.

Persona., emails to family say the attack was done by AlQAEDA ANd we know the attack in Ben. was not because of the video said to Prime AMinister She said claim of responsibility was made. but retracted the next day.

27 minutes after you said it was a video. You had three choices : you could have told the truth as you did to the PM and others or you could say it was a video/. The Americans want the truth.

C - it was a confusing time.
J Jordan, R. Ohio All this time you have never mentioned a video. No protests, no demonstrations.

Rice... spontaneous reaction from a video. They worked for State Dept. Where did the false narrative start?

10:08 Official statement declares it was a result of a video. Two of the men were still alive.

C - I said SOME suggest this was caused by a video. Spokesman said no connection between Cairo and Benghazi.

Persona., emails to family say the attack was done by AlQAEDA ANd we know the attack in Ben. was not because of the video said to Prime AMinister She said claim of responsibility was made. but retracted the next day.

27 minutes after you said it was a video. You had three choices : you could have told the truth as you did to the PM and others or you could say it was a video/. The Americans want the truth.

C - it was a confusing time.

I think most Americans realize that the 'blame it on the video' narrative was administration PR spin that did no real harm other than make their gullible followers look like fools again, but how many times have they done that already?

This is not something that is important at all, reduces focus on the central issues people want to really know about like why these Americans died, not why Hillary is a liar.

We already know she is a liar as she is an elected politician.
She's getting clobbered.

see, this is where you loons don't get it.... she is only getting "clobbered" if you're already a rightwingnut delusional fool. no one who is going to vote for her will change their vote based on your stupidity.
They would change their votes because of her stupidity, and moreso for her dishonesty. Not yours or mine.
Jordan - C 's comment, "We know the attack didn't have anything with the film." You told the Egyptian PM, why not tell the people the truth?

Adam Schiff D - Americans have had 8 investigations, ARB report, and others

Jordan - C 's comment, "We know the attack didn't have anything with the film." You told the Egyptian PM, why not tell the people the truth?

Adam Schiff D - Americans have had 8 investigations, ARB report, and others

Again, NOT important, not criminal, and not explaining why the 4 Americans died.

and thus not effective

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