Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Threats to keep quiet have been made?

By whom to whom?

We're about to find out Tuesday.

Say what? You don't know? We will find out on Tuesday?

Are you talking out of your ass?


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You edited your post after I responded and added some bullshit links. you suck.

And....I don't use blogs for my news.

How about some facts.
Impeachment is a political strategy, and the question to Republicans is would they gain or lose more by the actual process? Republicans know an actual impeachment trial would be a losing proposition, but there is a sligth possibility that by simply talking about impeachment, as if there are grounds, they can make some gains. It really is sort of a desperation plea but what else do Republicans have?
Republicans have done this before, the best one was with Truman and it quietly died and Truman was rated ninth best president.
He won't answer. he posted that nonsense in another thread, was challenged in much the same way, and has run off.

Where's the impeachable offense? Saying you thought it was one reason when it really was something else, just isn't one.

If there was a coverup, and there is ample evidence that there was, then that is impeachable. Not that it will happen of course.....

I know, right? This should be just like the Mayaguez incident when the Ford Administration lied and then covered up what happened and then Gerald Ford was impeached and thrown out of office and into a jail cell....wait, WUT?
Amusing. The Democrats in DC use their power and influence to stifle questions and testimony on Benghazi and then empty-headed morons come on this site and say: "there is no evidence of a cover-up!"

A "cover-up" that works as it is intended, supresses evidence.

The ignorance is astonishing. I blame public education.

I don't think it is so much ignorance PF. I think these obama ass kissers in here know full well there's a cover up in progress, threats to keep quiet have been made, and it all started so obama could get reelected. But now they're in it knee deep and they have to keep it up. So they know what's going on, they're just aiding and abetting. They will do and say ANYTHING to PROTECT their messiah.

No doubt. In some cases it is ignorance, other cases it's plain old partisan hackery.
You edited your post after I responded and added some bullshit links. you suck.

And....I don't use blogs for my news.

How about some facts.

Hey retard, the reason it's difficult to show you facts is because of the cover-up and the threats.

There's a few of the facts we all have:

1. Our ambassador and others were killed in Benghazi.
2. Obama went on the Campaign trail first thing in the morning after the killings.
3. Troops asked for assistance and it never came.
4. The obama administration lied about the reason for the attacks.

Any sane individual would want to ask questions about this situation. So far answers are not forthcoming.
I wouldn't forgive Reagan for it.

That kind of back fired on you, didn't it?

The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

This does bring up a question. If Obama or Hillary gave an order and it could be proved beyond any doubt to "let the people die"" we just don't need this right now" "their lives aren't as important as this election" would you be willing to accept or forgive?
You forgave him for Iran/Contra, so your credibility there is kinda shot.
who shorted the funds in this country for these issues?

They didn't have enough quarters to start the F-18's on ready alert in Italy ?

When have we ever called in F-18s at embassy protests?

It was quite obviously an attack. Not a protest. Even given the very unlikely event that Obama didn't know it wasn't a protest, it would soon prove to actually be an attack and yet those fighters were STILL never sent.
Where's the impeachable offense? Saying you thought it was one reason when it really was something else, just isn't one.

If there was a coverup, and there is ample evidence that there was, then that is impeachable. Not that it will happen of course.....

I know, right? This should be just like the Mayaguez incident when the Ford Administration lied and then covered up what happened and then Gerald Ford was impeached and thrown out of office and into a jail cell....wait, WUT?

Did people die there? Did Ford lie about it? I'm asking since I've never heard of it.
All of them.

Try to keep on the subject and name one.

Every single person killed in Iraq, including 4,000+ American soldiers, because of "WMD."

1. Saddam Hussein had WMDs, that is a fact. he used them against the Kurds in his own country.
2. Bush didn't attempt to cover it up.
3. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry and Barney Frank all stated that Saddam had WMDs.

You fail.
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They didn't have enough quarters to start the F-18's on ready alert in Italy ?

When have we ever called in F-18s at embassy protests?

Well, when people protest outside of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, I'm sure OODA would be perfectly okay with the Chinese sending war planes into our airspace to break it up. Right?

I'm still waiting for you to answer my question from earlier in this thread about your post. I don't expect you to really, because you're an ignorant left wing nutter who talks straight out of his ass.
Why do the least intelligent nutters costantly insult the intelligence of others? Is it a defense mechanism?
Why do the least intelligent nutters costantly insult the intelligence of others? Is it a defense mechanism?

Why do the lefties (least intelligent among us, that's a given) refuse to anwer questions posed of them? likely because they just speak without a single clue as to what they talk about.
Try to keep on the subject and name one.

Every single person killed in Iraq, including 4,000+ American soldiers, because of "WMD."

1. Saddam Hussein had WMDs, that is a fact. he used them against the Kurds in his own country.
2. Bush didn't attempt to cover it up.
3. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry and Barney Frank all stated that Saddam had WMDs.

You fail.

Three questions:

1. What year was that?
2. Who was President of the US at the time?
3. What did that President do in response?

And I don't give a shit who said Saddam Hussein had WMD - George Bush was the president and therefore, the buck stops with him, right?

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