Bernie Sanders Economics Plans Don't Add Up.

Kevin Thorpe is the chairman of the partnership of chronic disease. Corrupt cankles says addiction is a chronic disease. She also has a ten billion dollar initiative to fight addiction.
They have also worked together in the past

Does this mean Biden won't cure cancer?
Biden couldn't cure an uninflected scraped elbow
One of the myriad issues I have with politicians and partisans is the way they start at the end - what they want to see - and then try to work their way backwards to justify it.

So in the case, Sanders starts at the end - Single Payer, free college, etc., etc. - and then says he's going to tax "Wall Street" and "big business" and "the rich" to pay for it all.

Anyone trying something like this can manipulate the numbers in any number of ways, but if it's not even holding up under scrutiny from progressives, then maybe he should try again.
Surprised? Yeah me neither. With all the FREE stuff he wants to give away I was never sold on the idea that my taxes would only go up 2.2% (or 2.5?) and I'd save upwards of 3-5K/year.

These are LIBERAL economists:

Progressive Economists Say Bernie Sanders’ Economic Plans Don’t Add Up
In Bernie's defense, his plan does clearly outline how he will pay for all the benes he is proposing. I am no Bernie fan, but we could do far worse (think Ms. President Cankles), so his plan is worth evaluating. Here it is...

Now my view is if Old Bern were to propose drastic cuts in the defense budget, like a 50% cut and removing ALL military and intelligence personal from ALL foreign locations, this would greatly improve the nation's fiscal situation. The added plus would be limiting the lying Neocons and Neolibs from starting another war. Of course, he risks assassination should he implement this plan after winning the election...but maybe he has the courage.
Ya think! Tax da rich! Yeah, that will work. Moving right along....
Bernie is offering a lot of pie-in-the-sky numbers.

Can anyone name a candidate that has proposed a tax/exonomic plan that will work?

not to deflect from Bernie's issues, just curious if he alone is worthy of the criticism
Bernie and Bernie-bots are hoping that poor people some day will create' I hope they all are holding their breath!
they already have, it's a job keeping them alive and funded as they find new ways to siphon more money. I's say they have job creation down to an art.

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