Bernie Nutbag Sanders says WE present day Americans need to apologize for slavery!

People tend to forget that Muslim slavers went into Western Africa and bought slaves from the Black leaders who sold their own people and then sometimes swept up even the Black leaders and sold them all to slaveholders in the Americas
..............^^ That was Part #1

Part #2 Jewish bankers funded Christian ships to transport the slaves to the Americas where they were auctioned off to Christian land owners. ....... :cool:
You never mentioned Washington.

I shouldn't have to. Don't you know how to look up a quote? I bet you knew Karl's by heart!

I don't NEED to "look up a quote" -- it's YOUR POST. Either make a point, or rest incoherent.

The point was made. It was simply beyond your understanding apparently.

This is habitual with you.

You made no point. That's exactly why I marked it "incoherent" when it first fell onto the page like the landslide of words it is.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

You chuckle head!! We've apologized for slavery a million times over the years and it hasn't made a damn bit of difference in the lives of black people.
This is just Colonel Sanders pandering to blacks for votes,nothing more.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.

We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.

We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.

We as a Nation (or a part of it, anyway) did something wrong in the past.

We as a nation eradicated that wrong, too. Also in the past.

You can't apologize for the wrong done by another. Those are empty words. You can apologize for what YOU are responsible for. Those would be meaningful words.

Your apology for We the Nation are in the category of meaningless since you cannot apologize for others. And to whatever extent "we" might be seen as an attempt to include me or others, then it is a falsely based "apology" (not actually being an apology at all and pretending to speak for those for whom you are not validly authorized to speak).

You choose to feel guilt over something in the past over which you had no control? Ok. That's silly, but it's your right. But when you claim to apologize for We the Nation, you speak out of turn and your words are out of bounds and meaningless.
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

You chuckle head!! We've apologized for slavery a million times over the years and it hasn't made a damn bit of difference in the lives of black people.
This is just Colonel Sanders pandering to blacks for votes,nothing more.

In which case you won't have any problem providing quotations from presidents "over the years" who have "apologized for slavery", right?
Some claimed "duty" to long deceased ancestors is not part of any obligation any of us owe.

I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

You chuckle head!! We've apologized for slavery a million times over the years and it hasn't made a damn bit of difference in the lives of black people.
This is just Colonel Sanders pandering to blacks for votes,nothing more.

In which case you won't have any problem providing quotations from presidents "over the years" who have "apologized for slavery", right?

Well what the fuck is the kenyen waiting for? He's had six years!!!
And I dont recall anyone saying it was a president that did the apologizing.
Senate Apology For Slavery Gets Mixed Reaction NPR
I am not doing any duty to anyone's "long deceased ancestors" at all.

Instead I am doing my duty to my fellow Americans today.

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because both of those are undeniable facts that apply to Americans of today.

Feel free to try and prove otherwise but it is never wise to urinate into the wind.

wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.

We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.

We as a Nation (or a part of it, anyway) did something wrong in the past.

We as a nation eradicated that wrong, too. Also in the past.

You can't apologize for the wrong done by another. Those are empty words. You can apologize for what YOU are responsible for. Those would be meaningful words.

Your apology for We the Nation are in the category of meaningless since you cannot apologize for others. And to whatever extent "we" might be seen as an attempt to include me or others, then it is a falsely based "apology" (not actually being an apology at all and pretending to speak for those for whom you are not validly authorized to speak).

You choose to feel guilt over something in the past over which you had no control? Ok. That's silly, but it's your right. But when you claim to apologize for We the Nation, you speak out of turn and your words are out of bounds and meaningless.

Why are you fixated on guilt?

Does it have anything to do with your inability to answer either of these questions?

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because an apology doesn't have to be from guilt. It can just be an acknowledge and a starting point towards moving together towards a better future.
wait. The argument seems to be shifting.

NOW, apparently, you say we owe an apology NOT to the long dead, but to their present day descendents BECAUSE our long dead ancestors (or some of them, anyway) did some bad things to those long dead victims and the outcome, generations later, is still favorable to us?

But we would STILL be apologizing for conduct WE did not undertake. We would be apologizing not the the victims of the past wrongs, but to their descendants?

At some point back in time some ape-man struck another ape-man with a long bone. It killed the poor victim of that ape-man assault and terminated his gene pool. We are present day beneficiaries of that incident, in a biological sense.

To whom do we send the apologies again?

Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.

We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.

We as a Nation (or a part of it, anyway) did something wrong in the past.

We as a nation eradicated that wrong, too. Also in the past.

You can't apologize for the wrong done by another. Those are empty words. You can apologize for what YOU are responsible for. Those would be meaningful words.

Your apology for We the Nation are in the category of meaningless since you cannot apologize for others. And to whatever extent "we" might be seen as an attempt to include me or others, then it is a falsely based "apology" (not actually being an apology at all and pretending to speak for those for whom you are not validly authorized to speak).

You choose to feel guilt over something in the past over which you had no control? Ok. That's silly, but it's your right. But when you claim to apologize for We the Nation, you speak out of turn and your words are out of bounds and meaningless.

Why are you fixated on guilt?

Does it have anything to do with your inability to answer either of these questions?

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because an apology doesn't have to be from guilt. It can just be an acknowledge and a starting point towards moving together towards a better future.

Do you actually believe it would do any good?
Affirmative action,welfare,section eight housing none of those things have made a difference,what makes you think a few words will change things?
Do you need an adult to explain to you what Sanders actually said in your OP?

"Nobody in this generation is involved in slavery, but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," Sanders said on Wednesday. "As a nation, I don't think as a President, but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery, of course...the President is the leader of the nation."

Or are you just going to twist yourself into a pretzel to avoid actually addressing his point?

"As a nation we have got to apologize for slavery"

We the People have a duty as a nation to apologize for slavery. And We the People need to do that because it violates the concept of forming a More Perfect Union with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

This is social studies 101! Nothing at all difficult to grasp.

Now once again I am going to ask you those difficult questions that you cannot answer;

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

This time try answering just those 2 questions and not inventing strawmen.

The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.

We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.

We as a Nation (or a part of it, anyway) did something wrong in the past.

We as a nation eradicated that wrong, too. Also in the past.

You can't apologize for the wrong done by another. Those are empty words. You can apologize for what YOU are responsible for. Those would be meaningful words.

Your apology for We the Nation are in the category of meaningless since you cannot apologize for others. And to whatever extent "we" might be seen as an attempt to include me or others, then it is a falsely based "apology" (not actually being an apology at all and pretending to speak for those for whom you are not validly authorized to speak).

You choose to feel guilt over something in the past over which you had no control? Ok. That's silly, but it's your right. But when you claim to apologize for We the Nation, you speak out of turn and your words are out of bounds and meaningless.

Why are you fixated on guilt?

Does it have anything to do with your inability to answer either of these questions?

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because an apology doesn't have to be from guilt. It can just be an acknowledge and a starting point towards moving together towards a better future.

Do you actually believe it would do any good?
Affirmative action,welfare,section eight housing none of those things have made a difference,what makes you think a few words will change things?

What has changed since these words were spoken?

"I have a dream"

What were poverty rates before and after those words were spoken?


And try reading this link all the way through to the end before you respond.

The Source of Black Poverty Isn t Black Culture It s American Culture - The Wire
The pretzel twisting is all yours.

We as a nation OWE no such thing to anybody.

Again, there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY LOGICAL rebuttal to what I have noted.

If I am not responsible for someone's conduct, then I cannot owe the victim of that behavior an apology for it.

In case you choose to willfully appear as obtuse as you are now coming across, bear this in mind. An apology is owed on account of what one is responsible for.

The fact that we may, generations later, derive some measure of greater success to a foul crime perpetrated by ancestors does not imbue any of us with responsibility for that old behavior.

We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.

We as a Nation (or a part of it, anyway) did something wrong in the past.

We as a nation eradicated that wrong, too. Also in the past.

You can't apologize for the wrong done by another. Those are empty words. You can apologize for what YOU are responsible for. Those would be meaningful words.

Your apology for We the Nation are in the category of meaningless since you cannot apologize for others. And to whatever extent "we" might be seen as an attempt to include me or others, then it is a falsely based "apology" (not actually being an apology at all and pretending to speak for those for whom you are not validly authorized to speak).

You choose to feel guilt over something in the past over which you had no control? Ok. That's silly, but it's your right. But when you claim to apologize for We the Nation, you speak out of turn and your words are out of bounds and meaningless.

Why are you fixated on guilt?

Does it have anything to do with your inability to answer either of these questions?

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because an apology doesn't have to be from guilt. It can just be an acknowledge and a starting point towards moving together towards a better future.

Do you actually believe it would do any good?
Affirmative action,welfare,section eight housing none of those things have made a difference,what makes you think a few words will change things?

What has changed since these words were spoken?

"I have a dream"

What were poverty rates before and after those words were spoken?


And try reading this link all the way through to the end before you respond.

The Source of Black Poverty Isn t Black Culture It s American Culture - The Wire

So ever since blacks fell for the democrat bullshit they've been going down hill.
Color me surprised....
We the People as a nation did something that was wrong.

You as an individual didn't do anything wrong.

But if you consider yourself to be part of We the People of this nation then you have to accept that this nation has done wrong in the past. Slavery wasn't the only thing.

And yes, We the People as a nation have done many good things too. But if you want to share the credit for the good things that were done by We the People in the past like fighting for freedom, both overseas and here in America, then you cannot hide from what We the People have done wrong in the past.

If you want to honor the memory of the 600,000 who died fighting over slavery then it is as well to remember that about half of them died trying to preserve slavery.

You cannot honor their courage, bravery and sacrifice without also accepting that it was to perpetuate slavery and yes, as an American who is one of We the People, I am willing to be open and honest and apologize for those wrongs of the past that are part of the heritage of every American alive today.

Feel free to be as insulting as you like but you cannot refute the facts of the past or the duty of all who are part of We the People.

We as a Nation (or a part of it, anyway) did something wrong in the past.

We as a nation eradicated that wrong, too. Also in the past.

You can't apologize for the wrong done by another. Those are empty words. You can apologize for what YOU are responsible for. Those would be meaningful words.

Your apology for We the Nation are in the category of meaningless since you cannot apologize for others. And to whatever extent "we" might be seen as an attempt to include me or others, then it is a falsely based "apology" (not actually being an apology at all and pretending to speak for those for whom you are not validly authorized to speak).

You choose to feel guilt over something in the past over which you had no control? Ok. That's silly, but it's your right. But when you claim to apologize for We the Nation, you speak out of turn and your words are out of bounds and meaningless.

Why are you fixated on guilt?

Does it have anything to do with your inability to answer either of these questions?

Are you denying that our respective situations are as a result of the past?

Are you denying that we have a duty to form a more perfect union?

Because an apology doesn't have to be from guilt. It can just be an acknowledge and a starting point towards moving together towards a better future.

Do you actually believe it would do any good?
Affirmative action,welfare,section eight housing none of those things have made a difference,what makes you think a few words will change things?

What has changed since these words were spoken?

"I have a dream"

What were poverty rates before and after those words were spoken?


And try reading this link all the way through to the end before you respond.

The Source of Black Poverty Isn t Black Culture It s American Culture - The Wire

So ever since blacks fell for the democrat bullshit they've been going down hill.
Color me surprised....

Once again your appalling lack of reading comprehension is exposed.


Explain how a dramatic drop in the poverty rate which correlates with the Civil Rights act is "going down hill"?
I :salute: the courage of this descendant of Jefferson Davis speaking in the SC Legislature.

That is what Bernie Sanders is talking about IMO.
If an apology will help matters then I am all for it. It takes a real man to admit that wrong was done to others.

And yes, you are right that neither you nor your ancestors were involved.

But you cannot deny that wrong was done and if the healing process will be aided by a little humility then where is the harm?

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?

I know that I won't be so I am more than prepared to walk down this path and see if it can help We the People form a more perfect union in the future. As an American I have a duty to do exactly that and I believe in doing my duty.
Should we also apologize for the Holocaust? The Potato Famine? The War of Roses? We had nothing to do with those either but someone's ancestors did and since some of our ancestors were victims of it, we/they should be held responsible. If our kids do drugs or rob stores, should parents go to jail for it? Kids with good parents go bad just as much as kids with bad parents. If you are going to say it is okay to hold innocent people responsible for crimes or atrocities... then you should consider just how far reaching that philosophy can be, and the fact that many of us--our families--were not here during the era of slavery. You should also consider that the notion of that is unconstitutional. We, the people, are granted the right of due process by the 14th amendment, the same amendment that granted the ex-slaves rights. If you are going to accuse me of a crime, you best prove I did it or not expect an apology from me. I will not give up my constitutional rights just because someone uses the past as an excuse to be an asshole.
I refuse to apologize for someone else's stupidity, and those who are holding out for an apology from descendants, real and imaginary, should get over it. It's dwelling in the past that hold people back, not the past itself. That goes for the rebel flag flyers as well as. They need to get over the past as well and let the past stay in museums and history books where it belongs.

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