Berkeley Mayor: If School Does Not Shut Down Freedom Of Speech Antifa Will Riot

If the police can't handle security the next step is the National Guard.

Liberals believe that hate speech should be countered by rational discussion, not violence.

All the liberals on this site, except for ONE OR TWO, support violence to stop what they call "hate speech" but is really just speech they don't like.

I'm not sure what time period you are from, but you are no longer there.

I just don't see the difference between a bunch of conservatives paying to see a show by this Milo guy and freaks of my generation paying to see Frank Zappa in concert. I didn't want a bunch of do-gooders telling Frank he couldn't perform and I don't want a bunch of illiberal assholes telling Milo he can't either.

Who supports violence as the means to shut down these performances?

THe vast majority of liberals on this site.

Also, you are kidding yourself if you are implying that MIlo is just an entertainer.

If you're a liberal on this site and support violence as a means to shut down these performances feel free to chime in.

Is Milo getting paid for his performance?

He gets paid to give speeches, just like Hillary does. Doesn't mean what he has to say is not significant.

If you have missed all the libs supporting Antifa, you haven't been paying attention.

He is a paid performer like Coulter. He gives the audience what they want to hear.

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

"...sunlight is the best disinfectant. You're welcome."

Still waiting for the violence supporting liberals to chime in.
If the police can't handle security the next step is the National Guard.

Liberals believe that hate speech should be countered by rational discussion, not violence.

All the liberals on this site, except for ONE OR TWO, support violence to stop what they call "hate speech" but is really just speech they don't like.

I'm not sure what time period you are from, but you are no longer there.

I just don't see the difference between a bunch of conservatives paying to see a show by this Milo guy and freaks of my generation paying to see Frank Zappa in concert. I didn't want a bunch of do-gooders telling Frank he couldn't perform and I don't want a bunch of illiberal assholes telling Milo he can't either.

Who supports violence as the means to shut down these performances?

THe vast majority of liberals on this site.

Also, you are kidding yourself if you are implying that MIlo is just an entertainer.
He is gay and a conservative rabble rouser. That is entertainment

It might be entertaining, but he is the cutting edge of the fight in the Culture War and the fight for Free Speech.
This poor ignorant Liberal bastard actually said:
“[T]here is a line between freedom of speech and then posing a risk to public safety.”
- Mayor of Berkeley: Look, Leftists Might Riot, So the University Should Cancel Free Speech Week

"This is unadulterated garbage. Rather than affirming that fundamental constitutional rights will be upheld and protected in his city, Arreguin is blaming the victims and using the crimes of the Left to justify silencing the Right. It's skin-crawlingly disgusting to witness an elected government official explicitly urging another group of government officials (the administration of a public institution) to trample the First Amendment rights of citizens -- especially because a separate group of citizens refuses to abide by the law."

It sure sounds like this POS is justifying suppressing Freedom of Speech in order to provide for public safety instead of PROTECTING our Constitutional Rights by stopping the violent Left Wing Anti-American Fascist self-proclaimed Anarchists who are using violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights, silencing all opposing voices / views / ideology, putting communities as well as our national security at risk, and endangering our Democracy by calling for 'No More USA' (an obvious chant of treason / declaration they are 'Enemies of the State').

I understand he and his city have been the victims of the Left Extremists' violent, illegal, anti-American anarchist rampages, successfully using violence, intimidation, and destruction to impose their will on others while denying Americans of their Constitutional Rights. He should remember, however, that our liberty and those rights were not won by giving in to those who would deny us our democracy and freedoms, and they will not be kept by doing so.

It is time to bring discipline, order, and justice back to Berkeley. The College Dean should make it clear to all students - if you engage in violent protests you are GONE - kicked out of college, never to return. The city and state need to do whatever they need to do to prevent violence. No stand-down orders or allowing the anarchists to criminally do whatever they want.

Police, national guard - enforce the law with extreme prejudice. Shotguns with bean bags, rubber bullets, Tasers, gas, water cannons, dogs - shut id down, and shut it down quick.

Antifa has proven - proclaimed - they are Enemies of the State, so they should be officially labeled as such...and treated as such.

And the mayor needs to get a set of b@lls, a backbone, and/OR a better police force.

"The militant arm of the left-wing "resistance" movement has finally behaved so badly, so often, that mainstream journalists (beyond Jake Tapper) are finally beginning to come to grips with their crimes and denounce them.

We've been
exposing the Left's political violence problem for quite some time, especially recently -- ignoring mainstream media clucking about "false equivalencies" along the way. Now that the press is starting to catch up on this scourge, when will they start to hold elected Democrats accountable? Journalists frequently ask Republicans to disavow far-Right extremists, then debate whether their statements were prompt or forceful enough -- blasting inadequate responses, and sometimes questioning the sincerity of robust ones."

Liberals need to get off their asses and condemn Antifa for the enemies of this nation they are, not remain supporting them with their silence.

Multiple Kent State responses on various American University campuses would soon send the message to the Far Left Fascist slugs.

Kent State is the correct and only response to that type. Zero Tolerance. Take the gloves off and go full on Kent State on their filthy buttocks.

You want to murder unarmed people who are not involved in the protest at all?

Wow. What a thuggish thing to advocate.

Who cares what a Troll like you thinks.

A thug like you perhaps?

I'm not a thug, thugs are not as sartorial elegant as I am, Dior and Chanel, I even go to bed wearing Chanel No. 19, I have two manicures and pedicures a week and I only drink Martini's. I have an incredible collection of riding crops, most tipped with Moroccan leather, I look GREAT dressed in Black with my knee high Black leather riding boots....and I'm trained as both a sharp shooter and a sniper and I have a beautiful collection of Glocks and I know how to use them you silly little faggot.

I'm the opposite of you filthy Leftists who look like you do not even wash your hair, dress like slobs and do not even know if you are male or go and swallow some more of your favourite Jungle Juice from your pet Jungle Bunny.

Okay fine. A well dressed but still a depressingly denigrating thug with a foul mouth. Feel better?
All the liberals on this site, except for ONE OR TWO, support violence to stop what they call "hate speech" but is really just speech they don't like.

I'm not sure what time period you are from, but you are no longer there.

I just don't see the difference between a bunch of conservatives paying to see a show by this Milo guy and freaks of my generation paying to see Frank Zappa in concert. I didn't want a bunch of do-gooders telling Frank he couldn't perform and I don't want a bunch of illiberal assholes telling Milo he can't either.

Who supports violence as the means to shut down these performances?

THe vast majority of liberals on this site.

Also, you are kidding yourself if you are implying that MIlo is just an entertainer.

If you're a liberal on this site and support violence as a means to shut down these performances feel free to chime in.

Is Milo getting paid for his performance?

He gets paid to give speeches, just like Hillary does. Doesn't mean what he has to say is not significant.

If you have missed all the libs supporting Antifa, you haven't been paying attention.

He is a paid performer like Coulter. He gives the audience what they want to hear.

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

"...sunlight is the best disinfectant. You're welcome."

Still waiting for the violence supporting liberals to chime in.

1. THat he gets paid, does not challenge my point, or undermine his significance.

3. Plenty of threads on this site where antifa is discussed and the libs almost all support their street violence.
I've seen Milo before....he was kissing his male boyfriend (he's free) in the mouth in the liberal city of L.A.....I have no clue why he is considered a conservative....he's in it just for the money I guess.
I've seen Milo before....he was kissing his male boyfriend (he's free) in the mouth in the liberal city of L.A.....I have no clue why he is considered a conservative....he's in it just for the money I guess.

Tons of clips on youtube of him either on tour or on various interviews/panels.

YOu listen to him discuss issues for 5 minutes and you'll understand why he is considered a conservative.

Especially if it is in the context of a hostile interview/debate.
Just to be clear...Progs are so insecure of their beliefs that they think an anorexic conservative chick will doom us all to concentration camps?

How fucking cowardly.
I just don't see the difference between a bunch of conservatives paying to see a show by this Milo guy and freaks of my generation paying to see Frank Zappa in concert. I didn't want a bunch of do-gooders telling Frank he couldn't perform and I don't want a bunch of illiberal assholes telling Milo he can't either.

Who supports violence as the means to shut down these performances?

THe vast majority of liberals on this site.

Also, you are kidding yourself if you are implying that MIlo is just an entertainer.

If you're a liberal on this site and support violence as a means to shut down these performances feel free to chime in.

Is Milo getting paid for his performance?

He gets paid to give speeches, just like Hillary does. Doesn't mean what he has to say is not significant.

If you have missed all the libs supporting Antifa, you haven't been paying attention.

He is a paid performer like Coulter. He gives the audience what they want to hear.

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

"...sunlight is the best disinfectant. You're welcome."

Still waiting for the violence supporting liberals to chime in.

1. THat he gets paid, does not challenge my point, or undermine his significance.

3. Plenty of threads on this site where antifa is discussed and the libs almost all support their street violence.

I don't really give a flying rodent behind what you think his significance is, IMO he should be allowed to say his piece to his audience without a violence reaction from anyone.

Well then, if it is almost all, surely I can get one to explain why they support street violence.
THe vast majority of liberals on this site.

Also, you are kidding yourself if you are implying that MIlo is just an entertainer.

If you're a liberal on this site and support violence as a means to shut down these performances feel free to chime in.

Is Milo getting paid for his performance?

He gets paid to give speeches, just like Hillary does. Doesn't mean what he has to say is not significant.

If you have missed all the libs supporting Antifa, you haven't been paying attention.

He is a paid performer like Coulter. He gives the audience what they want to hear.

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

"...sunlight is the best disinfectant. You're welcome."

Still waiting for the violence supporting liberals to chime in.

1. THat he gets paid, does not challenge my point, or undermine his significance.

3. Plenty of threads on this site where antifa is discussed and the libs almost all support their street violence.

I don't really give a flying rodent behind what you think his significance is, IMO he should be allowed to say his piece to his audience without a violence reaction from anyone.

Well then, if it is almost all, surely I can get one to explain why they support street violence.

Not when you phrase it so honestly.

Have you not been online much recently? The standard party line for the left is that antifa is anti fascists, and that supporting the right of people like Milo to speak is you supporting fascism or racism.

Antifa is, according to most liberals, defending American values.

THeir hypocrisy is beyond understanding.

And you are the one trying to diminish his significance because he gets paid.
If you're a liberal on this site and support violence as a means to shut down these performances feel free to chime in.

Is Milo getting paid for his performance?

He gets paid to give speeches, just like Hillary does. Doesn't mean what he has to say is not significant.

If you have missed all the libs supporting Antifa, you haven't been paying attention.

He is a paid performer like Coulter. He gives the audience what they want to hear.

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

"...sunlight is the best disinfectant. You're welcome."

Still waiting for the violence supporting liberals to chime in.

1. THat he gets paid, does not challenge my point, or undermine his significance.

3. Plenty of threads on this site where antifa is discussed and the libs almost all support their street violence.

I don't really give a flying rodent behind what you think his significance is, IMO he should be allowed to say his piece to his audience without a violence reaction from anyone.

Well then, if it is almost all, surely I can get one to explain why they support street violence.

Not when you phrase it so honestly.

Have you not been online much recently? The standard party line for the left is that antifa is anti fascists, and that supporting the right of people like Milo to speak is you supporting fascism or racism.

Antifa is, according to most liberals, defending American values.

THeir hypocrisy is beyond understanding.

And you are the one trying to diminish his significance because he gets paid.
I would only disagree that their hypocrisy is beyond understanding.

We know what they're thinking and we know what they want. They tell us every day.

For example, their "no Trump, no wall, no USA at all" chant. Hell, at least they're being honest.
Actually NO is the shit hole of America.
When you've seen one Democrat-controlled inner-city $shithole plagued by lethal gangs of feral Blacks and Illegal Aliens, you've seen 'em all.

Give or take a bit, for topography and local history and demographics...
Anyway, watch the footage of the Antifa mob attacking.. they swing fists like little girls. I guarantee if there just a few, they wouldn't do shit.
True... the little Fruit Loops aren't good for much, beyond playing the part of Whiny Bitches with great gusto...

Stereotypically speaking, Conservatives are far more likely to have served in the military than Liberals...


Stereotypically speaking, in any street-fight -caliber confrontation between equal numbers of Conservatives and Liberals...

Conservatives are far more likely to win such rumbles, given that half their opponents will run at the first sign of trouble where they are not present in overwhelming numbers, and given that the other half of them do not carry enough weight in their purses and handbags to do much damage...

This poor ignorant Liberal bastard actually said:
“[T]here is a line between freedom of speech and then posing a risk to public safety.”
- Mayor of Berkeley: Look, Leftists Might Riot, So the University Should Cancel Free Speech Week

"This is unadulterated garbage. Rather than affirming that fundamental constitutional rights will be upheld and protected in his city, Arreguin is blaming the victims and using the crimes of the Left to justify silencing the Right. It's skin-crawlingly disgusting to witness an elected government official explicitly urging another group of government officials (the administration of a public institution) to trample the First Amendment rights of citizens -- especially because a separate group of citizens refuses to abide by the law."

It sure sounds like this POS is justifying suppressing Freedom of Speech in order to provide for public safety instead of PROTECTING our Constitutional Rights by stopping the violent Left Wing Anti-American Fascist self-proclaimed Anarchists who are using violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights, silencing all opposing voices / views / ideology, putting communities as well as our national security at risk, and endangering our Democracy by calling for 'No More USA' (an obvious chant of treason / declaration they are 'Enemies of the State').

I understand he and his city have been the victims of the Left Extremists' violent, illegal, anti-American anarchist rampages, successfully using violence, intimidation, and destruction to impose their will on others while denying Americans of their Constitutional Rights. He should remember, however, that our liberty and those rights were not won by giving in to those who would deny us our democracy and freedoms, and they will not be kept by doing so.

It is time to bring discipline, order, and justice back to Berkeley. The College Dean should make it clear to all students - if you engage in violent protests you are GONE - kicked out of college, never to return. The city and state need to do whatever they need to do to prevent violence. No stand-down orders or allowing the anarchists to criminally do whatever they want.

Police, national guard - enforce the law with extreme prejudice. Shotguns with bean bags, rubber bullets, Tasers, gas, water cannons, dogs - shut id down, and shut it down quick.

Antifa has proven - proclaimed - they are Enemies of the State, so they should be officially labeled as such...and treated as such.

And the mayor needs to get a set of b@lls, a backbone, and/OR a better police force.

"The militant arm of the left-wing "resistance" movement has finally behaved so badly, so often, that mainstream journalists (beyond Jake Tapper) are finally beginning to come to grips with their crimes and denounce them.

We've been
exposing the Left's political violence problem for quite some time, especially recently -- ignoring mainstream media clucking about "false equivalencies" along the way. Now that the press is starting to catch up on this scourge, when will they start to hold elected Democrats accountable? Journalists frequently ask Republicans to disavow far-Right extremists, then debate whether their statements were prompt or forceful enough -- blasting inadequate responses, and sometimes questioning the sincerity of robust ones."

Liberals need to get off their asses and condemn Antifa for the enemies of this nation they are, not remain supporting them with their silence.
Antifa violence brings no outrage from Dems

Antifa violence brings no outrage from Dems, after dire warnings about right-wing violence

By Brooke Singman

The same Democrats who criticized President Trump for his response to the Charlottesville violence and warned for days of potential chaos at a right-wing rally planned for last weekend have been virtually silent on the attacks committed Sunday by apparent Antifa members in Berkeley, Calif.

Thirteen people were arrested, and five were injured after more than 100 black-clad, hooded protesters with masks and weapons attacked conservative demonstrators in Berkeley. They allegedly were associated with the far-left Antifa.

“They came with black masks, they carried weapons, they were pounding people down with their fists and feet,” Berkeley College Republican Ashton Whitty told Fox News' “The Story with Martha MacCallum” on Monday night. “I knew I had to get out of there.”

Whitty added: “Everything was great until Antifa showed up.”

Usual Bollix from the idiot Right...

Antifa are anarchists, yes they hate NAZIs... Who supports them?

The mainstream Democrats want nothing to do with Antifa anymore than mainstream Republicans want anything to do with NAZIs....

Trump is the big difference, he is one that claimed there is good people among NAZIs...
The Mayor said we have to shut down free speech or Antifa will riot...then cancelled 'free Speech Week'.

Under the protection of the men and women in the military, past and present, that have given and preserved the Rights and freedoms he has enjoyed, he cedes those rights and freedoms to violent domestic Enemies of the State to appease them in hopes that they will not inflict their violence and terrorism upon the community.

Typical appeasing liberal puss.
The Mayor said we have to shut down free speech or Antifa will riot...then cancelled 'free Speech Week'.

Under the protection of the men and women in the military, past and present, that have given and preserved the Rights and freedoms he has enjoyed, he cedes those rights and freedoms to violent domestic Enemies of the State to appease them in hopes that they will not inflict their violence and terrorism upon the community.

Typical appeasing liberal puss.

Probably because he agrees with the marxist thugs.
Everyday there is More Stuff showing up and showing that Killary and Odumb are/were doing Illegal and Irresponsible Acts while in The Two Most Important Positions in America...! Go at it...!
If White Supremacists say they will riot at every class, shouldn't Berkeley completely shut down for student safety?

It's not about anything but public safety....right?
Last edited:
Democrooks want to eliminate the RKBA for our "safety".

And the movie ET was a documentary.

This poor ignorant Liberal bastard actually said:
“[T]here is a line between freedom of speech and then posing a risk to public safety.”
- Mayor of Berkeley: Look, Leftists Might Riot, So the University Should Cancel Free Speech Week

"This is unadulterated garbage. Rather than affirming that fundamental constitutional rights will be upheld and protected in his city, Arreguin is blaming the victims and using the crimes of the Left to justify silencing the Right. It's skin-crawlingly disgusting to witness an elected government official explicitly urging another group of government officials (the administration of a public institution) to trample the First Amendment rights of citizens -- especially because a separate group of citizens refuses to abide by the law."

It sure sounds like this POS is justifying suppressing Freedom of Speech in order to provide for public safety instead of PROTECTING our Constitutional Rights by stopping the violent Left Wing Anti-American Fascist self-proclaimed Anarchists who are using violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights, silencing all opposing voices / views / ideology, putting communities as well as our national security at risk, and endangering our Democracy by calling for 'No More USA' (an obvious chant of treason / declaration they are 'Enemies of the State').

I understand he and his city have been the victims of the Left Extremists' violent, illegal, anti-American anarchist rampages, successfully using violence, intimidation, and destruction to impose their will on others while denying Americans of their Constitutional Rights. He should remember, however, that our liberty and those rights were not won by giving in to those who would deny us our democracy and freedoms, and they will not be kept by doing so.

It is time to bring discipline, order, and justice back to Berkeley. The College Dean should make it clear to all students - if you engage in violent protests you are GONE - kicked out of college, never to return. The city and state need to do whatever they need to do to prevent violence. No stand-down orders or allowing the anarchists to criminally do whatever they want.

Police, national guard - enforce the law with extreme prejudice. Shotguns with bean bags, rubber bullets, Tasers, gas, water cannons, dogs - shut id down, and shut it down quick.

Antifa has proven - proclaimed - they are Enemies of the State, so they should be officially labeled as such...and treated as such.

And the mayor needs to get a set of b@lls, a backbone, and/OR a better police force.

"The militant arm of the left-wing "resistance" movement has finally behaved so badly, so often, that mainstream journalists (beyond Jake Tapper) are finally beginning to come to grips with their crimes and denounce them.

We've been
exposing the Left's political violence problem for quite some time, especially recently -- ignoring mainstream media clucking about "false equivalencies" along the way. Now that the press is starting to catch up on this scourge, when will they start to hold elected Democrats accountable? Journalists frequently ask Republicans to disavow far-Right extremists, then debate whether their statements were prompt or forceful enough -- blasting inadequate responses, and sometimes questioning the sincerity of robust ones."

Liberals need to get off their asses and condemn Antifa for the enemies of this nation they are, not remain supporting them with their silence.

No, no tear gas, no water cannons, no beanbag rounds. Buckshot, machine guns, flamethrowers, and tanks firing canister shot. Rioters should be dealt with by simply pouring gunfire into the crowd until nobody is moving.
Freedom of Speech is worth fighting for.
Let them riot then send in the police to arrest the rioters
Problem Solved

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