Benghazi: How were Republicans able to tell one deadly riot from another?

FACT: obama manufactured a LIE to cover a terrorist attack that got an Ambasador killed in the middle of his re-election campaign.
obama CREATED THIS LIE to cover the fact of an attack on his watch on the anniversary of 9-11 at an embassay where the people begged for more security in the months before the attack

obama LIED and had OTHERS LIE to try to blame the attack on the American right-wing; inventing an absurd story that blamed it on a video

Benghazi does not have a US Embassy. The Consulate was being upgraded at the time. Stephens knew this as he was in charge of the upgrades. Why he felt it was safe to travel there on 9-11 I'll never know. He was not ordered to go, and sadly, no one prevented him from going either.

There is a whole lot that you will never know. Stevens knew that Benghazi was dangerous, but he went anyway. Someone in the State Department knows why he went, and that is some of the information being withheld. Someone in the State Department knows why security was not increased, and that is some of the information being withheld. Someone in the White House made the decision to lie about what really occurred at Benghazi, and ordered the narrative to be changed. That is some of the information being withheld.

If this is a phony political stunt, with little substance, why is the administration still not turning over that information to the congress? The answer is obvious, but I am sure you can figure out some way of rationalizing it.

Rendition, arms smuggling, the reason we were there is classified and being hidden to prevent any embarrassment.

Obama claimed he shut down all of the black sites.........and Benghazi was one he didn't shut he's hiding it.
All Benghazi Questions Have Been Answered... with Non-Answers

By Bob Gorrell | May 15, 2014 | 18:15

Read more: All Benghazi Questions Have Been Answered... with Non-Answers | NewsBusters


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