Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Told by "the media". It doesn't matter what's the fact that it got out there, and now we want and need to know the truth. By what I'm hearing tonight, I bet Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets right now!


Now all of a sudden the right believes the lying, Obama supporting, liberal media.

if they're critical of a Democrat, they're AOK for caroljo for that particular moment in time :thup:

Again....WHAT MEDIA did i refer to?
Great post. There will likely be nutball claims Bush sent help.

Even if that were true, which of course if he did it wasn't enough, guess what? Results were similar or the same.

Except for "outraged" nutball scum. None of that when one of their own kills thousands of Americans chasing neocon unicorns in third world hellholes.

Was bush asked to send help as Obama was? Why would we claim he sent it when he was never asked for help? It's not the fact that the embassy attack happened, we don't blame Obama for THAT....we blame him for not sending help when they asked for it! Why don't you people get that??????????????

60 people dead......did Bush send help?

Why not?

Is there proof he knew about it ahead of time....or that the people asked for help?
OP- You're out of your tiny little barainwashed minds, dupes. And it was the video and an opportunist attack/protest, just like the 20+ earlier ones that day, functional shytteheads. Everything you know is Pubcrappe.

You have proven to be completely ignorant of the facts.
Ok...I did. I guess you don't get what i'm saying. I know there were many attacks, just like happens with EVERY president. I want to know how many of those attacks did the people ask our government for HELP and they were refused? This whole Benghazi think wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't that we've been told they were rejected when they asked for help. If it's proven this isn't true, that's great, I won't worry about it anymore. But nobody has proven this yet, and i want to know!

‘Told’ by whom?

And that’s the rub.

Told by "the media". It doesn't matter what's the fact that it got out there, and now we want and need to know the truth. By what I'm hearing tonight, I bet Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets right now!

So, you're basing your judgment on what "the media" told you? :lol:

I thought you guys diidn't trust the media to be honest. Oh, you must mean Fox. I see. There's an impartial voice.

Bring it on.

Great post. There will likely be nutball claims Bush sent help.

Even if that were true, which of course if he did it wasn't enough, guess what? Results were similar or the same.

Except for "outraged" nutball scum. None of that when one of their own kills thousands of Americans chasing neocon unicorns in third world hellholes.

Was bush asked to send help as Obama was? Why would we claim he sent it when he was never asked for help? It's not the fact that the embassy attack happened, we don't blame Obama for THAT....we blame him for not sending help when they asked for it! Why don't you people get that??????????????

Many of us get why you blame Obama. Nutballs aren't going to get Obama impeached too soon for me, although the apparent reason might be a howler compared to the Wall Street bailout and the stimulus.

To your point, no one heard me whining about bureaucrats being killed under Bush. The ambassador in question was a cowboy. My personal experience is cowboys endanger others and sometimes bad things happen to cowboys. Would I have wanted dropped into that scene? Hell no. People in the know don't care. Why should I?
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That the GOP would try and impeach him over this faux-scandal is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the GOP's.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Democrat POTUS, but when a Republican POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Iraq war fiasco/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack.

Interesting point. Change the names to the opposite sides and it describes you perfectly. like this:

That the Democrats would call Bush a war criminal over a war that both the GOP and the Democrats pushed for is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the Democrats.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Republican POTUS, but when a Democrat POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Benghazi/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack

Thanks for exposing yourself like that.

So, you're an unoriginal hack.

When have Democrats ever called those who disagree with a war, unAmerican? That's a trademark of the right -- when a Dem is in office that is.

I have been asking for years for anyone to back up that claim. Where any Republican elected to a State or National office said such a thing.

Not a single Democrat has yet to post a credible link to such a statement.
So who ordered the lies to be told here?

The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard

Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults. The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom.

As intelligence officials pieced together the puzzle of events unfolding in Libya, they concluded even before the assaults had ended that al Qaeda-linked terrorists were involved. Senior administration officials, however, sought to obscure the emerging picture and downplay the significance of attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. The frantic process that produced the changes to the talking points took place over a 24-hour period just one day before Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her now-famous appearances on the Sunday television talk shows. The discussions involved senior officials from the State Department, the National Security Council, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the White House.
You make an obedient little subject, but a shitty citizen.

Wrong on both counts you parasitic wannabe white trash cocksucker.

Plus you didn't address the subject before your drive-by puking all over yourself. Now fuck off.
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The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

What’s sick is partisan rightists accusing the president of intentionally allowing Americans to die absent any evidence whatsoever.

There's plenty of evidence. Where are the logs that show were the President was during the attacks?
You make an obedient little subject, but a shitty citizen.

Wrong on both counts you parasitic wannabe white trash cocksucker.

Plus you didn't address the subject before your drive-by puking all over yourself. Now fuck off.

"Those in the know" have ordered you to just forget all about it and move on, so do as you're told, shut your mouth and move on, peon. There, that make you feel more comfortable, subject?
I've said it before, if we have a chance to get Joe Biden as President, why not take it? That would be AWESOME!

We can see how many groups he can offend......!
I've said it before, if we have a chance to get Joe Biden as President, why not take it? That would be AWESOME!

We can see how many groups he can offend......!

Bring it on.

Which of these did the Bush administration blame on anything but Islamic terror ?

How many were refused military aid and intervention ?

Answers = None. None.

Bush essentially used all this to continue his war in Iraq.

Which had absolutely zero to do with Terrorism.

The author of 9/11 was essentially forgotten by the Bush administration.

And exactly zero Conservatives showed any concern about that whatsoever.
apparently the authors courier wasn't forgotten !!
The House could impeach tomorrow, well Monday, but would the Senate vote guilty? Would the impeachment backfire on the Republicans?

It would backfire so badly I personally hope they DO try to impeach.

Impeachment worked out so well last time for Tepublicans

Are they dumb enough to try again?
your dear leader could burn down the White House and people like you would say he is the best POTUS we ever had !! no he will not be impeached because the left will deal the race card out of both hands and instigate civil unrest across the US !! because of this the scumbag is legally and politically untouchable !! Hillary however is not !!
The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

What’s sick is partisan rightists accusing the president of intentionally allowing Americans to die absent any evidence whatsoever.

There's plenty of evidence. Where are the logs that show were the President was during the attacks?

If you don't know, then you have no evidence. Evidence is funny like that. You need to actually HAVE it in order to call it credible.
What’s sick is partisan rightists accusing the president of intentionally allowing Americans to die absent any evidence whatsoever.

There's plenty of evidence. Where are the logs that show were the President was during the attacks?

If you don't know, then you have no evidence. Evidence is funny like that. You need to actually HAVE it in order to call it credible.
Wednesday will be the start of said evidence coming out !!
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