Bernie Is Right...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
... He and his fellow Democrat Socialist Party comrades really do want to fundamentally change - destroy actually - everything about this country, all to serve their leftist global agenda. Thankfully they are no longer even pretending to be loyal Americans. Note there has been no American flag on their "debate" dais. Forget the Democrat jackass symbol of their party's past ... they have a "new & improved" one which they fly proudly:

... He and his fellow Democrat Socialist Party comrades really do want to fundamentally change - destroy actually - everything about this country, all to serve their leftist global agenda. Thankfully they are no longer even pretending to be loyal Americans. Note there has been no American flag on their "debate" dais. Forget the Democrat jackass symbol of their party's past ... they have a "new & improved" one which they fly proudly:

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globalist agenda. Hey, will you come join me in berating the folks who were happy the US submitted to some globalist court in this lumber agreement in this thread: US Wins Soft Lumber Dispute With Canada
Bernie is a another jackass

but then

tell us something we don't know.
At least this kook is honest. His goal? Implement full blown Socialism with three classes. The GOVT elite and the Supervising rich class then all the rest in Poverty (equal in misery).

The others are dishonest. They intend to Implement Socialism by collapsing the system we have now thru debt, regulation, taxation and a stampede of low skilled un-educated illegal Imports. Add those to the paid breeding factories of non-white voters they have in place, and presto!

The system collapses and they "rebuild it" everyone and everything belongs to the GOVT and they will "take care of you"?
... He and his fellow Democrat Socialist Party comrades really do want to fundamentally change - destroy actually - everything about this country, all to serve their leftist global agenda. Thankfully they are no longer even pretending to be loyal Americans. Note there has been no American flag on their "debate" dais. Forget the Democrat jackass symbol of their party's past ... they have a "new & improved" one which they fly proudly:

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Democrat's Protest Marching Flag

... He and his fellow Democrat Socialist Party comrades really do want to fundamentally change - destroy actually - everything about this country, all to serve their leftist global agenda. Thankfully they are no longer even pretending to be loyal Americans. Note there has been no American flag on their "debate" dais. Forget the Democrat jackass symbol of their party's past ... they have a "new & improved" one which they fly proudly:

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It’s completely reasonable to question Bernie’s platform, but if you are retarded enough to believe that our country’s major institutions do not need serious reform, then you should just relinquish your right to vote. Say what you want about ACA, but if you thought the US healthcare system wasn’t a complete joke prior to it, then god help you. Your simple mind is brainwashed beyond repair.
we either have democracy or income inequality, but we cant have both, my friends!
"Income inequality" exists in any economic system and is a socialist catch-phrase used to attract the jealous, not-too-bright life's losers who are reduced to whining about what other's have and they don't.

One could just as easily say we can either have socialism or prosperity … socialism or freedom … socialism or...

Yeah … socialism just doesn't work and capitalism sucks until one considers that all the other economic models suck much more.

Do not fall for the Siren's call: "free stuff, Comrades!!! Hell yeah!!!"
... He and his fellow Democrat Socialist Party comrades really do want to fundamentally change - destroy actually - everything about this country, all to serve their leftist global agenda. Thankfully they are no longer even pretending to be loyal Americans. Note there has been no American flag on their "debate" dais. Forget the Democrat jackass symbol of their party's past ... they have a "new & improved" one which they fly proudly:

View attachment 266704 View attachment 266705
It’s completely reasonable to question Bernie’s platform, but if you are retarded enough to believe that our country’s major institutions do not need serious reform, then you should just relinquish your right to vote. Say what you want about ACA, but if you thought the US healthcare system wasn’t a complete joke prior to it, then god help you. Your simple mind is brainwashed beyond repair.
Bernie is an angry, bitter, 1960s style American socialist who unlike many Democrat Socialists is honest about it, and he isn't talking about just reforming all of America's institutions but rather "fundamentally transforming" this country into the next failed socialist state.

And America has been seriously damaged by the largest wealth redistribution scam in our history: Obamacare.

If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, no one will pay any attention anyhow, Comrade Billy000.
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I agree with Bernie on his goal of universal health care. But where I disagree is on his solution of Medicare for All

its an impractical shift to a Medicare for All system...Every person in politics who allows that phrase to escape their lips has a responsibility to explain how you are supposed to get from here to there

I believe in free college for those whom cost could be a barrier

I just don’t believe it makes sense to ask working-class families to subsidize even the children of billionaires

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