Bernie Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage, prompting mock


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
He is basically admitting that his minimum wages hike is going to hurt the small businesses. He needs to first let Pres.Trump restore the economy. Bring back all of the American companies that were chased away by the previous administrations. And deregulate all of the regulations that Corporate America had created to bring down small companies. And bring the deficit all the way down to zero, which that will lower taxes a lot.
And then he would be able to raise the minimum wage to $15 hour.
Obama had used this tactic before. He created more jobs by reducing the 8 hours shifts, into 4 hours shifts, so that there will be job openings. And give tax breaks to companies that hires. He cut Paul's hour in half and give the other half to Mary. So basically, he just redistributed the wealth from the working class.

Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced this weekend he will cut staffers' hours so that they can effectively be paid a $15-an-hour minimum wage, prompting mockery from critics who say the move is more evidence that Sanders' plan to raise the national minimum wage is hypocritical and would only lead to less work and more unemployment.

Bernie Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage, prompting mockery
If we would deport the 20-30 million illegal aliens, wages would go up without any stupid government decrees.
He is going to have them work 40 hours a week. No overtime.
Try again bitch.
he solution is to "limit the number of hours staffers work to 42 or 43 each week to ensure they’re making the equivalent of $15 an hour," he told the Register's Brianne Pfannenstiel.
So they have to work more hours to think they are getting a 40 hour workweek at 15 an hour. Sounds fair..for a Marxist.
He is going to have them work 40 hours a week. No overtime.
Try again bitch.
he solution is to "limit the number of hours staffers work to 42 or 43 each week to ensure they’re making the equivalent of $15 an hour," he told the Register's Brianne Pfannenstiel.
So they have to work more hours to think they are getting a 40 hour workweek at 15 an hour. Sounds fair..for a Marxist.

Well at full time , 40 hours a week is 31,200 so he is paying them fair, but of course they are working 60 hours so they want a cut.

Under Obama's plan they would get overtime , but a TX judge turned it down.

Under Bush Jr plan they would not get overtime at all.

Sen Sanders is apparently more interested in the minimum wage increase as long as it doesn’t apply to him. Campaign rhetoric 101...
He can’t even do for his own staff what he wants to foist on America!

He is the perfect liberal!
released his 2014 tax return this weekend, revealing that he and his wife took $60,208 in deductions from their taxable income. These deductions are all perfectly legal and permitted under the U.S. tax code, but they present a morally inconvenient, if delicious, irony: The Democratic socialist from Vermont, a man who rages against high earners paying a lower effective tax rate than blue-collar workers, saved himself thousands using many of the tricks that would be banned under his own tax plan. Bernie Sanders's Tax Returns Reveal His Hypocrisy | National Review
released his 2014 tax return this weekend, revealing that he and his wife took $60,208 in deductions from their taxable income. These deductions are all perfectly legal and permitted under the U.S. tax code, but they present a morally inconvenient, if delicious, irony: The Democratic socialist from Vermont, a man who rages against high earners paying a lower effective tax rate than blue-collar workers, saved himself thousands using many of the tricks that would be banned under his own tax plan. Bernie Sanders's Tax Returns Reveal His Hypocrisy | National Review

I cannot fault Mr Sanders for using available loop holes to legally evade taxes.

IF it is there, he is stupid to not use it.
He is basically admitting that his minimum wages hike is going to hurt the small businesses. He needs to first let Pres.Trump restore the economy. Bring back all of the American companies that were chased away by the previous administrations. And deregulate all of the regulations that Corporate America had created to bring down small companies. And bring the deficit all the way down to zero, which that will lower taxes a lot.
And then he would be able to raise the minimum wage to $15 hour.
Obama had used this tactic before. He created more jobs by reducing the 8 hours shifts, into 4 hours shifts, so that there will be job openings. And give tax breaks to companies that hires. He cut Paul's hour in half and give the other half to Mary. So basically, he just redistributed the wealth from the working class.

Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced this weekend he will cut staffers' hours so that they can effectively be paid a $15-an-hour minimum wage, prompting mockery from critics who say the move is more evidence that Sanders' plan to raise the national minimum wage is hypocritical and would only lead to less work and more unemployment.

Bernie Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage, prompting mockery

Once upon a time there was a man who served his country as an Army Paratrooper from 1941 to 1949. He wasn't a big fellow by any stretch of military height standards, barely rising to the five foot six inch mark in jump boots. But he was wiry, had the constitution of a marathon runner and working dawn to dusk on his father's farm during the depression had forged his body into something akin to an iron railroad spike. The year he left the Army, he met a girl at a dance held by a young woman's boarding school just off the military base he out-processed from. They married a few months later, bought a modest home in an idyllic small town and he went to work for a manufacturer of beer and soda cans. Solidly middle class, the man worked twelve hour shifts for decades, fathered three children who wanted for nothing, and then retired in 1984 after 35 years service to his manufacturing job, much of which was spent as tender of a three-story forge. He embodied the American Dream, some might say. Not only did he make a great living for five people, himself included, he managed to save enough additional money to retire with over a million dollars in the bank, plus an excellent pension. Last but not least, he sent two of his three children to good universities.

His third child, by then a man himself, believed in a specific set of rules one could follow to also achieve the same American Dream his father had attained through decades of faithful service to a manufacturing company. So the third child of the man chose to enter the workforce directly rather than go to college like his siblings. All went according to plan, for a few years anyway, until the manufacturer of office furniture the third child went to work for moved its main assembly operation to Canada. The third child by that point had earned machinist's papers, something he was deeply proud of, but was denied his certification by the furniture company when it jumped ship to the north. And that meant the third child was basically knocked back to the beginning of his career; he had to start over. And on and on it went in much the same way for the third child who continued to have faith in the American Dream which had come true for his father. One after another the manufacturing companies he worked for folded or moved overseas and he wasn't able to get more than a few years work out of any of them. Eventually, he got the picture, relented on his father's version of the American Dream, went back to school and became a high school history teacher, which is an entirely different story.

Moral of the story if any? Used to be a man (or woman) could put their faith in a manufacturing company to the tune of investing thirty or forty years service confident said company would still be there, wages and benefits would steadily increase, and he could look forward to a generous pension at the end of his working life. While I suppose some such manufacturing jobs still exist, you don't hear of many people in my neck of the nation praising them so much anymore. What I don't "get" and I'm sure I am not alone in this, is why the hell are Democrat Politicians doing their damnedest to make minimum wage jobs so attractive to so many young and minority and down on their luck Americans? You can't support five people on minimum wage, even if it's at $15 per hour. Why aren't Democrats and Republicans going to hell and back to bring back the manufacturing jobs our grandparents retired on? Times change, sure, but you just can't do the American Dream on minimum wage. The American Dream was never meant to be a value meal.
He is going to have them work 40 hours a week. No overtime.

You're thinking he's paying all of his staffers a salary.
He can't.
The IRS has very strict rules regarding which employees can be salaried.
This is such an amazong story and should hopefully sink these socialist fucks.

It’s all bullshit. The FEDERAL MANDATED $15/hr minimum wage is absolute garbage and will be awful for business.

If businesses close their doors, then the wage is $0!

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