Bernie Nutbag Sanders says WE present day Americans need to apologize for slavery!

Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Presidunce* has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

* The prior incorrect spelling of "Presidunce" has been corrected in this edit with profound thanks to roving editor in chief, Pogie. Uhm. Pogo.
I said the same about you when you were defending bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert.

You said the same about me? Who the fuck CARES what a scumbag loser like YOU says, you cock bite?

I did and still do defend President Bush. You, by contrast, desire to suck off Obumbler's dick. Tom Delay was fucked over and I have no qualms about defending my position about how he got screwed. You probably applaud such deliberate attempts to misuse the justice system as long as it is directed against non-lolberals.

As for me defending Hastert, that didn't happen. I will say (again) that the recent shit piled on him is absurd. I don't even accept the legitimacy of a 'law' that prohibits one spending one's own money. If he had been a fucking molester back in the day, it would take a fucking scumbag progressive or lib to defend that behavior. Step right up, bitch.
But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.


He floppy, the fact is: I was right. Your moron pal, ploddo, did equate a mere typo with (as he puts) it "moronity."

And further more, the fact is that Bernie the dip shit senile ol' twat Sanders is absolutely nuts to suggest that anybody alive today owes anybody an apology over slavery. That's a position so fucking facially stupid that it takes a tragic numbskull to accept it.

Know anybody like that?

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.


He floppy, the fact is: I was right. Your moron pal, ploddo, did equate a mere typo with (as he puts) it "moronity."

And further more, the fact is that Bernie the dip shit senile ol' twat Sanders is absolutely nuts to suggest that anybody alive today owes anybody an apology over slavery. That's a position so fucking facially stupid that it takes a tragic numbskull to accept it.

Know anybody like that?


Methinks the OP doth protest too much!

You are far too emotionally invested in this topic, Ilar.

Try taking some deep breaths and counting to 10 before you post.

Sanders has one of the sharpest political minds on the Hill IMO.

Too bad none of your candidates can even come close to the Dem 2nd place.
But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.


He floppy, the fact is: I was right. Your moron pal, ploddo, did equate a mere typo with (as he puts) it "moronity."

And further more, the fact is that Bernie the dip shit senile ol' twat Sanders is absolutely nuts to suggest that anybody alive today owes anybody an apology over slavery. That's a position so fucking facially stupid that it takes a tragic numbskull to accept it.

Know anybody like that?


Methinks the OP doth protest too much!

You are far too emotionally invested in this topic, Ilar.

Try taking some deep breaths and counting to 10 before you post.

Sanders has one of the sharpest political minds on the Hill IMO.

Too bad none of your candidates can even come close to the Dem 2nd place.


Your trite post adds nothing to any conversation taking place here.

Sanders does NOT have a sharp mind.

He is a run of the mill brainless unthinking socialist nitwit.

And my "emotional" investment here is pretty much non-existent.

I see total jerk-offs spouting vapid clap trap, and I enjoy calling bullshit on them. Their "opinions" about me are of no importance in my world.
Seriously, would you give a rat's twat what a scumbag asshole such as "pogo" allegedly thinks?

While I happen to be unimpressed with the majority of the GOP field (I dumped the GOP because the GOP doesn't much impress me, overall, either), there's hardly a person in the admittedly weak-ass GOP field who isn't remarkably superior -- even on their worst days -- to the shithead Bernie the socialist nitwit scumbag Sanders or the hideous, vile, disgusting, dishonest, diseased Shrillary.
But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.


He floppy, the fact is: I was right. Your moron pal, ploddo, did equate a mere typo with (as he puts) it "moronity."

And further more, the fact is that Bernie the dip shit senile ol' twat Sanders is absolutely nuts to suggest that anybody alive today owes anybody an apology over slavery. That's a position so fucking facially stupid that it takes a tragic numbskull to accept it.

Know anybody like that?


Methinks the OP doth protest too much!

You are far too emotionally invested in this topic, Ilar.

Try taking some deep breaths and counting to 10 before you post.

Sanders has one of the sharpest political minds on the Hill IMO.

Too bad none of your candidates can even come close to the Dem 2nd place.


Your trite post adds nothing to any conversation taking place here.

Sanders does NOT have a sharp mind.

He is a run of the mill brainless unthinking socialist nitwit.

And my "emotional" investment here is pretty much non-existent.

I see total jerk-offs spouting vapid clap trap, and I enjoy calling bullshit on them. Their "opinions" about me are of no importance in my world.
Seriously, would you give a rat's twat what a scumbag asshole such as "pogo" allegedly thinks?

While I happen to be unimpressed with the majority of the GOP field (I dumped the GOP because the GOP doesn't much impress me, overall, either), there's hardly a person in the admittedly weak-ass GOP field who isn't remarkably superior -- even on their worst days -- to the shithead Bernie the socialist nitwit scumbag Sanders or the hideous, vile, disgusting, dishonest, diseased Shrillary.

Your emotional investment is readily apparent in the bile you are venting in your posts, Ilar.

Your denials ring hollow when you devote that much energy to spouting vulgarities.

If you were truly disinterested you wouldn't bother.

You wouldn't even have bothered to start this thread either.
But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.


He floppy, the fact is: I was right. Your moron pal, ploddo, did equate a mere typo with (as he puts) it "moronity."

And further more, the fact is that Bernie the dip shit senile ol' twat Sanders is absolutely nuts to suggest that anybody alive today owes anybody an apology over slavery. That's a position so fucking facially stupid that it takes a tragic numbskull to accept it.

Know anybody like that?


Methinks the OP doth protest too much!

You are far too emotionally invested in this topic, Ilar.

Try taking some deep breaths and counting to 10 before you post.

Sanders has one of the sharpest political minds on the Hill IMO.

Too bad none of your candidates can even come close to the Dem 2nd place.


Your trite post adds nothing to any conversation taking place here.

Sanders does NOT have a sharp mind.

He is a run of the mill brainless unthinking socialist nitwit.

And my "emotional" investment here is pretty much non-existent.

I see total jerk-offs spouting vapid clap trap, and I enjoy calling bullshit on them. Their "opinions" about me are of no importance in my world.
Seriously, would you give a rat's twat what a scumbag asshole such as "pogo" allegedly thinks?

While I happen to be unimpressed with the majority of the GOP field (I dumped the GOP because the GOP doesn't much impress me, overall, either), there's hardly a person in the admittedly weak-ass GOP field who isn't remarkably superior -- even on their worst days -- to the shithead Bernie the socialist nitwit scumbag Sanders or the hideous, vile, disgusting, dishonest, diseased Shrillary.

Your emotional investment is readily apparent in the bile you are venting in your posts, Ilar.

Your denials ring hollow when you devote that much energy to spouting vulgarities.

If you were truly disinterested you wouldn't bother.

You wouldn't even have bothered to start this thread either.

Wrong again, Dizzy. The fact that you want it to be true, doesn't make it true.

Again, for small minds like yours, I will deign to repeat it. I ENJOY exposing bullshit such as pogo's and yours.

And, since you appear to be willfully slow, I'll share something which should be obvious. Others with better skills than you possess have attempted to persuade me in the past to lose the salty language. They failed. You, of course, will too.

I couldn't give a rat's anus if you find it childish or offensive. Again, your opinion is far from something i would ever value.

As for why I started this thread, you moron, I CHOSE to piss on the vapid twit known as Bernie socialist shithead Sanders and his absolutely idiotic empty contention that anybody alive today owes anybody else alive today an "apology" for actions of long dead ancestors. I have already told you this, but you remain stubbornly stuck on stupid, so you won't accept reality. That doesn't alter it. It is beyond absurd to suggest that "we" owe an apology to anybody for behavior in which we had no part and have no culpability.

You are a massive douche. Seriously.

And yes, I am laughing at you. Reasonable people who read your silly tripe all chortle at the immaturity of your "thinking."
Whatever you say, Ilar!

Of course you are always right and the rest of the sane world is wrong.

You aren't wasting your intelligence and communication skills by coming across as a vapid extremist rightwinger with verbal diarrhea.

You are lord of creation and can do no wrong.

Whatever you say, Ilar!

Of course you are always right and the rest of the sane world is wrong.

You aren't wasting your intelligence and communication skills by coming across as a vapid extremist rightwinger with verbal diarrhea.

You are lord of creation and can do no wrong.


See how vapid you are? Let's clue you in, Diz. I can be right about YOU being wrong without me claiming (which I have not) that 'the world is always wrong and I am always right.'

Your gasbag pontifications DO establish you as a liberal intelligentsia! Is that it?

That is the point you are hoping people draw from your grandiose posts, Diz. Step right up and admit reality for a nice change of pace.

Meanwhile, I confess I never expected to convince a willing tool such as you that Bernie is an asshole. I don't give you enough credit to believe that you could ever see what a schmuck Sanders is. You actually are one of the cretins who BELIEVES that "we" owe apologies for other folks' behaviors. SMH.

It's difficult to believe just what an amazing ass clown you are. But keep posting. The proof is already pretty clear.
Whatever you say, Ilar!

Of course you are always right and the rest of the sane world is wrong.

You aren't wasting your intelligence and communication skills by coming across as a vapid extremist rightwinger with verbal diarrhea.

You are lord of creation and can do no wrong.


See how vapid you are? Let's clue you in, Diz. I can be right about YOU being wrong without me claiming (which I have not) that 'the world is always wrong and I am always right.'

Your gasbag pontifications DO establish you as a liberal intelligentsia! Is that it?

That is the point you are hoping people draw from your grandiose posts, Diz. Step right up and admit reality for a nice change of pace.

Meanwhile, I confess I never expected to convince a willing tool such as you that Bernie is an asshole. I don't give you enough credit to believe that you could ever see what a schmuck Sanders is. You actually are one of the cretins who BELIEVES that "we" owe apologies for other folks' behaviors. SMH.

It's difficult to believe just what an amazing ass clown you are. But keep posting. The proof is already pretty clear.

Baby steps, Ilar, but at least you are moving in the right direction now.


I don't expect you to agree with me or Sanders. I don't expect to convince you to change your positions one iota. I don't waste my time on posters who are obviously never going to leave their comfort zone.

But you are not one of those posters.

You have tacitly admitted that you aren't by being willing to be honest about the failings of the right.

And you are correct that the left is far from perfect.

Hence you are now in the middle, albeit to the right of me, but still in the moderate middle.

That means that you are evaluating your options and weighing them against what you believe to be the best interests of America and We the People.

I know this because I do the exact same thing myself.

We are more alike than we are different.

So yes, I enjoy your posts even when you are dumping your bile because I know you are just doing it to vent your frustrations that you want what is best but you are stuck with a heap of cretins on your side who can't find their own ass with both hands free.

We would be better off finding common ground together than trying to herd the political ignorami that are pandered to shamelessly by the professional politicians.

In that respect Sanders is different. He doesn't pander to anyone. He just tells it straight as he sees it and damn the consequences. You might not agree with what he is saying but you can't fault his integrity.

Thanks for the opportunity to touch base and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


Diggers gotta dig.

Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.


What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.

As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.


Hey, if you don't want your moronity pointed out, try not calling attention to the moron concept in your first sentence.

A complete pathetic dip shit like you has my permission to call me a moron anytime, you pathetic twit. I don't know. Is it possible to mention just how pathetic you are enough? :lol:

I am not at all upset by anything YOU say, at all. I consider you an utterly pathetic twit at the best of times. You do prove it constantly, too.

I do find it amusing that you first deny that you were equating a mere typo with "moronity" and then you actually admit that you were making that association.

You are such a massive loser, every time you post you prove yourself to be the hapless jerkoff you always are.

I happily stand by my assessment of you and the jerk off moron I was addressing in the first place.

Ah, apparently I misunderestimated....


Hope this helps. Here's some music to sniff by. :eusa_boohoo:
Bernie should apologize to the people on being such a worthless senator, give up his citizenship, and move to the south pole.
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??

It's not unheard of.

70 years after WWII Japanese company apologizes to US vets Fox News
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM means never having to say you're sorry.

Neither harm nor good would result from a formal apology for the sins of the past. But if that gesture, as Derideo_Te said helps healing and brings us closer to the ideals set forth in our founding documents, let the apologies begin.
Perhaps we can talk the Magic Negro into issuing an EO as an Official Apology.

That way, the toilet paper industry will experience a surge, in new-design rolls featuring a replica of the EO on tissue.

Ought to be a best-seller.
If an apology is in order, let Ol' Bernie apologize for the Democrats 'till the cows come home... The blacks deserve that.
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM means never having to say you're sorry.

Neither harm nor good would result from a formal apology for the sins of the past. But if that gesture, as Derideo_Te said helps healing and brings us closer to the ideals set forth in our founding documents, let the apologies begin.
Since you admit it does no good, and smears the memory of those who fought and died to end slavery, then why bother? Oh yeah, to pander to black voters and wallow in white guilt.
Fuck that shit.
Fuck the apology - we want financially compensated for all the shit whitey stole from Native Americans and blacks.
But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.


He floppy, the fact is: I was right. Your moron pal, ploddo, did equate a mere typo with (as he puts) it "moronity."

And further more, the fact is that Bernie the dip shit senile ol' twat Sanders is absolutely nuts to suggest that anybody alive today owes anybody an apology over slavery. That's a position so fucking facially stupid that it takes a tragic numbskull to accept it.

Know anybody like that?


Methinks the OP doth protest too much!

You are far too emotionally invested in this topic, Ilar.

Try taking some deep breaths and counting to 10 before you post.

Sanders has one of the sharpest political minds on the Hill IMO.

Too bad none of your candidates can even come close to the Dem 2nd place.

Bernie Sanders views on rape are certainly interesting. :lol: What a nutbar.

Last edited:
If an apology will help matters then I am all for it. It takes a real man to admit that wrong was done to others.

And yes, you are right that neither you nor your ancestors were involved.

But you cannot deny that wrong was done and if the healing process will be aided by a little humility then where is the harm?

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?

I know that I won't be so I am more than prepared to walk down this path and see if it can help We the People form a more perfect union in the future. As an American I have a duty to do exactly that and I believe in doing my duty.


Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting



Fuck the apology - we want financially compensated for all the shit whitey stole from Native Americans and blacks.
When's Bernie going to go into the DNC coffers and get the money for that?????
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??

It is the democrat party that needs aboligize Bernie. But they won't because they don't think they did anything wrong. My family fought those who wanted to keep the practice, they ought to be thanked.

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