Bermuda Bans Same-Sex Marriage Less Than 1 Year After Legalizing It

70% of people under 30 believe same sex marriage should be legal


These are the young couples that will be considering Bermuda as a honeymoon destination. Of course, no same sex couple would go there. But heterosexual couples will not get as good a reaction from their friends when they announce they are honeymooning in Bermuda

70% of people under 30 are indoctrinated queer by folks like you..

Btw even California voted no to gay marriage..

No one has a problem with civil unions
Welcome to 2018
Americans no longer have issues with same sex marriage
Live and let live

Young people overwhelmingly support it

The same young people who will pass up Bermuda as a Honeymoon destination

Americans as a idealistic nation are dumbing down. They have less sense now then they ever had. They don't see that one reaps what one sows. They don't care what their brother does as long as it doesn't bother them (until they find they've lost the right to have opinions). The only spirituality Americans now have is for their favorite sports team! And yes, I went to Philly (Dilly Dilly), and saw just how people can go bananas for a team. If they were half as fervent for righteousness --- everyone everywhere would be so much more happier as a whole! The youth have no life experience. And most of the youth today are raised to believe everyone gets a trophy not matter how inept they are! Sorry, but all lifestyles are not equally productive --- not all behavior patterns are worthy of a medal!
Judge not lest thy be judged

Americans realize it is no big deal. We allowed gay marriage, the sun kept rising, the world did not end, people just went about their business

An overwhelming majority now considers same sex marriage to be no bid deal

Except for the haters
Sodom and Gomorrah didn't happen overnight. They came about one rung down the ladder at a time until there was only Lot!

"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed" (Luke 17:26-30, NIV; cf. Matt 24:37-39).
Atlantans don't care much for gays at all.

Most people don't. Most people think they have disgusting lifestyles and they're generally annoying, whiny little bed wetters.

This country has been tolerant of gays for decades, but the agenda isn't tolerance. The left wants gays exalted and their deviant ways celebrated.

Personally I wish more libturds would go queer though, the possibility of their breeding is a threat to our species.
70% of people under 30 believe same sex marriage should be legal


These are the young couples that will be considering Bermuda as a honeymoon destination. Of course, no same sex couple would go there. But heterosexual couples will not get as good a reaction from their friends when they announce they are honeymooning in Bermuda

70% of people under 30 are indoctrinated queer by folks like you..

Btw even California voted no to gay marriage..

No one has a problem with civil unions
Welcome to 2018
Americans no longer have issues with same sex marriage
Live and let live

Young people overwhelmingly support it

The same young people who will pass up Bermuda as a Honeymoon destination

Americans as a idealistic nation are dumbing down. They have less sense now then they ever had. They don't see that one reaps what one sows. They don't care what their brother does as long as it doesn't bother them (until they find they've lost the right to have opinions). The only spirituality Americans now have is for their favorite sports team! And yes, I went to Philly (Dilly Dilly), and saw just how people can go bananas for a team. If they were half as fervent for righteousness --- everyone everywhere would be so much more happier as a whole! The youth have no life experience. And most of the youth today are raised to believe everyone gets a trophy not matter how inept they are! Sorry, but all lifestyles are not equally productive --- not all behavior patterns are worthy of a medal!
Judge not lest thy be judged

Americans realize it is no big deal. We allowed gay marriage, the sun kept rising, the world did not end, people just went about their business

An overwhelming majority now considers same sex marriage to be no bid deal

Except for the haters
Sodom and Gomorrah didn't happen overnight. They came about one rung down the ladder at a time until there was only Lot!

"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed" (Luke 17:26-30, NIV; cf. Matt 24:37-39).
What a nasty God you worship

But you still voted for Trump didn't you?
70% of people under 30 are indoctrinated queer by folks like you..

Btw even California voted no to gay marriage..

No one has a problem with civil unions
Welcome to 2018
Americans no longer have issues with same sex marriage
Live and let live

Young people overwhelmingly support it

The same young people who will pass up Bermuda as a Honeymoon destination

Americans as a idealistic nation are dumbing down. They have less sense now then they ever had. They don't see that one reaps what one sows. They don't care what their brother does as long as it doesn't bother them (until they find they've lost the right to have opinions). The only spirituality Americans now have is for their favorite sports team! And yes, I went to Philly (Dilly Dilly), and saw just how people can go bananas for a team. If they were half as fervent for righteousness --- everyone everywhere would be so much more happier as a whole! The youth have no life experience. And most of the youth today are raised to believe everyone gets a trophy not matter how inept they are! Sorry, but all lifestyles are not equally productive --- not all behavior patterns are worthy of a medal!
Judge not lest thy be judged

Americans realize it is no big deal. We allowed gay marriage, the sun kept rising, the world did not end, people just went about their business

An overwhelming majority now considers same sex marriage to be no bid deal

Except for the haters
Sodom and Gomorrah didn't happen overnight. They came about one rung down the ladder at a time until there was only Lot!

"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed" (Luke 17:26-30, NIV; cf. Matt 24:37-39).
What a nasty God you worship

But you still voted for Trump didn't you?
Being angry with God is a sure fire winner. Shout to the world how disgusted you are that He isn't as inclusive as you think He should be. Tie Him into a political figure.

Your spirituality is quite trite.
Atlantans don't care much for gays at all.

Most people don't. Most people think they have disgusting lifestyles and they're generally annoying, whiny little bed wetters.

This country has been tolerant of gays for decades, but the agenda isn't tolerance. The left wants gays exalted and their deviant ways celebrated.

Personally I wish more libturds would go queer though, the possibility of their breeding is a threat to our species.
Most people think homophobic fundies have disgusting lifestyles and they're generally annoying, whiny little martyrs.

This country has been tolerant of homophobic fundies for centuries, but the agenda isn't tolerance. The Right wants homophobic fundies exalted and their deviant ways celebrated.
Atlantans don't care much for gays at all.

Most people don't. Most people think they have disgusting lifestyles and they're generally annoying, whiny little bed wetters.

This country has been tolerant of gays for decades, but the agenda isn't tolerance. The left wants gays exalted and their deviant ways celebrated.

Personally I wish more libturds would go queer though, the possibility of their breeding is a threat to our species.
Most people think homophobic fundies have disgusting lifestyles and they're generally annoying, whiny little martyrs.

This country has been tolerant of homophobic fundies for centuries, but the agenda isn't tolerance. The Right wants homophobic fundies exalted and their deviant ways celebrated.
Heterosexuality is not deviant.
^"It will be interesting to see how much of a hit in tourism this costs Bermuda."^ hqdefault-2.jpg ............................................................................................................................................The Bermuda Triangle may outdo the loss of gay marriage as the biggest hit to tourism.
It will be interesting to see how much of a hit in tourism this costs Bermuda.

$10 says it won't be noticed.

I don't know, in this climate of today I wouldn't be surprised if some boycott.
that backfired with chic Fil a. I'm booking a trip to Bermuda as a result of their wise decision to eradicate motherless for life or fatherless for life "marriage". Good for them to not institutionalize contractual child deprivation (abuse).

I support countries that refuse to harm children with onerous lifelong contractual terms.
It will be interesting to see how much of a hit in tourism this costs Bermuda.

$10 says it won't be noticed.

I don't know, in this climate of today I wouldn't be surprised if some boycott.
that backfired with chic Fil a. I'm booking a trip to Bermuda as a result of their wise decision to eradicate motherless for life or fatherless for life "marriage". Good for them to not institutionalize contractual child deprivation (abuse).

I support countries that refuse to harm children with onerous lifelong contractual terms.

And I'm also certain there will be others that travel there for the same reason.
Try Jamaica instead: Frowns on gay marriage and all the green weed and mountain coffee you could ever want...
So now they're calling for a boycott of Bermuda.

LGBTQ activists are calling for people to #BoycottBermuda after a law reversing same-sex marriage was passed.

Less than a year after same-sex marriages were legalized in Bermuda, the governor of the British island territory signed a bill into law on Wednesday that replaced it with domestic partnerships.

According to the local news site Bernews, Gov. John Rankin said the new law grants same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. However, the law permits same-sex couples to enter into domestic partnerships only ― not legal marriages.

The Bermuda government will continue to recognize same-sex couples who wed before the law was reversed as married couples.

Bermuda Bans Same-Sex Marriage Less Than 1 Year After Legalizing It | HuffPost

But wouldn't that make more people want to vacation in Bermuda?

Imagine the brochures....Gay free beaches!!!!!

yea, and not having to explain to your children why two men are kissing

Yeah.....imagine having to do that........

Sad. Letting the prejudice of some compromise the rights of others is a recipe for disaster. This should not happen in free societies. The only two people properly concerned with a marriage are those two who are in it. I am not aware of anything that LGBT folks have done to others that would warrant this outrageous kind of treatment.

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