Bergdahl may face charges of misbehavior before the enemy


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Doesn't say he will be charged, just that he can be. Bergdahl could get life in prison for what he did, and not without some justification cuz guys were killed looking for him. I got no simpathy for a guy that walks off his post in a war zone.

The military judge overseeing Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s case says prosecutors can try the soldier on a rare charge alleging he endangered comrades by walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009.

The judge, Col. Jeffery Nance, rejected a defense motion on Thursday to dismiss the charge of misbehavior before the enemy, which carries up to a life sentence.

Bergdahl also faces a desertion charge, punishable by up to 5 years, at trial in October.

Defense lawyers said prosecutors used faulty logic to charge Bergdahl with a crime more serious than his underlying actions.

The judge acknowledged that case law is “scarce” because the misbehavior charge is so rarely used, but he said a soldier who leaves his post alone and without authorization should be aware he could face punishment.
Let's hope he does. Funny how Barry Hussein called him a hero.
Obumble did a lot more than call him a hero and give his parents a rose garden reception. He exchanged 5 of the most militant GITMO prisoners for that traitor. It just boggles my mind the crap that Obama pulled during his 8 year reign and was never called on it. I don't think BergDahl should be shot but he should do hard time. At least one soldier died while searching for him.
Let's hope he does. Funny how Barry Hussein called him a hero.
Obumble did a lot more than call him a hero and give his parents a rose garden reception. He exchanged 5 of the most militant GITMO prisoners for that traitor. It just boggles my mind the crap that Obama pulled during his 8 year reign and was never called on it. I don't think BergDahl should be shot but he should do hard time. At least one soldier died while searching for him.

I think Obama wanted to clear out as many guys out of Gitmo as he could so he could close it down if nobody was left. Or if the number of detainees was so low either he or the next president (which he assumed would be Hillary) would be able to close it down. Musta been a helluva shock and disappointment when she lost. He really didm't give a shit about Bergdahl or how the action he took would affect the troops.
Court martial then shoot. Raffle off chances to be in the firing squad.

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