Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Hey......Republicans impeached over a blowjob, they could impeach over this

Lying to a Grandjury is a felony.

And don't forget obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.

But, until the "Just a blowjob!" bumper-stickers fall off their cars, democrat shills will keep repeating their talking point.

I think that it just demonstrates how unlikely impeachment is, even when an ACTUAL crime was plausibly committed. :eusa_eh:

Bring it on.

Which of these did the Bush administration blame on anything but Islamic terror ?

How many were refused military aid and intervention ?

Answers = None. None.

You have proof of any of that?

Did the Democrats want Bush impeached because he failed to protect our overseas installations?

Answers No and No.

Why were you not upset when Bush let our embassies be attacked? Do you have a double standard?

Is there any proof that under Bush any of those Embassies begged for help and were denied? The problem isn't that there was an attack under Obama, it's a problem that we're told our leaders didn't send help when they were asked to! If this wasn't the case, and it just happened to be another Embassy attack with nobody knowing anything, there would be no investigations. If we were told these same things after an Embassy attack under Bush, you guys would be calling for a public hanging!!! Geesh!
This should get all the turds in here to start foaming at the mouth:

On October 27th, 2012, only days before the presidential election, I wrote:

If Barack Obama is reelected, will he face impeachment over Benghazi — a yet more unpleasant and far more wrenching result than to lose an election?

It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.

It’s not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.”

Roger L. Simon » Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched


Conspiracy whackjobs like yourself have constructed an entirely delusional fantasy about Benghazi. All of your masturbating over the outcome of the imaginary actions which you invented in your small minds is amusing to observe. You are awarding each other medals for slaying unicorns, anticipating the great day when Obama will be impeached for the manufactured bullshit you gobble like chocolate cake. :lol:
Sorry kid, you don't know shit.

You have ZERO idea as to what happened.

We want to know, and there AMPLE reason for us to have questions...and as I told the "counselor" the whistleblowers are coming.

This should get all the turds in here to start foaming at the mouth:

On October 27th, 2012, only days before the presidential election, I wrote:

If Barack Obama is reelected, will he face impeachment over Benghazi — a yet more unpleasant and far more wrenching result than to lose an election?

It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.

It’s not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.”

Roger L. Simon » Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched


Conspiracy whackjobs like yourself have constructed an entirely delusional fantasy about Benghazi. All of your masturbating over the outcome of the imaginary actions which you invented in your small minds is amusing to observe. You are awarding each other medals for slaying unicorns, anticipating the great day when Obama will be impeached for the manufactured bullshit you gobble like chocolate cake. :lol:
Sorry kid, you don't know shit.

You have ZERO idea as to what happened.

We want to know, and there AMPLE reason for us to have questions...and as I told the "counselor" the whistleblowers are coming.

Your problem, son, is that the ease with which all the manufactured bullshit is swallowed by rubes such as yourselves is irrefutable evidence you aren't the slightest bit interested in the truth. You have a lot of wishful thinking and obligingly believe anything which feeds that desire. Rather than apply even a modicum of critical thinking, you choose to believe the bullshit must be true for no other reason than you want to believe it. You have deluded yourselves for so long you are completely incapable of discerning the truth.

In the absence of information, we find credulous morons such as yourself swallowing whatever piss is poured for you by partisan hacks rather than wait for real FACTS. The impatience of the gullible demanded the airspace in your heads be filled, and if that meant eating the lies of your masters, so be it.

Now, when the real facts conflict your fantasies, you double down on your stupidity.

Look at you, assuming this testimony of which you know absolutely nothing will be somehow so damning as to lead to Obama's impeachment. Once AGAIN, you convince yourselves of "facts" not in evidence! And if these "whistleblowers" don't bring anything damning to the table, you will all cry cover-up. :lol:

None of you will probably read the actual testimony. You will get your "facts" from your masters, as always. And you will swallow whatever inventions they weave out of it.

It is positively amazing how you do this to yourselves over and over and over and over and over and over and NEVER learn from the continuous mistakes of your previous assumptions which blew up in your faces.

This is truly fascinating to observe.

And now, like always, we will watch you slowly begin to backpedal. Show me where I said this, show me where I said that. You are a true weasel, Roo. Always jumping on the bandwagon of the credulous without having at least their courage to state what they believe and don't believe, so you can always say later you did not say this or that. I'm onto you, kiddo.
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Golly me where I made a definitive statement about any impeachment...let me help can't.

There is ample reason for an investigation desoite your ignorance.

You seem to think that whatever you think is the defacto :truth">

Grow up kid, you are quickly becoming the site stooge.

Sorry, you are projecting at an alarming rate.

Sorry kid, you don't know shit.

You have ZERO idea as to what happened.

We want to know, and there AMPLE reason for us to have questions...and as I told the "counselor" the whistleblowers are coming.

Your problem, son, is that the ease with which all the manufactured bullshit is swallowed by rubes such as yourselves is irrefutable evidence you aren't the slightest bit interested in the truth. You have a lot of wishful thinking and obligingly believe anything which feeds that desire. Rather than apply even a modicum of critical thinking, you choose to believe the bullshit must be true for no other reason than you want to believe it. You have deluded yourselves for so long you are completely incapable of discerning the truth.

In the absence of information, we find credulous morons such as yourself swallowing whatever piss is poured for you by partisan hacks rather than wait for real FACTS. The impatience of the gullible demanded the airspace in your heads be filled, and if that meant eating the lies of your masters, so be it.

Now, when the real facts conflict your fantasies, you double down on your stupidity.

Look at you, assuming this testimony of which you know absolutely nothing will be somehow so damning as to lead to Obama's impeachment. Once AGAIN, you convince yourselves of "facts" not in evidence! And if these "whistleblowers" don't bring anything damning to the table, you will all cry cover-up. :lol:

None of you will probably read the actual testimony. You will get your "facts" from your masters, as always. And you will swallow whatever inventions they weave out of it.

It is positively amazing how you do this to yourselves over and over and over and over and over and over and NEVER learn from the continuous mistakes of your previous assumptions which blew up in your faces.

This is truly fascinating to observe.

And now, like always, we will watch you slowly begin to backpedal. Show me where I said this, show me where I said that. You are a true weasel, Roo. Always jumping on the bandwagon of the credulous without having at least their courage to state what they believe and don't believe, so you can always say later you did not say this or that. I'm onto you, kiddo.
Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

That the GOP would try and impeach him over this faux-scandal is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the GOP's.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Democrat POTUS, but when a Republican POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Iraq war fiasco/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack.

Interesting point. Change the names to the opposite sides and it describes you perfectly. like this:

That the Democrats would call Bush a war criminal over a war that both the GOP and the Democrats pushed for is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the Democrats.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Republican POTUS, but when a Democrat POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Benghazi/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack

Thanks for exposing yourself like that.

So, you're an unoriginal hack.

When have Democrats ever called those who disagree with a war, unAmerican? That's a trademark of the right -- when a Dem is in office that is.
The House could impeach tomorrow, well Monday, but would the Senate vote guilty? Would the impeachment backfire on the Republicans?
This should get all the turds in here to start foaming at the mouth:

On October 27th, 2012, only days before the presidential election, I wrote:

If Barack Obama is reelected, will he face impeachment over Benghazi — a yet more unpleasant and far more wrenching result than to lose an election?

It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.

It’s not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.”

Roger L. Simon » Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched


Conspiracy whackjobs like yourself have constructed an entirely delusional fantasy about Benghazi. All of your masturbating over the outcome of the imaginary actions which you invented in your small minds is amusing to observe. You are awarding each other medals for slaying unicorns, anticipating the great day when Obama will be impeached for the manufactured bullshit you gobble like chocolate cake. :lol:

What delusional fantasy?" The fact that Hillary and the rest of the Obama administration are lying about Benghazi couldn't be more obvious. The coverup operation is on all-ahead full.
The House could impeach tomorrow, well Monday, but would the Senate vote guilty? Would the impeachment backfire on the Republicans?

lol. There is literally no way that they could get a simple majority of the Senate, let alone 2/3
The House could impeach tomorrow, well Monday, but would the Senate vote guilty? Would the impeachment backfire on the Republicans?

lol. There is literally no way that they could get a simple majority of the Senate, let alone 2/3

That's the only reason he won't be impeached. Democrats wouldn't vote for impeachment if Obama was convicted of a felony and running his administration from a prison cell.
The House could impeach tomorrow, well Monday, but would the Senate vote guilty? Would the impeachment backfire on the Republicans?

lol. There is literally no way that they could get a simple majority of the Senate, let alone 2/3

That's the only reason he won't be impeached. Democrats wouldn't vote for impeachment if Obama was convicted of a felony and running his administration from a prison cell.

Maybe. We'll never know, because the House won't vote to impeach either :eusa_whistle:
The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

You realize that you are calling people "sick" based on something that you just made up, right?
I am calling you people sick because no matter WHAT Obama does you will support him.

The sick part of ALL of this is that we could have Obama on tape saying nobody goes in to help and you people wouldn't care.

You would support the man no matter what he does....and that is sick.

You realize that you are calling people "sick" based on something that you just made up, right?

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