Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Wrong on both counts you parasitic wannabe white trash cocksucker.

Plus you didn't address the subject before your drive-by puking all over yourself. Now fuck off.

"Those in the know" have ordered you to just forget all about it and move on, so do as you're told, shut your mouth and move on, peon. There, that make you feel more comfortable, subject?

Whip me, baby, whip me good! You are one funny nutball.

Your responses to my posts are without exception substance free personal attacks .

You see nothing, you hear nothing; you will do as you're told and think as you're told. Move along and forget anything ever happened. You have your orders, subject.
Well, there's a lot of people saying there is proof of a cover up here and it's obvious Obama lied and all kinds of other accusations, but so far I've seen no proof-and I've looked at all the areas where the supposed proof is. Now, did mistakes happen. Undoubtedly. Are there some whistle blowers testifying Wednesday, yes. But I've seen no credible proof of a cover up or of any impeachable offense. No matter who is in charge, I for one need some evidence of wrongdoing before I run around saying we should impeach somebody. And I have no doubt in my mind, that the main reason the Republicans are making such a big deal is purely for political purposes. They want to hurt Obama because that's always their goal and they want to tarnish Hillary because they don't have anyone who can beat her in 2016. If you can't see this, then you are blind as hell.
so the truth of what happened in Benghazi will hurt Obama politically ??

Will it? So far the answer is no and I don't think anything else will come out that will hurt him either. BUT, the Republicans think they can tarnish him with this. What they don't understand is while this gets their base whipped up into a frenzy-nobody else cares. Yes, they should find out what happened and fix the mistakes that were made but most people would rather the Republicans do something besides obstruct everything and investigate Benghazi. There's a lot of work that needs to be done right now and it isn't happening.

Nobody cares that four Americans were thrown to the wolves and left to die? Hardly. The moonbat Obama base doesn't care, this we know. They will cover his ass no matter what.
so the truth of what happened in Benghazi will hurt Obama politically ??

Will it? So far the answer is no and I don't think anything else will come out that will hurt him either. BUT, the Republicans think they can tarnish him with this. What they don't understand is while this gets their base whipped up into a frenzy-nobody else cares. Yes, they should find out what happened and fix the mistakes that were made but most people would rather the Republicans do something besides obstruct everything and investigate Benghazi. There's a lot of work that needs to be done right now and it isn't happening.

Nobody cares that four Americans were thrown to the wolves and left to die? Hardly. The moonbat Obama base doesn't care, this we know. They will cover his ass no matter what.

Right, no facts. Gotcha.
LOL, you have NO idea what really happened, none.

Yes, there is enouh info to investigate folks just don't want to know the truth...and the sad truth is even if you find out that there IS a massive cover up you'd still support Obama.

The left has no integrity whatsoever, not a shred.

Democrats still control the Senate.

No way are the events of Benghazi an impeachable event.

Was there some incompetence? Yes

Was there a high crime? No

Most importantly, Americans don't give a fig about Benghazi. It's being used by nutso republicans to take down Hillary Clinton before she whips them in the 2016 election.
Amusing. The Democrats in DC use their power and influence to stifle questions and testimony on Benghazi and then empty-headed morons come on this site and say: "there is no evidence of a cover-up!"

A "cover-up" that works as it is intended, supresses evidence.

The ignorance is astonishing. I blame public education.
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LOL, you have NO idea what really happened, none.

Yes, there is enouh info to investigate folks just don't want to know the truth...and the sad truth is even if you find out that there IS a massive cover up you'd still support Obama.

The left has no integrity whatsoever, not a shred.

Democrats still control the Senate.

No way are the events of Benghazi an impeachable event.

Was there some incompetence? Yes

Was there a high crime? No

Most importantly, Americans don't give a fig about Benghazi. It's being used by nutso republicans to take down Hillary Clinton before she whips them in the 2016 election.

Since you guys are going to impeach think Obama could at least get a blowjob out of the deal?
Cover up? What bullshit. If the worst of what Issa just claimed is true, then the Obama administration wanted to curb political damage from being accused of failing get requested assets in place. That is called spin......not a cover up. Especially considering the fact that the Executive branch does not write checks.

The idea that Rice lied is ridiculous. She spoke cautiously as she did not have all the facts at hand. You fuckers are forever confusing mistakes for dishonesty. If you can prove that she knew on the 16th of September that there was no connection between the demonstrations and the attack at Benghazi.....then you get to call her a liar. Get it right.

If Obama did any wrong at all here, it was political spin. Not a crime and far less fucked up than what Issa and company are doing. Using the deaths of those Americans for their dopey political game.
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Cover up? What bullshit. If the worst of what Issa just claimed is true, then the Obama administration wanted to curb political damage from being accused of failing get requested assets in place. That is called spin......not a cover up.

Exactly. Like, what is the definition of spin mean ?

+ curbing political damage cannot be a cover up. Sheesh.
Amusing. The Democrats in DC use their power and influence to stifle questions and testimony on Benghazi and then empty-headed morons come on this site and say: "there is no evidence of a cover-up!"

A "cover-up" that works as it is intended, supresses evidence.

The ignorance is astonishing. I blame public education.

I don't think it is so much ignorance PF. I think these obama ass kissers in here know full well there's a cover up in progress, threats to keep quiet have been made, and it all started so obama could get reelected. But now they're in it knee deep and they have to keep it up. So they know what's going on, they're just aiding and abetting. They will do and say ANYTHING to PROTECT their messiah.
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