Bernie And Beto

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
There you have it, folks.

The meathead Socialists are going to team up and go for it in 2020.

How much free shit will they be offering? From a chicken in every pot, to free pot for all the sheep.
Aw, but I already had a pairing in mind.

Would be the best economic illiterate ticket ever.
Aw, but I already had a pairing in mind.

Would be the best economic illiterate ticket ever.

"Venezuela"? What, because "Cortéz" is a Spanish name?

Yep, Pogo is playing 4D Chess while everyone else is playing Checkers, can't beat this logic.

Hey, I don't post over people's heads intentionally. Y'all keep ducking.

I knew you'd have no answer. It's what I do.
Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.

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Aw, but I already had a pairing in mind.

Would be the best economic illiterate ticket ever.

"Venezuela"? What, because "Cortéz" is a Spanish name?

Yep, Pogo is playing 4D Chess while everyone else is playing Checkers, can't beat this logic.

Hey, I don't post over people's heads intentionally. Y'all keep ducking.

I knew you'd have no answer. It's what I do.
Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.


Ummmmmmmm .... hate to be the bearer of basic education you should be past by now but..... "Spanish" is not a "race". It's a language. Neither is "Polish" for that matter. That's a language and/or an ethnicity.

Nor, just to continue the astounding revelations, has either of your subjects advocated anything even vaguely relating to "Venezuela". You should have substituted Victor Borge for Ocasio-Cortez and you would have been close enough for government work, as the platitude goes.

And speaking of being oblivious to the factual, your two subjects aren't "socialists". They're Democratic Socialists.
Last edited:
Aw, but I already had a pairing in mind.

Would be the best economic illiterate ticket ever.

"Venezuela"? What, because "Cortéz" is a Spanish name?

Yep, Pogo is playing 4D Chess while everyone else is playing Checkers, can't beat this logic.

Hey, I don't post over people's heads intentionally. Y'all keep ducking.

I knew you'd have no answer. It's what I do.
Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.


Ummmmmmmm .... hate to be the bearer of basic education you should be past by now but..... "Spanish" is not a "race". It's a language. Neither is "Polish" for that matter. That's a language and/or an ethnicity.

Nor, just to continue the astounding revelations, has either of your subjects advocated anything even vaguely relating to "Venezuela". You should have substituted Victor Borge for Ocasio-Cortez and you would have been close enough for government work, as the platitude goes.

And speaking of being oblivious to the factual, your two subjects aren't "socialists". They're Democratic Socialists.
Correcting me on the usage of the word race doesn't change the fact that your pattern recognition horribly failed when you responded to my post.

Ummmmmmmm both individuals are Socialist nutjob economic illiterates, calling it "democratic socialism" doesn't change what it is, it's still Socialism, it has still failed globally, historically, and their proposed agenda would still have the same results. They only call it Democratic Socialism in the same way complete buffoons refer to Socialist Russia as Communist. Playing dumb won't make you look any better after your colossal failure, sorry, not sorry.
"Venezuela"? What, because "Cortéz" is a Spanish name?

Yep, Pogo is playing 4D Chess while everyone else is playing Checkers, can't beat this logic.

Hey, I don't post over people's heads intentionally. Y'all keep ducking.

I knew you'd have no answer. It's what I do.
Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.


Ummmmmmmm .... hate to be the bearer of basic education you should be past by now but..... "Spanish" is not a "race". It's a language. Neither is "Polish" for that matter. That's a language and/or an ethnicity.

Nor, just to continue the astounding revelations, has either of your subjects advocated anything even vaguely relating to "Venezuela". You should have substituted Victor Borge for Ocasio-Cortez and you would have been close enough for government work, as the platitude goes.

And speaking of being oblivious to the factual, your two subjects aren't "socialists". They're Democratic Socialists.
Correcting me on the usage of the word race doesn't change the fact that your pattern recognition horribly failed when you responded to my post.

Ummmmmmmm both individuals are Socialist nutjob economic illiterates, calling it "democratic socialism" doesn't change what it is, it's still Socialism, it has still failed globally, historically, and their proposed agenda would still have the same results. They only call it Democratic Socialism in the same way complete buffoons refer to Socialist Russia as Communist. Playing dumb won't make you look any better after your colossal failure, sorry, not sorry.

Once again, your choice to remain ignorant of different terminologies is just that --- your choice.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

>> Bernie Sanders identifies as a democratic socialist and has a longstanding commitment to the policies and movements of the anti-imperialist Left. It is therefore unsurprising that his views on Venezuela would attract interest and concern during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle and beyond. However, a comprehensive search of Sanders’s congressional records, speeches, newspaper articles, books, and the weight of opposition research against him, offers a rather different picture to that painted by his political opponents. The condemnation of his apparent praise of the Venezuelan regime, it turns out, is based on unfounded claims, unexamined sources, conclusion-jumping, intellectual laziness, and some pretty shoddy journalism.

During the presidential primaries, Sanders insisted that “When I talk about democratic socialism, I’m not looking at Venezuela. I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden.” This declaration was met with scepticism by critics such as libertarian economist William L. Anderson, an associate scholar of The Mises Institute. In September 2015 Anderson wrote an article which concluded that, “While many people believe that instituting the Sanders economic agenda would help turn the USA into another Sweden or Denmark, the more likely outcome would be turning this country into another Venezuela.” The renowned economist Thomas Sowell, meanwhile, has linked Sanders with Venezuela as part of a more general critique of socialism and its resurgent popularity among young voters.

Whether one agrees with it or not, criticism that postulates an alarming gap between the aspirations of Sanders’s policies and their likely outcomes is surely fair enough. But the accusation that Sanders is actually ideologically committed to the Bolivarian socialist model is considerably more dubious. It is true that Hugo Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro, did publicly call Sanders “our revolutionary friend” and praised his candidacy – an endorsement neither sought nor welcomed by Sanders or his campaign. In September 2015, Sanders explicitly disavowed any ideological sympathy with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, whom he described as a “dead communist dictator” in an email to campaign supporters. Sanders’s disavowal was scorned by Venezuelan state media and dismayed Chavez’s remaining defenders in the West.

...The words attributed to Sanders are traceable to a single online source: an article posted on his official website on 5 August, 2011 in the ‘Newsroom’ section and categorised as a ‘Must Read.’ It is entitled “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” and, as the link below the headline indicates, it originally appeared in the 4 August edition of Valley News, a New England regional newspaper. The link to the Valley News website now goes to a downed ‘404’ page, but an archived version shows the article as it appeared on the site. No by-line exists and the author of the article is unclear.

So did Sanders write it? This mystery was resolved with a single email to the Valley News Editorial Board. An editor named Ernie Kohlsaat replied:

The Aug. 4, 2011, piece you are referring to, headlined “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” was an editorial, not a news article. It was written by a member of the Valley News Editorial Board and as such reflects the opinion of the newspaper. The version on Sen. Sanders’ website appears to be an accurate rendition of the editorial as published on Page A8 of the Valley News on that date.

Sanders’s critics would doubtless reply that cross-posting the article without clarification or caveat amounts to an endorsement. But an endorsement of what? The article is not about Venezuela or Bolivarianism (or Equador or Argentina, for that matter) but American inequalities, poverty, and lack of opportunities. The “Gaps that Threaten America” are domestic inequality, ‘the wealth gap,’ ‘the jobs gap,’ and racial disparities in property ownership. The only mention of Venezuela in the 600 word editorial comes in the endlessly circulated final two lines. It ought to be obvious to fair-minded people that, in the context of the article, this final rhetorical flourish was intended to shame America for failing to live up to its promise.

... The Congressional Record yields no results which quote Sanders praising or even discussing Venezuela in any context besides incidental references. Searches of the use of the word ‘Venezuela’ during proceedings and debates where Sanders was present yield none in which Sanders names the country, its economic system, or its government. The majority of instances of Sanders’s name coinciding with mentions of Venezuela are in House and Senate debates on free trade deals, US energy dependence, and funding bills for federal domestic programs; the word ‘Venezuela’ is always spoken by another member. The closest link found between Sanders and Venezuela in the Congressional Record relates to heating-oil programs. Sanders sponsored an unsuccessful Congressional bill, S.3186 (110th), to fund the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), in which ‘Venezuela’ was mentioned by another member in reference to US energy dependence and the need to expand domestic drilling.<<

(Much more at the source link: The Falsity of the Sanders-Venezuela Meme)​

Yes Virginia, I'm afraid the world isn't some simplistic little meme you can post on a message board. Who knew --- it's deeper than that. And who knew there were those unscrupulous enough to misrepresent other people's words for their own agendas.

You live a sheltered life. Count your lucky stars that you have me here to correct your errant path because you're not going to get through life with your head stuck in the sand where it is now.
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Yep, Pogo is playing 4D Chess while everyone else is playing Checkers, can't beat this logic.

Hey, I don't post over people's heads intentionally. Y'all keep ducking.

I knew you'd have no answer. It's what I do.
Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.


Ummmmmmmm .... hate to be the bearer of basic education you should be past by now but..... "Spanish" is not a "race". It's a language. Neither is "Polish" for that matter. That's a language and/or an ethnicity.

Nor, just to continue the astounding revelations, has either of your subjects advocated anything even vaguely relating to "Venezuela". You should have substituted Victor Borge for Ocasio-Cortez and you would have been close enough for government work, as the platitude goes.

And speaking of being oblivious to the factual, your two subjects aren't "socialists". They're Democratic Socialists.
Correcting me on the usage of the word race doesn't change the fact that your pattern recognition horribly failed when you responded to my post.

Ummmmmmmm both individuals are Socialist nutjob economic illiterates, calling it "democratic socialism" doesn't change what it is, it's still Socialism, it has still failed globally, historically, and their proposed agenda would still have the same results. They only call it Democratic Socialism in the same way complete buffoons refer to Socialist Russia as Communist. Playing dumb won't make you look any better after your colossal failure, sorry, not sorry.

Once again, your choice to remain ignorant of different terminologies is just that --- your choice.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

>> Bernie Sanders identifies as a democratic socialist and has a longstanding commitment to the policies and movements of the anti-imperialist Left. It is therefore unsurprising that his views on Venezuela would attract interest and concern during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle and beyond. However, a comprehensive search of Sanders’s congressional records, speeches, newspaper articles, books, and the weight of opposition research against him, offers a rather different picture to that painted by his political opponents. The condemnation of his apparent praise of the Venezuelan regime, it turns out, is based on unfounded claims, unexamined sources, conclusion-jumping, intellectual laziness, and some pretty shoddy journalism.

During the presidential primaries, Sanders insisted that “When I talk about democratic socialism, I’m not looking at Venezuela. I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden.” This declaration was met with scepticism by critics such as libertarian economist William L. Anderson, an associate scholar of The Mises Institute. In September 2015 Anderson wrote an article which concluded that, “While many people believe that instituting the Sanders economic agenda would help turn the USA into another Sweden or Denmark, the more likely outcome would be turning this country into another Venezuela.” The renowned economist Thomas Sowell, meanwhile, has linked Sanders with Venezuela as part of a more general critique of socialism and its resurgent popularity among young voters.

Whether one agrees with it or not, criticism that postulates an alarming gap between the aspirations of Sanders’s policies and their likely outcomes is surely fair enough. But the accusation that Sanders is actually ideologically committed to the Bolivarian socialist model is considerably more dubious. It is true that Hugo Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro, did publicly call Sanders “our revolutionary friend” and praised his candidacy – an endorsement neither sought nor welcomed by Sanders or his campaign. In September 2015, Sanders explicitly disavowed any ideological sympathy with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, whom he described as a “dead communist dictator” in an email to campaign supporters. Sanders’s disavowal was scorned by Venezuelan state media and dismayed Chavez’s remaining defenders in the West.

...The words attributed to Sanders are traceable to a single online source: an article posted on his official website on 5 August, 2011 in the ‘Newsroom’ section and categorised as a ‘Must Read.’ It is entitled “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” and, as the link below the headline indicates, it originally appeared in the 4 August edition of Valley News, a New England regional newspaper. The link to the Valley News website now goes to a downed ‘404’ page, but an archived version shows the article as it appeared on the site. No by-line exists and the author of the article is unclear.

So did Sanders write it? This mystery was resolved with a single email to the Valley News Editorial Board. An editor named Ernie Kohlsaat replied:

The Aug. 4, 2011, piece you are referring to, headlined “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” was an editorial, not a news article. It was written by a member of the Valley News Editorial Board and as such reflects the opinion of the newspaper. The version on Sen. Sanders’ website appears to be an accurate rendition of the editorial as published on Page A8 of the Valley News on that date.
Sanders’s critics would doubtless reply that cross-posting the article without clarification or caveat amounts to an endorsement. But an endorsement of what? The article is not about Venezuela or Bolivarianism (or Equador or Argentina, for that matter) but American inequalities, poverty, and lack of opportunities. The “Gaps that Threaten America” are domestic inequality, ‘the wealth gap,’ ‘the jobs gap,’ and racial disparities in property ownership. The only mention of Venezuela in the 600 word editorial comes in the endlessly circulated final two lines. It ought to be obvious to fair-minded people that, in the context of the article, this final rhetorical flourish was intended to shame America for failing to live up to its promise.

... The Congressional Record yields no results which quote Sanders praising or even discussing Venezuela in any context besides incidental references. Searches of the use of the word ‘Venezuela’ during proceedings and debates where Sanders was present yield none in which Sanders names the country, its economic system, or its government. The majority of instances of Sanders’s name coinciding with mentions of Venezuela are in House and Senate debates on free trade deals, US energy dependence, and funding bills for federal domestic programs; the word ‘Venezuela’ is always spoken by another member. The closest link found between Sanders and Venezuela in the Congressional Record relates to heating-oil programs. Sanders sponsored an unsuccessful Congressional bill, S.3186 (110th), to fund the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), in which ‘Venezuela’ was mentioned by another member in reference to US energy dependence and the need to expand domestic drilling.<<

(Much more at the source link: The Falsity of the Sanders-Venezuela Meme)​
Yes Virginia, I'm afraid the world isn't some simplistic little meme you can post on a message board. Who knew --- it's deeper than that. And who knew there were those unscrupulous enough to misrepresent other people's words for their own agendas.

You live a sheltered life. Count your lucky stars that you have me here to correct your errant path because you're not going to get through life with your head stuck in the sand where it is now.
The examples he cites aren't Socialist, they have markets with fewer regulations than the US. Bernie Sanders also cited Venezuela as a 'Socialist Success' when they were doing well, he only started claiming that they weren't what he was referring to when they were clearly another failure. He's only trying to shake off Socialism's repeated failures around the world by tacking another word onto it, and his claimed policies when he was running for president are a clear indicator of that.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Bernie also refused to answer questions about Venezuela during the primaries, another indication that he understands it's his ideas put into practice.

What you believe to be correcting is only misleading, unfortunately, you seem to believe that you know everything, so you'll likely stay a misguided old far until the day you kick the bucket.
Hey, I don't post over people's heads intentionally. Y'all keep ducking.

I knew you'd have no answer. It's what I do.
Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.


Ummmmmmmm .... hate to be the bearer of basic education you should be past by now but..... "Spanish" is not a "race". It's a language. Neither is "Polish" for that matter. That's a language and/or an ethnicity.

Nor, just to continue the astounding revelations, has either of your subjects advocated anything even vaguely relating to "Venezuela". You should have substituted Victor Borge for Ocasio-Cortez and you would have been close enough for government work, as the platitude goes.

And speaking of being oblivious to the factual, your two subjects aren't "socialists". They're Democratic Socialists.
Correcting me on the usage of the word race doesn't change the fact that your pattern recognition horribly failed when you responded to my post.

Ummmmmmmm both individuals are Socialist nutjob economic illiterates, calling it "democratic socialism" doesn't change what it is, it's still Socialism, it has still failed globally, historically, and their proposed agenda would still have the same results. They only call it Democratic Socialism in the same way complete buffoons refer to Socialist Russia as Communist. Playing dumb won't make you look any better after your colossal failure, sorry, not sorry.

Once again, your choice to remain ignorant of different terminologies is just that --- your choice.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

>> Bernie Sanders identifies as a democratic socialist and has a longstanding commitment to the policies and movements of the anti-imperialist Left. It is therefore unsurprising that his views on Venezuela would attract interest and concern during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle and beyond. However, a comprehensive search of Sanders’s congressional records, speeches, newspaper articles, books, and the weight of opposition research against him, offers a rather different picture to that painted by his political opponents. The condemnation of his apparent praise of the Venezuelan regime, it turns out, is based on unfounded claims, unexamined sources, conclusion-jumping, intellectual laziness, and some pretty shoddy journalism.

During the presidential primaries, Sanders insisted that “When I talk about democratic socialism, I’m not looking at Venezuela. I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden.” This declaration was met with scepticism by critics such as libertarian economist William L. Anderson, an associate scholar of The Mises Institute. In September 2015 Anderson wrote an article which concluded that, “While many people believe that instituting the Sanders economic agenda would help turn the USA into another Sweden or Denmark, the more likely outcome would be turning this country into another Venezuela.” The renowned economist Thomas Sowell, meanwhile, has linked Sanders with Venezuela as part of a more general critique of socialism and its resurgent popularity among young voters.

Whether one agrees with it or not, criticism that postulates an alarming gap between the aspirations of Sanders’s policies and their likely outcomes is surely fair enough. But the accusation that Sanders is actually ideologically committed to the Bolivarian socialist model is considerably more dubious. It is true that Hugo Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro, did publicly call Sanders “our revolutionary friend” and praised his candidacy – an endorsement neither sought nor welcomed by Sanders or his campaign. In September 2015, Sanders explicitly disavowed any ideological sympathy with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, whom he described as a “dead communist dictator” in an email to campaign supporters. Sanders’s disavowal was scorned by Venezuelan state media and dismayed Chavez’s remaining defenders in the West.

...The words attributed to Sanders are traceable to a single online source: an article posted on his official website on 5 August, 2011 in the ‘Newsroom’ section and categorised as a ‘Must Read.’ It is entitled “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” and, as the link below the headline indicates, it originally appeared in the 4 August edition of Valley News, a New England regional newspaper. The link to the Valley News website now goes to a downed ‘404’ page, but an archived version shows the article as it appeared on the site. No by-line exists and the author of the article is unclear.

So did Sanders write it? This mystery was resolved with a single email to the Valley News Editorial Board. An editor named Ernie Kohlsaat replied:

The Aug. 4, 2011, piece you are referring to, headlined “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” was an editorial, not a news article. It was written by a member of the Valley News Editorial Board and as such reflects the opinion of the newspaper. The version on Sen. Sanders’ website appears to be an accurate rendition of the editorial as published on Page A8 of the Valley News on that date.
Sanders’s critics would doubtless reply that cross-posting the article without clarification or caveat amounts to an endorsement. But an endorsement of what? The article is not about Venezuela or Bolivarianism (or Equador or Argentina, for that matter) but American inequalities, poverty, and lack of opportunities. The “Gaps that Threaten America” are domestic inequality, ‘the wealth gap,’ ‘the jobs gap,’ and racial disparities in property ownership. The only mention of Venezuela in the 600 word editorial comes in the endlessly circulated final two lines. It ought to be obvious to fair-minded people that, in the context of the article, this final rhetorical flourish was intended to shame America for failing to live up to its promise.

... The Congressional Record yields no results which quote Sanders praising or even discussing Venezuela in any context besides incidental references. Searches of the use of the word ‘Venezuela’ during proceedings and debates where Sanders was present yield none in which Sanders names the country, its economic system, or its government. The majority of instances of Sanders’s name coinciding with mentions of Venezuela are in House and Senate debates on free trade deals, US energy dependence, and funding bills for federal domestic programs; the word ‘Venezuela’ is always spoken by another member. The closest link found between Sanders and Venezuela in the Congressional Record relates to heating-oil programs. Sanders sponsored an unsuccessful Congressional bill, S.3186 (110th), to fund the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), in which ‘Venezuela’ was mentioned by another member in reference to US energy dependence and the need to expand domestic drilling.<<

(Much more at the source link: The Falsity of the Sanders-Venezuela Meme)​
Yes Virginia, I'm afraid the world isn't some simplistic little meme you can post on a message board. Who knew --- it's deeper than that. And who knew there were those unscrupulous enough to misrepresent other people's words for their own agendas.

You live a sheltered life. Count your lucky stars that you have me here to correct your errant path because you're not going to get through life with your head stuck in the sand where it is now.
The examples he cites aren't Socialist, they have markets with fewer regulations than the US. Bernie Sanders also cited Venezuela as a 'Socialist Success' when they were doing well, he only started claiming that they weren't what he was referring to when they were clearly another failure. He's only trying to shake off Socialism's repeated failures around the world by tacking another word onto it, and his claimed policies when he was running for president are a clear indicator of that.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Bernie also refused to answer questions about Venezuela during the primaries, another indication that he understands it's his ideas put into practice.

What you believe to be correcting is only misleading, unfortunately, you seem to believe that you know everything, so you'll likely stay a misguided old far until the day you kick the bucket.


See what I mean about a sheltered life?

One can only hope that when you grow up you'll come to the realization that there are entities perfectly willing to grossly mislead about motivations in order to safeguard their own selfish interests. At that point you'll be a bit less pliantly gullible than you are now.

NEVER accept an assertion just because you'd like it to be true or because it's the easy way out. You're looking at an onion --- there's always another layer. Your job (my job, everybody's job) is to find out what's under this layer and then under that one --- not to just blindly and obediently swallow what you just cherrypicked.

Ah yes, that's totally what you did. You certainly didn't miss my obvious point that two socialists running together and implementing their agenda would lead to a situation similar to that of Venezuela. You also DEFINITELY didn't completely ignore the fact that the other person in the joke was of polish descent in your failed attempt to make the joke into one which is all about race.

Since everyone but you gets the joke, it must not be that you're mentally operating on a level beneath that of everyone else, but that you're operating on a level above everyone else.

Yes, Pogo, pat yourself on the back. You are clearly too smart for all of us, you are indeed one of the greatest minds of your generation.


Since my previous two posts went right over your head, and this one likely would to, this is the art of sarcasm.


Ummmmmmmm .... hate to be the bearer of basic education you should be past by now but..... "Spanish" is not a "race". It's a language. Neither is "Polish" for that matter. That's a language and/or an ethnicity.

Nor, just to continue the astounding revelations, has either of your subjects advocated anything even vaguely relating to "Venezuela". You should have substituted Victor Borge for Ocasio-Cortez and you would have been close enough for government work, as the platitude goes.

And speaking of being oblivious to the factual, your two subjects aren't "socialists". They're Democratic Socialists.
Correcting me on the usage of the word race doesn't change the fact that your pattern recognition horribly failed when you responded to my post.

Ummmmmmmm both individuals are Socialist nutjob economic illiterates, calling it "democratic socialism" doesn't change what it is, it's still Socialism, it has still failed globally, historically, and their proposed agenda would still have the same results. They only call it Democratic Socialism in the same way complete buffoons refer to Socialist Russia as Communist. Playing dumb won't make you look any better after your colossal failure, sorry, not sorry.

Once again, your choice to remain ignorant of different terminologies is just that --- your choice.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

>> Bernie Sanders identifies as a democratic socialist and has a longstanding commitment to the policies and movements of the anti-imperialist Left. It is therefore unsurprising that his views on Venezuela would attract interest and concern during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle and beyond. However, a comprehensive search of Sanders’s congressional records, speeches, newspaper articles, books, and the weight of opposition research against him, offers a rather different picture to that painted by his political opponents. The condemnation of his apparent praise of the Venezuelan regime, it turns out, is based on unfounded claims, unexamined sources, conclusion-jumping, intellectual laziness, and some pretty shoddy journalism.

During the presidential primaries, Sanders insisted that “When I talk about democratic socialism, I’m not looking at Venezuela. I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden.” This declaration was met with scepticism by critics such as libertarian economist William L. Anderson, an associate scholar of The Mises Institute. In September 2015 Anderson wrote an article which concluded that, “While many people believe that instituting the Sanders economic agenda would help turn the USA into another Sweden or Denmark, the more likely outcome would be turning this country into another Venezuela.” The renowned economist Thomas Sowell, meanwhile, has linked Sanders with Venezuela as part of a more general critique of socialism and its resurgent popularity among young voters.

Whether one agrees with it or not, criticism that postulates an alarming gap between the aspirations of Sanders’s policies and their likely outcomes is surely fair enough. But the accusation that Sanders is actually ideologically committed to the Bolivarian socialist model is considerably more dubious. It is true that Hugo Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro, did publicly call Sanders “our revolutionary friend” and praised his candidacy – an endorsement neither sought nor welcomed by Sanders or his campaign. In September 2015, Sanders explicitly disavowed any ideological sympathy with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, whom he described as a “dead communist dictator” in an email to campaign supporters. Sanders’s disavowal was scorned by Venezuelan state media and dismayed Chavez’s remaining defenders in the West.

...The words attributed to Sanders are traceable to a single online source: an article posted on his official website on 5 August, 2011 in the ‘Newsroom’ section and categorised as a ‘Must Read.’ It is entitled “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” and, as the link below the headline indicates, it originally appeared in the 4 August edition of Valley News, a New England regional newspaper. The link to the Valley News website now goes to a downed ‘404’ page, but an archived version shows the article as it appeared on the site. No by-line exists and the author of the article is unclear.

So did Sanders write it? This mystery was resolved with a single email to the Valley News Editorial Board. An editor named Ernie Kohlsaat replied:

The Aug. 4, 2011, piece you are referring to, headlined “Close the Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,” was an editorial, not a news article. It was written by a member of the Valley News Editorial Board and as such reflects the opinion of the newspaper. The version on Sen. Sanders’ website appears to be an accurate rendition of the editorial as published on Page A8 of the Valley News on that date.
Sanders’s critics would doubtless reply that cross-posting the article without clarification or caveat amounts to an endorsement. But an endorsement of what? The article is not about Venezuela or Bolivarianism (or Equador or Argentina, for that matter) but American inequalities, poverty, and lack of opportunities. The “Gaps that Threaten America” are domestic inequality, ‘the wealth gap,’ ‘the jobs gap,’ and racial disparities in property ownership. The only mention of Venezuela in the 600 word editorial comes in the endlessly circulated final two lines. It ought to be obvious to fair-minded people that, in the context of the article, this final rhetorical flourish was intended to shame America for failing to live up to its promise.

... The Congressional Record yields no results which quote Sanders praising or even discussing Venezuela in any context besides incidental references. Searches of the use of the word ‘Venezuela’ during proceedings and debates where Sanders was present yield none in which Sanders names the country, its economic system, or its government. The majority of instances of Sanders’s name coinciding with mentions of Venezuela are in House and Senate debates on free trade deals, US energy dependence, and funding bills for federal domestic programs; the word ‘Venezuela’ is always spoken by another member. The closest link found between Sanders and Venezuela in the Congressional Record relates to heating-oil programs. Sanders sponsored an unsuccessful Congressional bill, S.3186 (110th), to fund the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), in which ‘Venezuela’ was mentioned by another member in reference to US energy dependence and the need to expand domestic drilling.<<

(Much more at the source link: The Falsity of the Sanders-Venezuela Meme)​
Yes Virginia, I'm afraid the world isn't some simplistic little meme you can post on a message board. Who knew --- it's deeper than that. And who knew there were those unscrupulous enough to misrepresent other people's words for their own agendas.

You live a sheltered life. Count your lucky stars that you have me here to correct your errant path because you're not going to get through life with your head stuck in the sand where it is now.
The examples he cites aren't Socialist, they have markets with fewer regulations than the US. Bernie Sanders also cited Venezuela as a 'Socialist Success' when they were doing well, he only started claiming that they weren't what he was referring to when they were clearly another failure. He's only trying to shake off Socialism's repeated failures around the world by tacking another word onto it, and his claimed policies when he was running for president are a clear indicator of that.

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Bernie also refused to answer questions about Venezuela during the primaries, another indication that he understands it's his ideas put into practice.

What you believe to be correcting is only misleading, unfortunately, you seem to believe that you know everything, so you'll likely stay a misguided old far until the day you kick the bucket.


See what I mean about a sheltered life?

One can only hope that when you grow up you'll come to the realization that there are entities perfectly willing to grossly mislead about motivations in order to safeguard their own selfish interests. At that point you'll be a bit less pliantly gullible than you are now.

NEVER accept an assertion just because you'd like it to be true or because it's the easy way out. You're looking at an onion --- there's always another layer. Your job (my job, everybody's job) is to find out what's under this layer and then under that one --- not to just blindly and obediently swallow what you just cherrypicked.

In otherwords, you can't take issue with the study or the results of the study, only the fact that it comes from Heritage. You didn't even provide a counter argument to try to prove that they ARE more heavily regulated than America, you just complained about the source.

I accept your admission of defeat. There are no worthy adversaries left on USMB.

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