Bernie Nutbag Sanders says WE present day Americans need to apologize for slavery!

If an apology will help matters then I am all for it. It takes a real man to admit that wrong was done to others.

And yes, you are right that neither you nor your ancestors were involved.

But you cannot deny that wrong was done and if the healing process will be aided by a little humility then where is the harm?

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?

I know that I won't be so I am more than prepared to walk down this path and see if it can help We the People form a more perfect union in the future. As an American I have a duty to do exactly that and I believe in doing my duty.

I see nothing wrong with expressing sorrow that slavery occurred, but I would not put it in the form of a personal apology. I didn't have anything to do with it so all I can say is I am sorry it was carried out by others.

Wrong was done starting in Africa when the chieftains sold some into slavery. There is sorrow all around the issue.
Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.


What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.

As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.


Hey, if you don't want your moronity pointed out, try not calling attention to the moron concept in your first sentence.

A complete pathetic dip shit like you has my permission to call me a moron anytime, you pathetic twit. I don't know. Is it possible to mention just how pathetic you are enough? :lol:

I am not at all upset by anything YOU say, at all. I consider you an utterly pathetic twit at the best of times. You do prove it constantly, too.

I do find it amusing that you first deny that you were equating a mere typo with "moronity" and then you actually admit that you were making that association.

You are such a massive loser, every time you post you prove yourself to be the hapless jerkoff you always are.

I happily stand by my assessment of you and the jerk off moron I was addressing in the first place.

Ah, apparently I misunderestimated....

Wrong word. You should have said that you misunderstood.

And, you misunderstood alright.

And as per usual, you still do.
What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.

As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.


Hey, if you don't want your moronity pointed out, try not calling attention to the moron concept in your first sentence.

A complete pathetic dip shit like you has my permission to call me a moron anytime, you pathetic twit. I don't know. Is it possible to mention just how pathetic you are enough? :lol:

I am not at all upset by anything YOU say, at all. I consider you an utterly pathetic twit at the best of times. You do prove it constantly, too.

I do find it amusing that you first deny that you were equating a mere typo with "moronity" and then you actually admit that you were making that association.

You are such a massive loser, every time you post you prove yourself to be the hapless jerkoff you always are.

I happily stand by my assessment of you and the jerk off moron I was addressing in the first place.

Ah, apparently I misunderestimated....

Wrong word. You should have said that you misunderstood.

And, you misunderstood alright.

And as per usual, you still do.

It actually took you a week to think of that ^^ ??

What I misunderestimated was the amount of tissues you needed.
Apparently there's still a shortage. :eek:

Don't worry. We gotcher back. Reinforcemints is on da way....

Dems have 3 pathetic, race-pandering Progressive douchebottles running for President; one more pathetic than the other; each dividing America and trying to out-pander the other one

the Maryland guy was shouted down and forced to apologize for the crime of saying "all lives matter" in front of a group of far-left, angry black racists. and he did too; groveling

Hillary says blacks in hoodies make whites nervous
this from a woman who hasn't even driven in decades, or went anywhere w/o armed guards

now this wrinkled loon is trying to out-do the other two LWNJs
As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.


Hey, if you don't want your moronity pointed out, try not calling attention to the moron concept in your first sentence.

A complete pathetic dip shit like you has my permission to call me a moron anytime, you pathetic twit. I don't know. Is it possible to mention just how pathetic you are enough? :lol:

I am not at all upset by anything YOU say, at all. I consider you an utterly pathetic twit at the best of times. You do prove it constantly, too.

I do find it amusing that you first deny that you were equating a mere typo with "moronity" and then you actually admit that you were making that association.

You are such a massive loser, every time you post you prove yourself to be the hapless jerkoff you always are.

I happily stand by my assessment of you and the jerk off moron I was addressing in the first place.

Ah, apparently I misunderestimated....

Wrong word. You should have said that you misunderstood.

And, you misunderstood alright.

And as per usual, you still do.

It actually took you a week to think of that ^^ ??

What I misunderestimated was the amount of tissues you needed.
* * * *


Nope. You misunderstood.

The claim you make that I am the one in need of tissue proves that you are vapid and wrong yet again.

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