Benghazi: How were Republicans able to tell one deadly riot from another?

Now rdean and others, when you put up your stupid threads and posts attempting to at this late date to blame a riot that got out of control over a video, you really look idiotic.

Panetta and Ham testified they knew immediately that this was an attack.

I know you will never stop your bullshit because you just can't help yourselves, but when you do so you besmirch the testimony of good men who served in very high positions in Obama's administration.

Leon Panetta has been an outstanding public servant for liberals and a dedicated Democrat. I do find it disturbing that you keep slagging him by dismissing his testimony.

I don't think anyone is trying to do that. Several posters on a few other Benghazi threads have claimed that there were no riots going on anywhere in the ME during that time frame.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Soon, Panetta and Dempsey met with President Barack Obama, the secretary told lawmakers.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

I don't understand how they are able to make those claims. We know from Reports that more than 50 people died and we can go about the Internet and look at pictures, actual "pictures" from those many riots that were taking place all over half the world.

I think they know they are lying but they hate the president so much that they justify lying about him. Or, they're just nucking-futz. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Benghazi was not a left-wing screwup, it was a right-wing setup. They think their banks are too big to fail and their conspiracies too big to expose? Let them try to play this for the mid-terms and I will walkthrough the whole game from the moment that video was uploaded to the moment Romney heard his election win speech was canceled. I hope those who feel such rage against who they think is to blame as they do when they find out who is really to blame. Republicans just can't take their lose and walk away. So be it.

What video? Less people saw the video than paid for their ObamaCare

Ah Frankie, we've been over this time and again. Don't you believe they are mindless worshipers blindly following what their Mullahs tell them to believe? Do you think they all viewed the cartoons the Danes published before they rioted then?

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.

It comforts me that Dean is a total lying scumbag in defense of Obama

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.

It comforts me that Dean is a total lying scumbag in defense of Obama
Dean wallows in it just as a pig in a mudhole.
Dems desperately trying to spin here.
No, the facts are known:
The White House lied about Benghazi and sent Susan Rice armed with talking points because they were afraid the incident would be seen as a failure of Obama's policy and hurt his re-election.
THis isn't even debatable anymore. It is fact in the record.

Baloney, Fact is the GOP has to keep up this phony scandal to protect Mitt from himself, and try to denigrate Hillary.

From the phony "Obama ordered a Stand Down" to "Obama watched as they died" to finally "Obama lied in the Talking Points"

Dude, Obama was somewhere, but it's a secret. We don't know where he was, but we know he was somewhere in the White House.....but we don't know where........
Dems desperately trying to spin here.
No, the facts are known:
The White House lied about Benghazi and sent Susan Rice armed with talking points because they were afraid the incident would be seen as a failure of Obama's policy and hurt his re-election.
THis isn't even debatable anymore. It is fact in the record.

Baloney, Fact is the GOP has to keep up this phony scandal to protect Mitt from himself, and try to denigrate Hillary.

From the phony "Obama ordered a Stand Down" to "Obama watched as they died" to finally "Obama lied in the Talking Points"

Dude, Obama was somewhere, but it's a secret. We don't know where he was, but we know he was somewhere in the White House.....but we don't know where........

Word has it he went to BED. Had a big Campaign Stop in Vegas...and ALL he cared about. He has minions to take the fall for him. ALL about him and his image...and if people get killed/maimed? NOT his problem.

Just the kind of malignant narcissist he is. Sad these jackasses defend it.
They showed a video that looked like your typical clusterfuck from a bunch of al Qaeda assholes.

It took quite a long time for them to decide what to do because they had free run of the compound. No flag-burnings or shouting slogans. Just, "Where is this American Bastard!!!"

After overcoming a stiff resistance from walky-talky wielding security guards, they started burning shit. Eventually they discovered the ambassador's safe-room, and they pulled him out and molested and mutilated him, dragging him around like those assholes in Somalia back in 93'. Most of the actual fighting took place at the Rendition site in another compound, where most of the officials had gone to hide.

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.

It comforts me that Dean is a total lying scumbag in defense of Obama

rdean is one sick puppy.
There was no protest. Panetta and Ham testified that they knew it was a planned terror attack from the get go.
The motive? And not from Alex Jones or Coast to Coast. I love C to C I'm not slagging them.

AQ#1 demanded revenge for the drone attack assassination of AQ#2 a freaking Libyan.

Guys guys guys this is a no brainer.
[MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] Security slashed? Really? You were paying Libyan militias to protect Stevens. What could possibly go wrong?

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.
This would have most likely be the first riot where people brought mortars?:cuckoo:
The motive? And not from Alex Jones or Coast to Coast. I love C to C I'm not slagging them.

AQ#1 demanded revenge for the drone attack assassination of AQ#2 a freaking Libyan.

Guys guys guys this is a no brainer.
Obama was sticking with his campaign slogan: "Bin Laden Dead, GM on the run".

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.
This would have most likely be the first riot where people brought mortars?:cuckoo:

Indeed. WHO brings mortars to a Spontaneous RIOT? :dunno:

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