Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

I am calling you people sick because no matter WHAT Obama does you will support him.

The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

You realize that you are calling people "sick" based on something that you just made up, right?

As our President? He still has my support. But I certainly do not support all he has done. In fact, I am adamantly opposed to several things he has done. But....this Benghazi thing......ain't one of them because he had nothing to do with it....could not have prevented it...and did not participate in any cover up.

How about you get over it. Bang on him for real shit. And give him props for that which he has done well. Asshole.

Bring it on.

Great post. There will likely be nutball claims Bush sent help.

Even if that were true, which of course if he did it wasn't enough, guess what? Results were similar or the same.

Except for "outraged" nutball scum. None of that when one of their own kills thousands of Americans chasing neocon unicorns in third world hellholes.

Was bush asked to send help as Obama was? Why would we claim he sent it when he was never asked for help? It's not the fact that the embassy attack happened, we don't blame Obama for THAT....we blame him for not sending help when they asked for it! Why don't you people get that??????????????
The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

What’s sick is partisan rightists accusing the president of intentionally allowing Americans to die absent any evidence whatsoever.

Bring it on.

Great post. There will likely be nutball claims Bush sent help.

Even if that were true, which of course if he did it wasn't enough, guess what? Results were similar or the same.

Except for "outraged" nutball scum. None of that when one of their own kills thousands of Americans chasing neocon unicorns in third world hellholes.

Was bush asked to send help as Obama was? Why would we claim he sent it when he was never asked for help? It's not the fact that the embassy attack happened, we don't blame Obama for THAT....we blame him for not sending help when they asked for it! Why don't you people get that??????????????

Why don't you wingnut radicals wait for the investigations to be completed and the facts reported? The FBI is still looking for certain people.
Hey......Republicans impeached over a blowjob, they could impeach over this

Lying to a Grandjury is a felony.

And don't forget obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.

But, until the "Just a blowjob!" bumper-stickers fall off their cars, democrat shills will keep repeating their talking point.
Here's a Clinton Blow-job that war whores never mention:

"June 26, 1993, Clinton bombed Baghdad in retaliation for an alleged but unproven Iraq plot to assassinate former President George Bush. Eight Iraqi civilians, including the distinguished Iraqi artist Layla al-Attar were killed in the raid, and 12 more were wounded.

"This kind of unilateral action in response to an unproven charge is a violation of international law. The legal excuse given by U.S. officials, which they relied on in justification of the bombing of Libya in 1986, is the right to self defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter.

"But that Article requires that the response be to an immediate threat to the retaliating party, clearly not the case, and therefore a legal fraud."

Maybe Bubba should've used star-spangled pressure cookers?

War Crimes Clinton Is The WorId's Leading Active War Criminal
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How do you know that?

Can you prove any of this did happen under Bush? I can't find anything.....

Google "embassy attacks under george w. bush"...

Ok...I did. I guess you don't get what i'm saying. I know there were many attacks, just like happens with EVERY president. I want to know how many of those attacks did the people ask our government for HELP and they were refused? This whole Benghazi think wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't that we've been told they were rejected when they asked for help. If it's proven this isn't true, that's great, I won't worry about it anymore. But nobody has proven this yet, and i want to know!
Great post. There will likely be nutball claims Bush sent help.

Even if that were true, which of course if he did it wasn't enough, guess what? Results were similar or the same.

Except for "outraged" nutball scum. None of that when one of their own kills thousands of Americans chasing neocon unicorns in third world hellholes.

Was bush asked to send help as Obama was? Why would we claim he sent it when he was never asked for help? It's not the fact that the embassy attack happened, we don't blame Obama for THAT....we blame him for not sending help when they asked for it! Why don't you people get that??????????????

Why don't you wingnut radicals wait for the investigations to be completed and the facts reported? The FBI is still looking for certain people.

This has been going on for MONTHS! Why haven't they got the facts yet then? Obama is dragging this out and I think the you and all the other Obama kissers are worried!

And....if it was about a republican President you guys would be going absolutely NUTS over something like this. I think that you know you're wrong........
Can you prove any of this did happen under Bush? I can't find anything.....

Google "embassy attacks under george w. bush"...

Ok...I did. I guess you don't get what i'm saying. I know there were many attacks, just like happens with EVERY president. I want to know how many of those attacks did the people ask our government for HELP and they were refused? This whole Benghazi think wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't that we've been told they were rejected when they asked for help. If it's proven this isn't true, that's great, I won't worry about it anymore. But nobody has proven this yet, and i want to know!

‘Told’ by whom?

And that’s the rub.
Fuck. Some people will believe anything.

You have no proof that help WAS NOT DENIED? Do you have any proof that it WAS DENIED? Shit....your arguments and demands are those of a child.
Google "embassy attacks under george w. bush"...

Ok...I did. I guess you don't get what i'm saying. I know there were many attacks, just like happens with EVERY president. I want to know how many of those attacks did the people ask our government for HELP and they were refused? This whole Benghazi think wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't that we've been told they were rejected when they asked for help. If it's proven this isn't true, that's great, I won't worry about it anymore. But nobody has proven this yet, and i want to know!

‘Told’ by whom?

And that’s the rub.

Told by "the media". It doesn't matter what's the fact that it got out there, and now we want and need to know the truth. By what I'm hearing tonight, I bet Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets right now!
I must have missed where somebody came up with a CRIME that has been committed by any account.
This should get all the turds in here to start foaming at the mouth:

On October 27th, 2012, only days before the presidential election, I wrote:

If Barack Obama is reelected, will he face impeachment over Benghazi — a yet more unpleasant and far more wrenching result than to lose an election?

It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.

It’s not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.”

Roger L. Simon » Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

And it's Pajamas Media you link to to back this up???

You stupid wingnut fuck!

Ok...I did. I guess you don't get what i'm saying. I know there were many attacks, just like happens with EVERY president. I want to know how many of those attacks did the people ask our government for HELP and they were refused? This whole Benghazi think wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't that we've been told they were rejected when they asked for help. If it's proven this isn't true, that's great, I won't worry about it anymore. But nobody has proven this yet, and i want to know!

‘Told’ by whom?

And that’s the rub.

Told by "the media". It doesn't matter what's the fact that it got out there, and now we want and need to know the truth. By what I'm hearing tonight, I bet Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets right now!


Now all of a sudden the right believes the lying, Obama supporting, liberal media.
‘Told’ by whom?

And that’s the rub.

Told by "the media". It doesn't matter what's the fact that it got out there, and now we want and need to know the truth. By what I'm hearing tonight, I bet Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets right now!


Now all of a sudden the right believes the lying, Obama supporting, liberal media.

if they're critical of a Democrat, they're AOK for caroljo for that particular moment in time :thup:
If it gets out there.....then it must be disproved....or it is true? Cool rules to live by, CarolJo.

Lets hope nobody swears that you are a regular at your local truck stop glory hole. You'll have a lot of 'splaiinin' to do.

Bring it on.

Great post. There will likely be nutball claims Bush sent help.

Even if that were true, which of course if he did it wasn't enough, guess what? Results were similar or the same.

Except for "outraged" nutball scum. None of that when one of their own kills thousands of Americans chasing neocon unicorns in third world hellholes.

Was bush asked to send help as Obama was? Why would we claim he sent it when he was never asked for help? It's not the fact that the embassy attack happened, we don't blame Obama for THAT....we blame him for not sending help when they asked for it! Why don't you people get that??????????????

60 people dead......did Bush send help?

Why not?
‘Told’ by whom?

And that’s the rub.

Told by "the media". It doesn't matter what's the fact that it got out there, and now we want and need to know the truth. By what I'm hearing tonight, I bet Obama and Hillary are sweating bullets right now!


Now all of a sudden the right believes the lying, Obama supporting, liberal media.

What??? Did i mention any certain "media"?? The word got out that the Embassy begged for help...I didn't say WHO said it. Calm

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