Benghazi - what if ?


Senior Member
Apr 19, 2012
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:
If "Bush" sent a group of black men to an Islamic country and they were murdered on 9-11 because "Bush's people in the DOS" ignored requests for better security.....liberals would burn down the White House with Bush inside.
I really hope liberals will ponder this honestly. There has been 15 looks, 1 response - it must strike a nerve with the liberal hacks. How would liberals react?
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

You already know the answer to that. Liberals will be along shortly to blame it on Republican cuts, which had absolutely nothing to do with the security there and damn sure didn't have anything to do with removing the security that was already there, ignoring threats to the ambassador, ignoring attacks in the area, ignoring the anniversary of 9/11, the stand down orders or the big fat lies told immediately.

If the situation were as you described, the media would have started covering it immediately and we would have had nothing but Benghazi news the entire day. News crews would have been sent as soon as possible to interview survivors. No stone would have remained unturned. They would have demanded to know who came up with the bogus story about protesters. They would have interviewed the generals who were fired on the spot for questioning the stand down orders. None of that happened. They listened to the bullshit explanation and yawned.
What if the four fallen heroes were black, and the president, and secretary of state were white republicans :eek:

You already know the answer to that. Liberals will be along shortly to blame it on Republican cuts, which had absolutely nothing to do with the security there and damn sure didn't have anything to do with removing the security that was already there, ignoring threats to the ambassador, ignoring attacks in the area, ignoring the anniversary of 9/11, the stand down orders or the big fat lies told immediately.

If the situation were as you described, the media would have started covering it immediately and we would have had nothing but Benghazi news the entire day. News crews would have been sent as soon as possible to interview survivors. No stone would have remained unturned. They would have demanded to know who came up with the bogus story about protesters. They would have interviewed the generals who were fired on the spot for questioning the stand down orders. None of that happened. They listened to the bullshit explanation and yawned.
I don't think a liberal mind can fathom my op. They are obamabots!
I really hope liberals will ponder this honestly. There has been 15 looks, 1 response - it must strike a nerve with the liberal hacks. How would liberals react?

i'm not a liberal, but i will respond.

i don't think it would have mattered. 9/11 people rallied around bush and this country. sure, you can't compare the two in terms of tragedy. the difference is the way the two presidents handled it. obama hid behind a guy who made a video....then he finally let's that go....after having the guy arrested...and then never gave us full disclosure.

bush immediately gave everyone the knowledge necessary to the population. he didn't hide behind some video maker. bush executed afghanistan properly. he screwed up with iraq.
I knew liberals would bring up 9/11. Of course, that was in the planning for nearly a decade, under other people's watch.

Nothing in the past justifies the lies Obama told. I am so tired of hearing that Georgie did this or that, as if that automatically excuses the corruption in this administration.

Obama has taken Bush's worst policies and put them on steroids. The liberals who bitched back then suddenly are okay with it. Our new security under Bush was bad, they said. Having it more intrusive under Obama is fine. They wanted the world to love us and said Bush made us look bad. Now they say who cares what the world thinks.

At least Bush called a terrorist a terrorist. Obama can't utter the word. He arms terrorists. He trusts the worst of enemies to make deals on nukes. He has shown more trust for Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood than he has for the American people. His foreign policy seems designed to help them advance, while his domestic policies hold back the American people.

He couldn't even blame cold-blooded killers after seeing video of them carrying the slain body of Chris Stevens through the streets. All he saw was some poor radical Muslims doing the only thing they knew how to do. He made excuses for them and some film maker will rot in jail as if he personally set off those bombs, fired those guns and did disgusting things to the body of Stevens.

Neither Obama or Hillary will talk about which one of them invented the protester story. After their lies fell apart, they quit talking about it altogether and the dutiful media didn't ask questions because they wouldn't dare put their messiah in an awkward position.

O'Reilly's interview with Obama was tame. Bill went easy on Obama, yet got sharply criticized for asking any questions at all. How dare he bring up Benghazi and other scandals. Obama's reaction reminded me of an Emperor who was scolding a commoner for daring to take him to task. Obama answered no questions, just the usual sidestepping and whining about how FOX news reports on things that don't matter. You'd think what goes on in this administration is none of our business. We're supposed to watch liberal media, like Obama does, to find out what we're allowed to know.

Obama feigns ignorance on every scandal and would rather we all did the same. If you rely on Katie Couric, Matthews or other dimwits, you would never have heard of most things going on. They do more bitching about FOX than reporting news.

Has anyone noticed that the media is doing more bashing of Russia than they are about covering the athletes in the Olympics? It's clear they are angry at Russia so will focus on insulting them and make coverage of the events a second priority. Not very professional.
I knew liberals would bring up 9/11. Of course, that was in the planning for nearly a decade, under other people's watch.

Nothing in the past justifies the lies Obama told. I am so tired of hearing that Georgie did this or that, as if that automatically excuses the corruption in this administration.

Obama has taken Bush's worst policies and put them on steroids. The liberals who bitched back then suddenly are okay with it. Our new security under Bush was bad, they said. Having it more intrusive under Obama is fine. They wanted the world to love us and said Bush made us look bad. Now they say who cares what the world thinks.

At least Bush called a terrorist a terrorist. Obama can't utter the word. He arms terrorists. He trusts the worst of enemies to make deals on nukes. He has shown more trust for Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood than he has for the American people. His foreign policy seems designed to help them advance, while his domestic policies hold back the American people.

He couldn't even blame cold-blooded killers after seeing video of them carrying the slain body of Chris Stevens through the streets. All he saw was some poor radical Muslims doing the only thing they knew how to do. He made excuses for them and some film maker will rot in jail as if he personally set off those bombs, fired those guns and did disgusting things to the body of Stevens.

Neither Obama or Hillary will talk about which one of them invented the protester story. After their lies fell apart, they quit talking about it altogether and the dutiful media didn't ask questions because they wouldn't dare put their messiah in an awkward position.

O'Reilly's interview with Obama was tame. Bill went easy on Obama, yet got sharply criticized for asking any questions at all. How dare he bring up Benghazi and other scandals. Obama's reaction reminded me of an Emperor who was scolding a commoner for daring to take him to task. Obama answered no questions, just the usual sidestepping and whining about how FOX news reports on things that don't matter. You'd think what goes on in this administration is none of our business. We're supposed to watch liberal media, like Obama does, to find out what we're allowed to know.

Obama feigns ignorance on every scandal and would rather we all did the same. If you rely on Katie Couric, Matthews or other dimwits, you would never have heard of most things going on. They do more bitching about FOX than reporting news.

Has anyone noticed that the media is doing more bashing of Russia than they are about covering the athletes in the Olympics? It's clear they are angry at Russia so will focus on insulting them and make coverage of the events a second priority. Not very professional.

Obama Rules but pretends He doesn't.
This thread is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Is wild speculation the last hope for cons? :dunno:

Stupidest Gracie? HOW did YOU ever manage the First Grade?

If Obama had parachuted into Benghazi and killed all the terrorists you'd find a way blame him.

I don't get why cons are suddenly against blanket immunity. That's how you all rolled for the 2000's after all
I'm sure no hater dupes are racists lol...

Nobody's talked to the attackers, all the other protests/attacks earlier that day were about that RW video, but somehow Pubs and dupes are 100 per cent SURE it has nothing to do with it. Amazing- Just lke all their other ''facts'' about it lol....

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