Benghazi Hearing featuring Hillary Clinton begins...

It's so funny watching the wingers try to get Hillary's numbers down.
It is so pathetic to see dimbocrats play partisan war fare while an inquiry into the deaths of four Americans is being conducted, to include our Ambassador.

You libtards are fucking stupid.

You don't give a shit about those four American's, you just wanna keep beating that dead horse.

Sidney B.. was an important advisor on Libya. Unsolicited..Gowdy read emails proving that they were solicited.

C - It started "unsolicited." Blumethall never wrote those emails. C blacked out Blumenthall's name on the emails when she sent them on. Did Obama know SB was sending you intelligence? C - NO
Obama said she could not hire Blumenthal in the State Dept.

Gowdy presents SB emails talking about Obama. Not flattering.

C - what does this have to do with the deaths of the men in Benghazi?

Gowdy - I will tell you why it is relevant. Why did SB have unfettered access to you when Amb. Stevens did not have access to you.
Fire works in the panel. Eliza Cummings wants Gowdy to release Blumenthall's transcript. He wont because he would have to release all the transcripts of all the witnesses. Another Dem says you are releasing his emails, why not the transcript. Gowdy says those a C's emails.

Gowdy says there are 20 more witnesses.
Trey Gowdy is now talking about the Benghazi attacks and what questions the investigations will need to answer.

Hillary is going through her papers, looking around and seldom paying attention. Is that what she expects from the investigator? That is rude.

she's giving them the attention they deserve.

but so far I haven't seen anything but an ineffectual effort by the wingers to do a "gotcha" thing.

who gives a f**k what the basis for the murders was.

It might come out that the weapons that were used were from the US in OperationNoFootprint."
Trey Gowdy is now talking about the Benghazi attacks and what questions the investigations will need to answer.

Hillary is going through her papers, looking around and seldom paying attention. Is that what she expects from the investigator? That is rude.

she's giving them the attention they deserve.

but so far I haven't seen anything but an ineffectual effort by the wingers to do a "gotcha" thing.

who gives a f**k what the basis for the murders was.

It might come out that the weapons that were used were from the US in OperationNoFootprint."

Does it go to her honesty? She claims that security detail was not increased because she wasn't aware. She's throwing her staff under the bus.
It would first go to the question of her responsibility and if she was then her competence, then in response to her testimony to her honesty.

So far the GOP has not established in my mind that Hillary was not incompetent or responsible for what happened except in the most abstract way the person in charge is 'always responsible'.

She is making them like like fools. At least till I turned it off in frustration.

maybe we should bring baby bush back to explain why he ignored the PDB of August, 2001.

I felt that there is so much leeway given to C that the GOP is trying not make it look like an interrogation. Agree there should be yes, no questions.

What the hell is going on in the House? Gowdy looking like anamateur and Clinton getting good face time courtesy of the GOP.

IS the GOP establishment so determined to prevent a Trump Presidency that they are trying to rebuild Hillary's rep with America?

roflmao, it sounds hilarious to my ears as well, but none of this makes any sense if we work on the assumption that the GOP is determined to get to the Truth.

Maybe the best explanation is that they were lap dogs for the Democrats so long in the house that they have forgotten what an opposition party does?
I disagree. Gowdy it appears, has assigned a topic for each of the House Members to interrogate Clinton. They only thing I am getting from the Democrats are what has been done in the past and there is no sense in carrying this on.
C says there was not actionable on any kind of planned attack.
Susan Brooks asking why there are so many 800 e mails about Benghazi in 2011 to Clinton. Only 65 in 2112, on.

C -Met with Stevens in Paris he was supposed to do reconnassaince on the Libya.
OP Center e mail transferred to C ...Stevens was supposed to stay in Libya 30 days. Was a "risky" job.
Within 5 days, Stevens thinking of leaving Libya. Too dangerous. C knew that.

No email, not one when an explosive device went off in 2012. C - didn't have much to do with it. She was taking phone call,didn't have a computer. Second attack on compound, again no emails (Where are they?)

I guess you aren't listening very well. She said she didn't even use Email during the day. She had many more and better ways to communicate. Cables,voice communication, reports, etc.I would be concerned if she relegated important stuff to Email when she had better means of communication.

One email was talked about when she said, "I will go into more details later on my ipad." So, it appears she used the email for "not so detailed" emails. That goes against how many devices she said she had.
Wow. What a tangled web of deceit created by Clinton and those around her.
I have one question about her talking points, though. She sent emails to "family - (Chelsea probably) telling them the same day of the attack that it was a planned attack by Al Qaeda. Considering the talking points the administration was using, i.e., the video... wouldn't that be considered top secret information, not for the public to know?

Why is she emailing this to family members? Is that mishandling top secret information since publicly, they were claiming it was the video?
It is pretty obvious there was coordination between Clinton and most of the Dem's with their questions before this hearing.

It is also very apparent, and telling she went against Obama's policy decisions, pursuing her own.
I felt that there is so much leeway given to C that the GOP is trying not make it look like an interrogation. Agree there should be yes, no questions.

What the hell is going on in the House? Gowdy looking like anamateur and Clinton getting good face time courtesy of the GOP.

IS the GOP establishment so determined to prevent a Trump Presidency that they are trying to rebuild Hillary's rep with America?

roflmao, it sounds hilarious to my ears as well, but none of this makes any sense if we work on the assumption that the GOP is determined to get to the Truth.

Maybe the best explanation is that they were lap dogs for the Democrats so long in the house that they have forgotten what an opposition party does?
I disagree. Gowdy it appears, has assigned a topic for each of the House Members to interrogate Clinton. They only thing I am getting from the Democrats are what has been done in the past and there is no sense in carrying this on.
J Jordan, R. Ohio All this time you have never mentioned a video. No protests, no demonstrations.

Rice... spontaneous reaction from a video. They worked for State Dept. Where did the false narrative start?

10:08 Official statement declares it was a result of a video. Two of the men were still alive.

C - I said SOME suggest this was caused by a video. Spokesman said no connection between Cairo and Benghazi.

Persona., emails to family say the attack was done by AlQAEDA ANd we know the attack in Ben. was not because of the video said to Prime AMinister She said claim of responsibility was made. but retracted the next day.

27 minutes after you said it was a video. You had three choices : you could have told the truth as you did to the PM and others or you could say it was a video/. The Americans want the truth.

C - it was a confusing time.

I think most Americans realize that the 'blame it on the video' narrative was administration PR spin that did no real harm other than make their gullible followers look like fools again, but how many times have they done that already?

This is not something that is important at all, reduces focus on the central issues people want to really know about like why these Americans died, not why Hillary is a liar.

We already know she is a liar as she is an elected politician.
I think the fact that they were hiding the true scenario because of the great failure OperationNoFootprint was. They didn't want the US to know they supplied those ALQeada with the weap[ons that killed these men and their further policy of giving Syrian "rebels" arms that turned out to be ISIS.
It is pretty obvious there was coordination between Clinton and most of the Dem's with their questions before this hearing.

It is also very apparent, and telling she went against Obama's policy decisions, pursuing her own.
I felt that there is so much leeway given to C that the GOP is trying not make it look like an interrogation. Agree there should be yes, no questions.

What the hell is going on in the House? Gowdy looking like anamateur and Clinton getting good face time courtesy of the GOP.

IS the GOP establishment so determined to prevent a Trump Presidency that they are trying to rebuild Hillary's rep with America?

roflmao, it sounds hilarious to my ears as well, but none of this makes any sense if we work on the assumption that the GOP is determined to get to the Truth.

Maybe the best explanation is that they were lap dogs for the Democrats so long in the house that they have forgotten what an opposition party does?
I disagree. Gowdy it appears, has assigned a topic for each of the House Members to interrogate Clinton. They only thing I am getting from the Democrats are what has been done in the past and there is no sense in carrying this on.
I wouldn't be surprised. I thought that about the Dem debate as well.
BTW, I keep mentioning Operation NO Footprint. That's wrong if you are googling it. I checked. Its OperationZeroFootprint.


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