Benghazi: How were Republicans able to tell one deadly riot from another?

These protesters that were so pissed over a video that no one saw just happend to have
grenade launches and mortars in their back pocket.

Nice try Deannie!

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.
This would have most likely be the first riot where people brought mortars?:cuckoo:

Indeed. WHO brings mortars to a Spontaneous RIOT? :dunno:

Hey, the last time I was at a spontaneous protest I asked my buddy Muhammed if he had an extra RPG round he could spare.....and maybe a stick of Juicy Fruit.

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.

It comforts me that Dean is a total lying scumbag in defense of Obama

You can't just say there's a lie without pointing out the lie. Otherwise, you look like a scumbag you accuse others of being.

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.

It comforts me that Dean is a total lying scumbag in defense of Obama
Dean wallows in it just as a pig in a mudhole.

No, that would be right wingers taking part in their "Redneck Games".


The idiot OP is like well, they rioted over in Pakistan so the deaths of Americans in Libya don't matter......what a fucking nut.
The idiot OP is like well, they rioted over in Pakistan so the deaths of Americans in Libya don't matter......what a fucking nut.

Protests spread against US over anti-Islamic film - as it happened | World news

Just Pakistan????


Why are you guys so determined to look as ignorant as possible? More than 50 people died from riots everywhere. US, German and UK embassies were attacked all over the world. How come you dumbass fuckers think you can ignore that? How? Please explain it. Tell us what makes you so determined to be as fucking ignorant as possible? I really want to know.
The idiot OP is like well, they rioted over in Pakistan so the deaths of Americans in Libya don't matter......what a fucking nut.

Protests spread against US over anti-Islamic film - as it happened | World news

Just Pakistan????


Why are you guys so determined to look as ignorant as possible? More than 50 people died from riots everywhere. US, German and UK embassies were attacked all over the world. How come you dumbass fuckers think you can ignore that? How? Please explain it. Tell us what makes you so determined to be as fucking ignorant as possible? I really want to know.

There MAY have been protesting but BENGHAZI was a planned ATTACK.

Get it through your head. Your Messiah, and Hillary Clinton blew it...they are YOU.:eusa_hand:
Baloney, Fact is the GOP has to keep up this phony scandal to protect Mitt from himself, and try to denigrate Hillary.

From the phony "Obama ordered a Stand Down" to "Obama watched as they died" to finally "Obama lied in the Talking Points"

FACT: obama manufactured a LIE to cover a terrorist attack that got an Ambasador killed in the middle of his re-election campaign.
obama CREATED THIS LIE to cover the fact of an attack on his watch on the anniversary of 9-11 at an embassay where the people begged for more security in the months before the attack

obama LIED and had OTHERS LIE to try to blame the attack on the American right-wing; inventing an absurd story that blamed it on a video

Benghazi does not have a US Embassy. The Consulate was being upgraded at the time. Stephens knew this as he was in charge of the upgrades. Why he felt it was safe to travel there on 9-11 I'll never know. He was not ordered to go, and sadly, no one prevented him from going either.

How do you know that Stevens was not ordered to go? You got that from the same liars that tried to blame the attack on protesters angered over a video. There were no protesters to start with. The Consulate was quiet until the attack commenced.

It is abolutely amazing how far you loons will go in an attempt to absolve your messiah of his lies. Now that the origin of the lie has been traced back to the White House, you loons want to pretend that it never happened.

Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian churches in day of rage

Explaining away their own violence, Muslim spokesmen blame a movie that was made in the United States entitled 'The Innocence of Muslims.' This same explanation has been proffered in the West even while information is coming in that, for example, the attack in Libya that resulted in the death of American ambassador Chris Stevens was pre-planned to commence on September 11 - the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the case of Pakistan, some protesters are demanding that the maker of the film be delivered to them to be cut up into pieces. The man in question, an Egyptian Coptic Christian, remains in hiding in California following questioning by federal authorities.

Reactions to film that sparked deadly riots all over the Arab world "Innocence of Muslims"

No let-up in protests over anti-Islam film -

(This from the country Republicans "freed". Something tells me there will be no "Thank Bush Day".)

In Iraq, hundreds of protesters in Falluja, about 60 kilometers (35 miles) west of Baghdad, demanded the U.S. ambassador's expulsion from the country and a boycott of American products. The protesters carried flags and banners, including one that read, "It's time for all Muslims around the world to stand together against the enemy of Islam."

(It's us they are referring to as the "Enemy of Islam". Not very "grateful" are they? Tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed and trillions spent for this? And how many USMB Republicans still think it was "worth it"?)


This is why Benghazi is such a losing issues for the GOP.

1. It happened in the middle of deadly riots going on all over the world.

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

3. It reminds everyone of the GOP fiasco in Iraq, the cost in young American lives and treasure and image all around the world and the loss of the moral high ground.

4. Mrs. Clinton warned the GOP what could happen if they cut embassy security and they did anyway. The second time the GOP ignored a Clinton "warning".

5. The GOP quietly raised embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed.

6. The ambassador turned down military support twice.

Eye witness reports, you insufferable moron.
The idiot OP is like well, they rioted over in Pakistan so the deaths of Americans in Libya don't matter......what a fucking nut.

Protests spread against US over anti-Islamic film - as it happened | World news

Just Pakistan????


Why are you guys so determined to look as ignorant as possible? More than 50 people died from riots everywhere. US, German and UK embassies were attacked all over the world. How come you dumbass fuckers think you can ignore that? How? Please explain it. Tell us what makes you so determined to be as fucking ignorant as possible? I really want to know.

Well 9/11 had the WTC attacked, the Pentagon attacked, and if it wasn't for those brave people that died in a field in PA, one wonders just who was going to be the target of that plane...ever heard of a co-ordinated attack?....No, I'm sure you didn't, simply because you and the rest of the subversives are BRAIN DEAD ZOMBIES following the Manchurian muslim to the cliff, and then right off the edge, probably yelling "Obuma, we LOVE YOU!" as you're dashed against the rocks below!

2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

Isn't this classic?

The liberals tell a lie that insults Republicans.

Then they use the fact that someone said it (them), as proof that it must be true.

Can these people's dishonesty and futility reach any lower depths?
2. The idea that Republicans care about Americans is humorous.

Isn't this classic?

The liberals tell a lie that insults Republicans.

Then they use the fact that someone said it (them), as proof that it must be true.

Can these people's dishonesty and futility reach any lower depths?
As it stands they're dredging for whaleshit in the Marianas Trench...maybe not much lower...they're lashing out. They've been caught again. Desparation...
The idiot OP is like well, they rioted over in Pakistan so the deaths of Americans in Libya don't matter......what a fucking nut.

Protests spread against US over anti-Islamic film - as it happened | World news

Just Pakistan????


Why are you guys so determined to look as ignorant as possible? More than 50 people died from riots everywhere. US, German and UK embassies were attacked all over the world. How come you dumbass fuckers think you can ignore that? How? Please explain it. Tell us what makes you so determined to be as fucking ignorant as possible? I really want to know.

There MAY have been protesting but BENGHAZI was a planned ATTACK.

Get it through your head. Your Messiah, and Hillary Clinton blew it...they are YOU.:eusa_hand:

There MAY have been protesting????

But what?

We aren't sure????

And since more than 50 people died in those other attacks, how did anyone know it was an attack and not just a regular riot where people were killed????

Come on. Make it good.
Protests spread against US over anti-Islamic film - as it happened | World news

Just Pakistan????


Why are you guys so determined to look as ignorant as possible? More than 50 people died from riots everywhere. US, German and UK embassies were attacked all over the world. How come you dumbass fuckers think you can ignore that? How? Please explain it. Tell us what makes you so determined to be as fucking ignorant as possible? I really want to know.

There MAY have been protesting but BENGHAZI was a planned ATTACK.

Get it through your head. Your Messiah, and Hillary Clinton blew it...they are YOU.:eusa_hand:

There MAY have been protesting????

But what?

We aren't sure????

And since more than 50 people died in those other attacks, how did anyone know it was an attack and not just a regular riot where people were killed????

Come on. Make it good.
Mortars idiot. Get you oxygen-deprived head out of Obama's ass. A little fresh air will do you a world of good.
There MAY have been protesting but BENGHAZI was a planned ATTACK.

Get it through your head. Your Messiah, and Hillary Clinton blew it...they are YOU.:eusa_hand:

There MAY have been protesting????

But what?

We aren't sure????

And since more than 50 people died in those other attacks, how did anyone know it was an attack and not just a regular riot where people were killed????

Come on. Make it good.
Mortars idiot. Get you oxygen-deprived head out of Obama's ass. A little fresh air will do you a world of good.

No one knew what happened there until it was all over. Except Republicans. Somehow, they knew everything even before it happened. Right?

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