Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

Bernie Sanders entered the Fox's den on Monday night, and he not only survived the hour-long encounter, but often dominated
This is why the extreme right wingers, the xenophobes, the racists, the Islamaphobes, and everyone else involved in their empire of greed and oppression is so afraid of us: We tell the truth.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.

LOL!!! Thanks for the good laugh. If Bernie really believed his BS he wouldn't take the loopholes as he sees them as wrong and contributing to widening gap of rich and poor. It seems Bernie is concerned about only himself.

Last time around I supported Bernie, this time I watched and learned he is just another lying scam artist.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.

Anyone want to bet that Bernie and all the rest of the wealthy liberals in Government will find ways to keep THEIR money while raising the taxes on everyone else? I base that on years of watching how the game is played in Washington. You've got a liberal like John Kerry advocating for higher taxes on luxury the yacht he owned...but Kerry based his 7 million dollar boat in Rhode Island rather than Massachusetts where he lived...saving himself almost $500,000 in taxes. It's a as I say...not as I do...mentality. Or as Orwell succinctly put it in Animal Farm...some are more equal than others!
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Because you love huge deficits?
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
Of course. There’s never been a socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty at the top.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders exploded on Monday when asked during a Fox News town hall about accepting tax breaks that he voted against and why he did not send the money back given the fact that he constantly is claiming that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes.

Fox News host Bret Baier first pressed Sanders on the issue, to which Sanders responded: “Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

“Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

Like you, Trump payed the taxes he owed. Not a dime more or less.
This is so true. Not one Socialist leader that wasn't pooping and peeing on the rugrats of society, and telling everyone how to live and where to live, what to buy and what to ingest, what to wear and what to drive, where to go and etc.. I really can't believe the rugrats kiss these fks ass. truly. My father use to tell me, do as I say not as I do. Sanders dude flipped a bit, hmmmmm and no one, not one rugrat will say one fking thing. they are all so far up their snotty little asses, that one can't live with these societal asswipes. These fks, can't be objective and what they hear from the pooping peeing socialist leaders is all they will absorb. ewwwwwwww. fk them all.
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Because you love huge deficits?
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
"no matter what your views are, you should get involved in politics. you should fight for what you believe" - Crazy Bernie on FOX News last night

So what does that prove? He advocated for every pipe dream, give away program known to man with no real way to pay for any of it. Then he dodged any actual questions, and went on an off topic speech about Trump. He's just anther Hope and Change loon we've been hearing from the Democrats forever.
Hope, just as long as he can keep the change eh ?? Wonder how many times he has paid for something or paid for a service, and then told someone "hey keep the change" ??? I do it alot myself.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Because you love huge deficits?
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.

Anyone want to bet that Bernie and all the rest of the wealthy liberals in Government will find ways to keep THEIR money while raising the taxes on everyone else? I base that on years of watching how the game is played in Washington. You've got a liberal like John Kerry advocating for higher taxes on luxury the yacht he owned...but Kerry based his 7 million dollar boat in Rhode Island rather than Massachusetts where he lived...saving himself almost $500,000 in taxes. It's a as I say...not as I do...mentality. Or as Orwell succinctly put it in Animal Farm...some are more equal than others!
Yes, the classic ability to not have to follow the same rules as you demand of others to follow, where as you can afford to escape the bullcrap, but they can't.
Because you love huge deficits?
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
They probably have to because of the leftist resistance of not working with them to fix the bullcrap the leftist broke.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.
Hypocritical libtards are idiots. Idiot.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
They probably have to because of the leftist resistance of not working with them to fix the bullcrap the leftist broke.
Or you could be honest and admit neither party is fiscally resppnsible.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
There is no hypocracy. Bernie wants higher taxes so everyone can have healthcare. He could pay more in taxes now, but it wouldn’t go for healthcare. He’d just be paying for tax cuts for the rich.
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
We don't, because we cant cut any cuts will actually create more money after 2-3 years like they always do.....the problem is we have a spending issue and unless you want to touch're not going to make a dent in the deficit
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
There is no hypocracy. Bernie wants higher taxes so everyone can have healthcare. He could pay more in taxes now, but it wouldn’t go for healthcare. He’d just be paying for tax cuts for the rich.
The problem is lefties like you say this all the secretary pays more in has nothing to do with a specific program.....and it never will be..we've tried that....and it taxes never go to what they are supposed to......even in states with's to pay for a road...road is complete and paid for....tolls's never ending.

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