Bernie Nutbag Sanders says WE present day Americans need to apologize for slavery!

"Nutbag Idiot joke". Because nothing says "sensible rational levelheaded" like voting for the same oligarchal Demoplican-Republicrat Party.... over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and expecting different results.

Voting for something different for the sole reason that it is different is unwise.

Is it?
Tell me -- how does supporting the Same Old Thing change anything?
On the contrary, we owe MORE attention to anybody who's outside the preapproved cookie-cutter mold the Demoplican-Republicrat Party shovel at us. Just to piss 'em off at the very least, and to nudge them into being more creative as a next step.

Not the OP though. No, he's all too willing to carry their water as an unpaid pawn, doing their work for them of marginalizing the Sanderses, the Huntsmans, the Naders, anybody who dares challenge the Duopoly. He's a good little soldier. Doesn't ask questions, works for free.

Certainly "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" would not be an improvement over "Your love of liberty - your respect for the laws - your habits of industry - and your practice of the moral and religious obligations, are the strongest claims to national and individual happiness."

Incoherent. Ignored.
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM means never having to say you're sorry.

Neither harm nor good would result from a formal apology for the sins of the past. But if that gesture, as Derideo_Te said helps healing and brings us closer to the ideals set forth in our founding documents, let the apologies begin.

What crap, to whom should I apologize to? All American blacks? Will it make any difference? ? Of course it won't, and I don't owe anyone an appology. You're free to apologize if you want.
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You owe your teachers an apology, Rocko, for showing your illiterate ass. Don't apologize, fine.
If an apology will help matters then I am all for it. It takes a real man to admit that wrong was done to others.

And yes, you are right that neither you nor your ancestors were involved.

But you cannot deny that wrong was done and if the healing process will be aided by a little humility then where is the harm?

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?

I know that I won't be so I am more than prepared to walk down this path and see if it can help We the People form a more perfect union in the future. As an American I have a duty to do exactly that and I believe in doing my duty.

Somewhere in (pick a far flung place on Earth), say, the Mongolian desert, a man got jealous of another man's possessions, and so, in a fit of jealousy, the former punched the latter in the face with a closed fist. It caused a bloody nose.

This was a wrong.

Derideo_Te apologizes.

Sure, he wasn't there or anything and contributed to that wrong in no conceivable way whatsoever, but still, a wrong was done. So Derideo_Te apologizes for it.

That makes perfectly good sense.

Nowhere on Earth. Ever.

What happened in Mongolia is none of my business.

What happened here in America is part of how I came to be where I am today. Same applies to those whose ancestors were brought here under duress and the situation that they find themselves in today.

These are not difficult concepts.

We the People have a duty to our fellow citizens. As an American I will do my duty when my country needs it to be done. I have sworn an oath to do so. I keep my word.

You have as much control over that assault in Mongolia as you do over the racist part of the American past. You were not "there" in either case.

Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

You can take no valid claim to blame for the sins of the fathers anymore than you can claim credit for what they may have accomplished. Shame or pride -- on some historical level -- that's all well and good. But that still doesn't mean that you were in any position to do anything about it, one way or the other.

Your country does not NEED you to accept responsibility where it doesn't belong. It doesn't NEED that of you or anybody else. The irrational belief that you "owe" something for which you had zero responsibility is silly on its face. And when you dig deeper, it stays just as silly.
If an apology will help matters then I am all for it. It takes a real man to admit that wrong was done to others.

And yes, you are right that neither you nor your ancestors were involved.

But you cannot deny that wrong was done and if the healing process will be aided by a little humility then where is the harm?

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?

I know that I won't be so I am more than prepared to walk down this path and see if it can help We the People form a more perfect union in the future. As an American I have a duty to do exactly that and I believe in doing my duty.

You come clean up my back yard and I'll apologize to your ancestors, deal?
Tell me -- how does supporting the Same Old Thing change anything?

Better to change nothing than to change to something worse.

Certainly "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" would not be an improvement over "Your love of liberty - your respect for the laws - your habits of industry - and your practice of the moral and religious obligations, are the strongest claims to national and individual happiness."

Incoherent. Ignored.

So, you find Karl Marx AND George Washington to be incoherent? Odd, that. Is that some fair and balanced? :laugh:

I find Washington to be quite brilliant, myself.
"Nutbag Idiot joke". Because nothing says "sensible rational and levelheaded" like voting for the same oligarchal Demoplican-Republicrat Party.... over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and expecting different results.

My the fountain of lucid thought spews most copiously today.

^ ploddo thinks he sees an "oligarchy" of Republicans and Democrats.

To whatever limited extent he has a point, his "solution" is to support an abject imbecile like Bernie fuckbrain Sanders, instead?


Thanks -- I edited the post to include fuckbrain. Which probably simply means "male" but in effect makes the point even stronger.

Not that anything you say ever makes sense, and that last post is certainly included in that observation, but be advised that NO "point" you have ever made or attempted to make is strong. Or meritorious.

So you're a champion of the Same Old Thing. Yeah, we get that.

Wrong again you sanctimonious gasbag bleat-er of platitudes and bullshit.

To whatever extent that you have ANY hint of validity in your blather about "same old thing," your alleged 'answer' to it is to make supremely stupid, empty, meaningless half wit gestures.

I really don't give a rat's ass who you vote for, and that includes a vote for the senile liberal douche bag, Sanders. Knock yourself out.

But when you congratulate yourself for "doing something" against the "same old thing" of the GOP and the Dimwitocrats, you are fully delusional. You have done exactly and precisely nothing.
Tell me -- how does supporting the Same Old Thing change anything?
On the contrary, we owe MORE attention to anybody who's outside the preapproved cookie-cutter mold the Demoplican-Republicrat Party shovel at us. Just to piss 'em off at the very least, and to nudge them into being more creative as a next step.

Absolutely I agree that we need the genuine outsiders like Sanders to bring up topics that the mainstream candidates would rather avoid.

That the OP picked on one of the many topics that Sanders advocates purely to make a specious point is fair game but by doing so he just proves your point.

Sanders is focusing attention on things that other candidates would prefer to ignore.

And on a side note there is more than a whiff of hypocrisy when the extremist rightwingers applaud their fringe candidates for raising topics that are out of the mainstream but deride the exact same actions on the far left.

Incoherent. Ignored.

You owe your teachers an apology, Rocko, for showing your illiterate ass. Don't apologize, fine.

So you applogize then. Can I ask how you're going to do such a thing anyway? What are you going to do? Go to the hood with a megaphone and start announcing to everyone you're sorry? You're stupid enough to do something like that, I bet.
Tell me -- how does supporting the Same Old Thing change anything?

Better to change nothing than to change to something worse.

Certainly "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" would not be an improvement over "Your love of liberty - your respect for the laws - your habits of industry - and your practice of the moral and religious obligations, are the strongest claims to national and individual happiness."

Incoherent. Ignored.

So, you find Karl Marx AND George Washington to be incoherent? Odd, that. Is that some fair and balanced? :laugh:

I find Washington to be quite brilliant, myself.

You never mentioned Washington. You tossed out an incoherent clusterfuck of unattributed quotes with all the profundity of a traffic accident and then declared one quote to be superior to the other.

As I said -- incoherent.
Tell me -- how does supporting the Same Old Thing change anything?
On the contrary, we owe MORE attention to anybody who's outside the preapproved cookie-cutter mold the Demoplican-Republicrat Party shovel at us. Just to piss 'em off at the very least, and to nudge them into being more creative as a next step.

Absolutely I agree that we need the genuine outsiders like Sanders to bring up topics that the mainstream candidates would rather avoid.

That the OP picked on one of the many topics that Sanders advocates purely to make a specious point is fair game but by doing so he just proves your point.

Sanders is focusing attention on things that other candidates would prefer to ignore.

And on a side note there is more than a whiff of hypocrisy when the extremist rightwingers applaud their fringe candidates for raising topics that are out of the mainstream but deride the exact same actions on the far left.

Incoherent. Ignored.


And he's also cherrypicking insignificant bullshit emotion points as a way to ignore the elephants in the room. That way he still gets to use "fuckbag nutbag dickbag" whatever, while never having to offer a big picture reasoning.

Oh well, nobody said Duopoly knobslobbering was gonna be challenging.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

The truth is American blacks today are far better off because we had slavery. That is an undeniable fact you marxist idiot.
I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

You think the path to a more perfect union is being a more preposterous fucking retard?


Well, you are an assclown - IQ<40......
You owe your teachers an apology, Rocko, for showing your illiterate ass. Don't apologize, fine.

So you applogize then. Can I ask how you're going to do such a thing anyway? What are you going to do? Go to the hood with a megaphone and start announcing to everyone you're sorry? You're stupid enough to do something like that, I bet.
Yup, you are an incoherent and inchoate lump of lard.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

The truth is American blacks today are far better off because we had slavery. That is an undeniable fact you marxist idiot.


Please provide a credible nonpartisan source to substantiate your claim that slavery has improved conditions for American blacks.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

The truth is American blacks today are far better off because we had slavery. That is an undeniable fact you marxist idiot.

Yyyyyeah, that's the first thing I hear every time I meet a black person --- "thank you for slavery", they say.

"Oh don't thank me", I protest, "Thank Rocko".
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

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