Benghazi Hearing featuring Hillary Clinton begins...

However, as country official, he's presence is not undercover.

Stevens was not a typical ambassador in that he liked to go on dark work from time to time personally.

Whatever he was doing was not of personal nature, it was always in behalf of US government.

But even so, the military should have had an extraction team ready and I want to know why they were not.

I could not careless if Hillary was getting a blow job from a female staffer. This hearing is turning into a joke, from my perspective. The GOp looks like a bunch of idiots fishing for something to hang Hillary with.

Why cant we just find out why the whole thing was such a disaster? I suspect it was just a case of Hillary being the one in charge in a bad situation that went sideways.

But I would like to know why it happened. Instead we are seeing self-promoting politicians maximizing their face time on TV.
C says there was not actionable on any kind of planned attack.
Susan Brooks asking why there are so many 800 e mails about Benghazi in 2011 to Clinton. Only 65 in 2112, on.

C -Met with Stevens in Paris he was supposed to do reconnassaince on the Libya.
OP Center e mail transferred to C ...Stevens was supposed to stay in Libya 30 days. Was a "risky" job.
Within 5 days, Stevens thinking of leaving Libya. Too dangerous. C knew that.

No email, not one when an explosive device went off in 2012. C - didn't have much to do with it. She was taking phone call,didn't have a computer. Second attack on compound, again no emails (Where are they?)

I guess you aren't listening very well. She said she didn't even use Email during the day. She had many more and better ways to communicate. Cables,voice communication, reports, etc.I would be concerned if she relegated important stuff to Email when she had better means of communication.
C says she was aware Benghazi was dangerous. Q - Did you know there were 20 attacks on benghazi> C - no I am aware of two.

Westmoreland is now interrupting her and "reclaiming" his time.

Q How many instances does it take to say, "Let's protect our people?" C says she wouldn't go over the heads of the professional people in the State D.
How professional were these people - Westmoreland.

C There was an agreement that if Stevens wanted to leave the compound the CIA would help protect him.

Stevens asked more than 20 times for more security. C - Stevens did not have her email. Constant contact with others. Chris (one of the dead) said it would "be helpful" if they had more security. They never said the couldn't do the job with out additional security.
She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )

In other words it was an undercover OP.

Undercover Ambassador. WTF?

You do realize there is a long history of espionage connected to ambassadors right?

You do realize I am not denying that. That's what all ambassadors do.

However, as country official, he's presence is not undercover.

Noooo...they use their position as ambassador as cover and the jobs ability to gain access.
As it's been done for hundreds of years.
Q - why didn't you fire anyone...hold them accountable. She said they did follow the rules. Q - you didn't have the power to fire anyone?

Security requests in 2012 over 600 requests that never reached her desk. She got all of her Sidney Blumethall's emails. Why does he have priority and your employees don't.

Q = Why is there all these requests for security and none were provided? C we had professionals to handle that.

Increase in incidents but no increase in security.

Security 12 before 12 after
I think that far left prepared themselves to make this out as a political attack on Clinton because she is running for president..
Obviously, and Gowdy should have vetted his GOP team to get to the Truth of the matter; why did we not have preparation to extract Ambassador Stevens?

Gowdy plainly did not.
Over 600 security request sent, none made it to her desk.
Over 150 emails from Blumenthal, all made it to her desk.
So that means she is criminally culpable for the deaths?

I dont think what we have seen goes to such a conclusion.
C says there was not actionable on any kind of planned attack.
Susan Brooks asking why there are so many 800 e mails about Benghazi in 2011 to Clinton. Only 65 in 2112, on.

C -Met with Stevens in Paris he was supposed to do reconnassaince on the Libya.
OP Center e mail transferred to C ...Stevens was supposed to stay in Libya 30 days. Was a "risky" job.
Within 5 days, Stevens thinking of leaving Libya. Too dangerous. C knew that.

No email, not one when an explosive device went off in 2012. C - didn't have much to do with it. She was taking phone call,didn't have a computer. Second attack on compound, again no emails (Where are they?)

I guess you aren't listening very well. She said she didn't even use Email during the day. She had many more and better ways to communicate. Cables,voice communication, reports, etc.I would be concerned if she relegated important stuff to Email when she had better means of communication.
Beg to differ. There have been several pics of her texting and reading her email on the news.
Over 600 security request sent, none made it to her desk.
Over 150 emails from Blumenthal, all made it to her desk.
So that means she is criminally culpable for the deaths?

I dont think what we have seen goes to such a conclusion.

Does it go to her honesty? She claims that security detail was not increased because she wasn't aware. She's throwing her staff under the bus.
Over 600 security request sent, none made it to her desk.
Over 150 emails from Blumenthal, all made it to her desk.
So that means she is criminally culpable for the deaths?

I dont think what we have seen goes to such a conclusion.

No, it just means that she's full of shit.
But we knew that already from several pieces of evidence:

1. she is a lawyer

2. she is a politician

3. she is a Democrat
Been watching it, but I had to turn it off. Gowdy has dropped the ball, I am afraid. He failed to vet the questions of the other GOP members and they are asking rambling pointless questions about some things that Hillary Clinton could not possibly have known about like asking her to explain some references from a discussion between two nonState Department employees that she was not engaged in. My Gawd, that is just too stupid. I am not a trained lawyer and even *I* know better than that.

The GOP members should be asking laser tight questions that are short, to the point and do not give Hilalry alot of room for creativity, mostly yes/no type questions. The Democrats would do the opposite asking softball questions that give her free room to bloviate about anything she wants to and being atrained veteran lawyer herself she is giving quite effective and persuasive responses.

Hillary Clinton came ready for this event, the Gowdy led GOP has not.

Hillary is going to gain in the polls against every potential GOP rival.

Today has become an utter disaster for the GOP.

Why would today be different?
Trey Gowdy is now talking about the Benghazi attacks and what questions the investigations will need to answer.

Hillary is going through her papers, looking around and seldom paying attention. Is that what she expects from the investigator? That is rude.

she's giving them the attention they deserve.

but so far I haven't seen anything but an ineffectual effort by the wingers to do a "gotcha" thing.

who gives a f**k what the basis for the murders was.

Does it go to her honesty? She claims that security detail was not increased because she wasn't aware. She's throwing her staff under the bus.
It would first go to the question of her responsibility and if she was then her competence, then in response to her testimony to her honesty.

So far the GOP has not established in my mind that Hillary was not incompetent or responsible for what happened except in the most abstract way the person in charge is 'always responsible'.

She is making them like like fools. At least till I turned it off in frustration.
Does it go to her honesty? She claims that security detail was not increased because she wasn't aware. She's throwing her staff under the bus.
It would first go to the question of her responsibility and if she was then her competence, then in response to her testimony to her honesty.

So far the GOP has not established in my mind that Hillary was not incompetent or responsible for what happened except in the most abstract way the person in charge is 'always responsible'.

She is making them like like fools. At least till I turned it off in frustration.

maybe we should bring baby bush back to explain why he ignored the PDB of August, 2001.


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