Bernie Nutbag Sanders says WE present day Americans need to apologize for slavery!

As a Canadian who may or may not have had relatives who were Loyalists and lost land during the American Revolution, I'd like an apology.

Oh, and I'd also like a hundred billion trillion dollars for my losses.

Pay up, America!

OK here it is:

"Soory aboot that, eh?"

How'd I do? Did I nail it or what?

As for the reparations, we can pay you in loonies. We have way more than we need.

Straight cash, homie!

Actually I think Canada should be apologising to us (see? I even spelled it in Canadish).... for not coming in and taking over the rest of the country after y'all kicked our assets in the war of 1812.

Oh wait, we're not supposed to know aboot that here --- never mind, you never read this, I was never here and I don't know what you're talking about. uh... "USA! USA!"

Toro will get his reparations after he repatriates Ted Cruz! ;)
sanders, the asshole, belongs to the party that owned the slaves, started jim crow and whose members started the kkk......
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM means never having to say you're sorry.

Neither harm nor good would result from a formal apology for the sins of the past. But if that gesture, as Derideo_Te said helps healing and brings us closer to the ideals set forth in our founding documents, let the apologies begin.

Sorry, no one alive today owes an apology for one today owned slaves, no one alive today was a slave....and the people who would owe the apology, would be the owners of that slave, and no one else.......

Screw that bullshit....
But you cannot deny that wrong was done and if the healing process will be aided by a little humility then where is the harm?

Why should I accept responsibility for something neither I nor any ancestor of mine had anything to do with?

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?


I know that I won't be so I am more than prepared to walk down this path and see if it can help We the People form a more perfect union in the future. As an American I have a duty to do exactly that and I believe in doing my duty.

Knock yourself out.

How would you personally be harmed by apologizing for the harm that slavery has caused?

Because apologizing for something you didn't do is a lie....I know that democrats lie by habit and their nature but you can't stop till you actually stop doing it.....

And by apologizing for something you didn't do, you are accepting blame for the act which is a lie, again.

And it also allows the statist thugs to put you on the defensive since you just took responsibility for one of the greatest evils of early mankind.....

And all the other countries of the of the world should go first....including all the native Americans since they also owned slaves......
sanders, the asshole, belongs to the party that owned the slaves, started jim crow and whose members started the kkk......

You belong to the Moron church. Independents did none of those things.
And again, you've been schooled on this before -- the KKK was started by six Confederate war vets with no political affiliation. And the revival one of 1915 was started by a salesman with no political affiliation.


Because apologizing for something you didn't do is a lie

Horse shit.
Ever console the bereaved at a funeral? Assuming you didn't kill the deceased?

Always think before posting.
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Presidunce* has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

* The prior incorrect spelling of "Presidunce" has been corrected in this edit with profound thanks to roving editor in chief, Pogie. Uhm. Pogo.
Last edited:
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Preisdunce has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Preisdunce has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.

I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Preisdunce has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.

I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."

Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Preisdunce has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.

I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."

Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.

Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Preisdunce has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.

I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."

Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.

Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.


Diggers gotta dig.
Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Preisdunce has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.

I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."

Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.

Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.


Diggers gotta dig.

Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.

I think "Preisdunce" is my fave. I guess that's a German award of some kind. Although I believe the correct spelling would be Preisduntz.

I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."

Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.

Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.


Diggers gotta dig.

Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.


What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.
I am always happy for you plodding twits when you gloriously spot a typo.

I really should poorly edit more of my posts just to give you something to do and to give some meaning to your pathetic life. :thup:

Typo notwithstanding, I will stick with Obumbler being "Presidunce."

Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.

Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.


Diggers gotta dig.

Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.


What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.

As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.
But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way)

Oh the Irony!


At least we can depend upon Ilar to distract us from the OP topic with his moronicisms.

Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Presidunce* has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

* The prior incorrect spelling of "Presidunce" has been corrected in this edit with profound thanks to roving editor in chief, Pogie. Uhm. Pogo.
I said the same about you when you were defending bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert.
Bernie is, of course, a known quantity. He is a shit head socialist idiot.

Sanders I Don t Think As President But As A Nation We Have Got To Apologize For Slavery Video RealClearPolitics

Since I personally had nothing to do with it (not having been even close to having my grandparents born at the time and all) I think I will just simply reject the imbecile invitation of the vapid socialist twerp U.S. Senator and darling of the liberal/progressive/far left wing Democrat Parody. Bernie is a joke. He is not really worth a damn thing in our lives.

But I wonder. How many of the USMB left wingers/progressives/liberals feel the need to apologize for something that they clearly had nothing to do with and could have had nothing to do with??
You are why a good smart sincere person can't be president. You are too dumb to take your country back. That's why I'm voting hillary.

When Americans iq jumps ten digits maybe then.

Morons like you have NO basis from which to even BEGIN to assess the IQ of anybody else.

You're the kind of dickwad who voted for the Loser currently infesting the Oval Office.

Shit for brain smegma faces like you look at what this Presidunce* has done and you dutifully clap you fins like a good trained (albeit brain damaged) seal.

You are too dumb to recognize the damage you and shitheads like Obumbler have done to America. And more than likely you don't even care because you far left wing motherfuckers don't much like America.

So, get busy fucking yourself because nobody with a functioning brain values your idiot opinions.

* The prior incorrect spelling of "Presidunce" has been corrected in this edit with profound thanks to roving editor in chief, Pogie. Uhm. Pogo.
I said the same about you when you were defending bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert.

You do know Delay was wrongly prosecuted, and no one defends guys do defend serial rapist bill clinton though.....
Typo is a titillating tangent. The real point is... you start off with "moron" and then .... just sayin'.

Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.


Diggers gotta dig.

Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.


What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.

As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.


Hey, if you don't want your moronity pointed out, try not calling attention to the moron concept in your first sentence.
Yes. And the entire theme involved a stupid comment from a stupid person. Then, just saying, you twit, I failed to catch a typo.

In your pathetic universe, do you equate a failure to edit (at all or properly) with a low IQ?


You truly are a pathetic twit.


Diggers gotta dig.

Indeed, this is WHY I encourage you to keep posting like the utter twit you always prove yourself to be.


But you are missing important opportunities to scour this site for other significant typos.


What would be the point? Unless they too start off calling someone "moron" and then proceed to post moronically.... but that point has already been made. No use in repeating it.

As a matter of broad discussion, I would agree that any discussion with a tool such as you, by definition, is pointless.

But you DID just reveal (in your own inadvertent, arrogant but typically plodding way) that you do equate the making of a typo in a message board post as being the equivalent of "moronic."

You truly are a simpleton.

So, maybe it is time to take your own advice. Stop swinging and missing. Stop trying so hard. You just end up making a more complete asshole of yourself each time.


Hey, if you don't want your moronity pointed out, try not calling attention to the moron concept in your first sentence.

A complete pathetic dip shit like you has my permission to call me a moron anytime, you pathetic twit. I don't know. Is it possible to mention just how pathetic you are enough? :lol:

I am not at all upset by anything YOU say, at all. I consider you an utterly pathetic twit at the best of times. You do prove it constantly, too.

I do find it amusing that you first deny that you were equating a mere typo with "moronity" and then you actually admit that you were making that association.

You are such a massive loser, every time you post you prove yourself to be the hapless jerkoff you always are.

I happily stand by my assessment of you and the jerk off moron I was addressing in the first place.

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