Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched


Bring it on.

Which of these did the Bush administration blame on anything but Islamic terror ?

How many were refused military aid and intervention ?

Answers = None. None.

Bush essentially used all this to continue his war in Iraq.

Which had absolutely zero to do with Terrorism.

The author of 9/11 was essentially forgotten by the Bush administration.

And exactly zero Conservatives showed any concern about that whatsoever.

You fail in your attempt at diversion. Want to try to answer the questions? Didn't think so.
OP- You're out of your tiny little barainwashed minds, dupes. And it was the video and an opportunist attack/protest, just like the 20+ earlier ones that day, functional shytteheads. Everything you know is Pubcrappe.
OP- You're out of your tiny little barainwashed minds, dupes. And it was the video and an opportunist attack/protest, just like the 20+ earlier ones that day, functional shytteheads. Everything you know is Pubcrappe.

Are you trying to surpass Truthmatters as the dumbest poster on the board? If so, you made major gains with that idiotic post.
Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

That the GOP would try and impeach him over this faux-scandal is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the GOP's.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Democrat POTUS, but when a Republican POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Iraq war fiasco/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack.

Knowing the reason and lying about it is the impeachable offense.

No one is dumb enough to believe that the president was not informed of the actual events in Benghazi in a timely manner.

No one is dumb enough to believe that the military people on the ground at Benghazi were incapable of correctly assessing the situation.

No one is dumb enough not to notice the complete turnaround by the Obama administration when real facts leaked.

No one is dumb enough to believe that a non-existent demonstration over a Youtube video was the cause of the deaths in Benghazi.

Isn't that what the Obama administration is trying to sell?

No it isn't.

What is it, then, gee, I didn't know?

Check out the Constitution.

You find out just exactly what is an impeachable offense.
Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

In the delusional universe of the partisan right, perhaps; but here in the real world it’s indeed far-fetched.

It’s both sad and telling that for most conservatives, the issue has nothing to do with the ‘truth,’ and is solely about a political which-hunt.

And impeachment won’t happen because, however difficult it may be to believe, there are some republicans in the House with a bit of sense, and know a conviction in the Senate is impossible.
Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

That the GOP would try and impeach him over this faux-scandal is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the GOP's.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Democrat POTUS, but when a Republican POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Iraq war fiasco/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack.

Interesting point. Change the names to the opposite sides and it describes you perfectly. like this:

That the Democrats would call Bush a war criminal over a war that both the GOP and the Democrats pushed for is not in the least a far-fetched idea. That he would actually be impeached is way far-fetched, and nothing but a wet dream of yours and the Democrats.

Because, like most good little wingnuts, you love to use the deaths of US personell/service members as a political tool against a Republican POTUS, but when a Democrat POTUS is in office, call anybody who would play politics with any such incident -- or even one as huge as the Benghazi/crime -- unAmerican and unpatriotic. Because you're a hypocritical hack

Thanks for exposing yourself like that.
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Which deaths did Bush lie about?

All of them.

Try to keep on the subject and name one.

The don't come one name at a time. They come in lists, page after page of 'em.

Bush said Saddam had WMDs. Hell, his whole administration sang the same tune. They all sang from the same hymnal, using the same words. They didn't equivocate or hedge their words. Consequently, ALL the deaths as a direct or indirect of our invasion of Iraq are on Bush.

It's hard to find a place where one can say Bush did NOT lie about a matter of national security and his use of our entire military apparatus. Bush said we didn't torture. I wonder how many deaths that led to considering that it was one hell of a terrorist recruiting gift to the enemies of this country. I mean, wouldn't YOU be more inclined to join up and fight some enemy if you found out that Americans were being routinely tortured?

Bush said the wiretaps our gov't engaged in weren't approved without court orders. Hell, Bush actually ORDERED the wiretaps himself without court orders. He admitted it later.

How many deaths in Afghanistan have happened as a result of Bush's early lie about finding OBL no matter what only to later say that he didn't care about OBL which was easy to believe since Bush didn't press our advantage at Tora Bora. No, the troops were held back when it would have been very possible to kill or capture OBL.

George fool-me-once Bush doesn't have most Americans fooled anymore. Perhaps you're one of the few.
All of them.

Try to keep on the subject and name one.

The don't come one name at a time. They come in lists, page after page of 'em.

then you should be able to name one then. Let's see how well you did.

Bush said Saddam had WMDs. Hell, his whole administration sang the same tune. They all sang from the same hymnal, using the same words. They didn't equivocate or hedge their words. Consequently, ALL the deaths as a direct or indirect of our invasion of Iraq are on Bush.

First of all, i requested that you stick to the subject and immediately tyou go off on something unrelated, and not only did Bush and his administration say Saddam had WMDs (and he most certainly did) so did most of the Democrats and all of the most powerful democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, and John Kerry.

Sorry you fail there.

It's hard to find a place where one can say Bush did NOT lie about a matter of national security and his use of our entire military apparatus. Bush said we didn't torture. I wonder how many deaths that led to considering that it was one hell of a terrorist recruiting gift to the enemies of this country. I mean, wouldn't YOU be more inclined to join up and fight some enemy if you found out that Americans were being routinely tortured?

Off the subject again and a huge stretch to boot. Fail.

Bush said the wiretaps our gov't engaged in weren't approved without court orders. Hell, Bush actually ORDERED the wiretaps himself without court orders. He admitted it later.

Really man? Are even in the right thread? You realize we're talking about Benghazi and responding to the post by CandyCorn right?

How many deaths in Afghanistan have happened as a result of Bush's early lie about finding OBL no matter what only to later say that he didn't care about OBL which was easy to believe since Bush didn't press our advantage at Tora Bora. No, the troops were held back when it would have been very possible to kill or capture OBL.

None actually. That was easy. You fail again.

George fool-me-once Bush doesn't have most Americans fooled anymore. Perhaps you're one of the few.

Actually no. As I have shown you, most of what you believe is false and the rest is off the topic so my opinion on the matter is as irrelevant as you use of it here.

Try next time to stick to the subject.
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No crime. No cover-up. It's amazing how little history some people know, that they'd actually think this compares to Watergate in any way. :cuckoo:

How could it compare to Watergate? Nobody got killed because of Watergate?
He won't answer. he posted that nonsense in another thread, was challenged in much the same way, and has run off.

Where's the impeachable offense? Saying you thought it was one reason when it really was something else, just isn't one.

Knowing the reason and lying about it is the impeachable offense.

No one is dumb enough to believe that the president was not informed of the actual events in Benghazi in a timely manner.

No one is dumb enough to believe that the military people on the ground at Benghazi were incapable of correctly assessing the situation.

No one is dumb enough not to notice the complete turnaround by the Obama administration when real facts leaked.

No one is dumb enough to believe that a non-existent demonstration over a Youtube video was the cause of the deaths in Benghazi.

Isn't that what the Obama administration is trying to sell?

No impeachable offense offered. I'm still waiting. The only dumb thing I see is the thought that any of things mentioned rise to that level. I guess when you lose that bad, you've got to keep hoping lightning will strike.

Bring it on.

Which of these did the Bush administration blame on anything but Islamic terror ?

How many were refused military aid and intervention ?

Answers = None. None.

You have proof of any of that?

Did the Democrats want Bush impeached because he failed to protect our overseas installations?

Answers No and No.

Why were you not upset when Bush let our embassies be attacked? Do you have a double standard?
Where's the impeachable offense? Saying you thought it was one reason when it really was something else, just isn't one.

Knowing the reason and lying about it is the impeachable offense.

No one is dumb enough to believe that the president was not informed of the actual events in Benghazi in a timely manner.

No one is dumb enough to believe that the military people on the ground at Benghazi were incapable of correctly assessing the situation.

No one is dumb enough not to notice the complete turnaround by the Obama administration when real facts leaked.

No one is dumb enough to believe that a non-existent demonstration over a Youtube video was the cause of the deaths in Benghazi.

Isn't that what the Obama administration is trying to sell?

No impeachable offense offered. I'm still waiting. The only dumb thing I see is the thought that any of things mentioned rise to that level. I guess when you lose that bad, you've got to keep hoping lightning will strike.

Yes, it was offered. Learn to read.

Are you illiterate or simply unable to read for meaning?

Do you really think running a misinformation campaign on the public does not amount to an impeachable offense? Surely, you're joking.

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