Bernie, AOC: Please STFU

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

Edited to remove red text. Saved for Modding. Wry Catcher
Last edited by a moderator:
Bernie has never been a Democrat and the worst decision the DNC made in the last POTUS election was allowing him into the primaries. I have confidence that Democrats won’t submit to extremism how the GOP did, but the damage Bernie and his crowd of idiots can do could be even worse than last time.
Yup, just push the platitudes and hide the details.
Keep the masses stupid.

Socialism is the face of the democratic party and is getting the press to prove it.
Illhan Omar and AOC are the driving forces in your party.
You liberals need to get on board with it, It's just the beginning.
Yup, just push the platitudes and hide the details.
Keep the masses stupid.

Socialism is the face of the democratic party and is getting the press to prove it.
Illhan Omar and AOC are the driving forces in your party.
You liberals need to get on board with it, It's just the beginning.
Just because you’re obsessed with 2 freshman congresswomen doesn’t mean they’re the driving force of anything but your wild imagination
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
You already lost your chance for 2020. Democrat, the party of infanticide. That's not gonna go good for your party.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE
You mean "Joe" not "Gene", right?
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.
IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.
I see that our angry righties failed to mention that AOC did have the best questions for Cohen. She is a force to be reckoned with. I get a kick out of the republicans that bitch about our reps getting to far left. Sorry but the tea party shoved this country way to far right and have allowed the white nationalists to completely take over their party. The good news is that as the republican party shrinks the approval rating in the party goes up. The reason is plain and very simple. Good republicans have become independents.
Yup, just push the platitudes and hide the details.
Keep the masses stupid.

Socialism is the face of the democratic party and is getting the press to prove it.
Illhan Omar and AOC are the driving forces in your party.
You liberals need to get on board with it, It's just the beginning.
Just because you’re obsessed with 2 freshman congresswomen doesn’t mean they’re the driving force of anything but your wild imagination
Oh....I forgot, Rashida Tlaib.
It's not me, BlackFlag, it your msm that's obsessed with them
I see that our angry righties failed to mention that AOC did have the best questions for Cohen. She is a force to be reckoned with. I get a kick out of the republicans that bitch about our reps getting to far left. Sorry but the tea party shoved this country way to far right and have allowed the white nationalists to completely take over their party. The good news is that as the republican party shrinks the approval rating in the party goes up. The reason is plain and very simple. Good republicans have become independents.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

You're an asshole. And likely stupid, since you have never read my comments on the issues, too difficult for a lame brain I suppose.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

You're an asshole. And likely stupid, since you have never read my comments on the issues, too difficult for a lame brain I suppose.
I read your brain droppings....You want those two Jacobin commies to lie about who they are....Bernie already does with his phony "democratic socialism" shtick...Occasional-Cortex is more honest about her Marxism, though not fully out in the open about it.
No similarity between Bernie and AOC.
Bernies is socialist, but very conservative.
He is for balanced budget, no gun control, no wars, essentially isolationism, etc.
AOC is the extreme opposite, and would kill the goose that laid the golden egg, without a practical understanding of how to finance or accomplish anything. I like her idealism, but she needs to be contained.
Bernie on the other hand, has a proven Vermont track record, and clearly can be trusted.
My Fellow Socialist democrats:

We need to get back to pretending we care about people and America, to wit: at what we've accomplished since we grabbed the House, investigation after investigation on impeachable offenses!

All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.

IOW, lie about who you are and what you represent.

You're an asshole. And likely stupid, since you have never read my comments on the issues, too difficult for a lame brain I suppose.
I read your brain droppings....You want those two Jacobin commies to lie about who they are....Bernie already does with his phony "democratic socialism" shtick...Occasional-Cortex is more honest about her Marxism, though not fully out in the open about it.

Name anything Bernie has ever supported that harms business?
The closest to that you could find is maybe the $15 minimum wage.
My Fellow Socialist democrats:

We need to get back to pretending we care about people and America, to wit: at what we've accomplished since we grabbed the House, investigation after investigation on impeachable offenses!


You seem to be misinformed as to what socialism is.
Socialism is not where government takes over, but where the people are freed to pool resources and created their own utilities.
Socialism require collective, communal, and collaborative pooling of funds in nation wide, people owned enterprises.
That requires full popular input on decision making and profit sharing.

So if you have only a wealthy elite benefiting or making decisions, that is NOT at all socialism.
All you are doing is feeding the neo fascist, crazy right wing. Your ideas and statements have created hundreds of Eugene McCarthys, some in the Senate, some in the H. or Rep. and hundreds on social media all with the same theme: The RED SCARE

Giving them fodder to continue the hate and fear rhetoric from sea to sea and North to South, is not the way to take back our countries traditional values, to wit:

Equal Rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, universal suffrage and CIVIL Rights for all should be the message.

Concentrate on what needs to be fixed and what can be fixed. In a word, be pragmatic in terms of Health care, taxes, gun control, suffrage, immigration, green and renewable energy and other issues ignored or exploited by Trump and a do nothing Congress in control of McConnell and Ryan.

We need to take over the Senate in 2020, do not screw it up, and face four more years of Trumpism, aka, autocratic rule and the GOP Policy: We got ours, fuck the rest of you.


"You have created a monster and it will destroy you!"
- Dr. Waldmann

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