Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

It's all just smoke and mirrors with these con-artist, and the American people need real representation like say a new union to represent us all against these crazed idiot's. We need a new power in which runs parrallel to their power (not below it), but definitely equal to it or even slightly above it in order to represent the citizens who are fed up with it all now.

Why not start an anti-socialist/communist union that is made up of American's called "Tired American's who are United for America" (TAUA)?????...... This means Tired (of all the Bullcrap), otherwise as to form a unionized American group who is of course for the better treatment of all citizens under the American umbrella (who aren't anti-American), and for the better treatment of American taxpayers of course, and for the betterment of our nation against tyrannical forces and total chaos that we have seen coming in from the left ??

I think he will win the Moon Bat Primary. He has a strong organization and lots of money.

Can you imagine what Trump will do to him in the debates?

Commie Bernie looked weak against Crooked Hillary in the Moon Bat Primary debates in 2016. Trump will tear him a new asshole.

He is like all Communists promising the moon and the stars but he will deliver nothing but destruction.

The DNC may also feel that it is "Bernie's Turn" since they rigged the Primary for Hillary last time and screwed Bernie. Why the Media didn't make more out of that scam is beyond me, although, yes they are all in the tank for the Democrats.

Crooked Hillary was the Liberal's golden girl. No way were they going to expose her corruption.

Bernie got screwed because Crooked Hillary rigged the primaries.

Bernie got screwed by Crooked Hillary but he is going to get schlonged by Trump.
To show just how weak Bernie is, he actually began cheering for Hillary after finding out she screwed him over. Talk about flying into the face of his half-witted voters. Unbelievable. Hmmmm, maybe Bernie was there to ensure a Hillary win as part of the strategy, and this is why it really didn't bother Bernie in what Hitlery had done to him after it was revealed by the investigators ????

Trump will eat that little commie boy alive.

It will be pathetic to watch.

If it wasn't for the fact Commie Bernie is such an obnoxious asshole you could almost feel sorry for him.

Bernie scares me because we will be four more years into Socialist indoctrination from the Left (Democrats, Media, Social Media, Education) and it is being mainstreamed and normalized.
Of course. There’s never been a socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty at the top.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders exploded on Monday when asked during a Fox News town hall about accepting tax breaks that he voted against and why he did not send the money back given the fact that he constantly is claiming that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes.

Fox News host Bret Baier first pressed Sanders on the issue, to which Sanders responded: “Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

“Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

Like you, Trump payed the taxes he owed. Not a dime more or less.
Sanders released his tax returns....donnie has not, even tho he promised. We know who's acting like the guilty one.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did

Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

Did Bernie pay what he would have owed under the older, higher rates?
Let me try this again....

Bernie voted against the tax cut.......Trump pushed for giving himself more of a tax cut while telling his cult followers the which one is the liar? about you deal with that reality first....
How does one spur an economy, and move that economy away from being an impoverished (dependent on government economy) over time ??? Well it sure isn't by creating bigger government and more dependency that's for sure.

Look, we all know why Demon-crats love big government, and its definitely not for creating more economic freedom for the lower rungs, and definitely not for creating more liberty, and/or Independence in America that's for sure.

Demon-crats only want bigger more overbearing government in order to use it as a hammer on it's enemies within. Otherwise it's all about power and control with these Demon-crats. They only target wealth because wealth is power, and wealth in the hands of another for whom they hate is not exceptable.

American's take heed to these things, and don't get fooled again and again and again.
Of course. There’s never been a socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty at the top.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders exploded on Monday when asked during a Fox News town hall about accepting tax breaks that he voted against and why he did not send the money back given the fact that he constantly is claiming that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes.

Fox News host Bret Baier first pressed Sanders on the issue, to which Sanders responded: “Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

“Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

Like you, Trump payed the taxes he owed. Not a dime more or less.
Sanders released his tax returns....donnie has not, even tho he promised. We know who's acting like the guilty one.
Sanders is a nutcase. Trump is the smart one... Always remember that.
I think he will win the Moon Bat Primary. He has a strong organization and lots of money.

Can you imagine what Trump will do to him in the debates?

Commie Bernie looked weak against Crooked Hillary in the Moon Bat Primary debates in 2016. Trump will tear him a new asshole.

He is like all Communists promising the moon and the stars but he will deliver nothing but destruction.

The DNC may also feel that it is "Bernie's Turn" since they rigged the Primary for Hillary last time and screwed Bernie. Why the Media didn't make more out of that scam is beyond me, although, yes they are all in the tank for the Democrats.

Crooked Hillary was the Liberal's golden girl. No way were they going to expose her corruption.

Bernie got screwed because Crooked Hillary rigged the primaries.

Bernie got screwed by Crooked Hillary but he is going to get schlonged by Trump.
To show just how weak Bernie is, he actually began cheering for Hillary after finding out she screwed him over. Talk about flying into the face of his half-witted voters. Unbelievable. Hmmmm, maybe Bernie was there to ensure a Hillary win as part of the strategy, and this is why it really didn't bother Bernie in what Hitlery had done to him after it was revealed by the investigators ????

Trump will eat that little commie boy alive.

It will be pathetic to watch.

If it wasn't for the fact Commie Bernie is such an obnoxious asshole you could almost feel sorry for him.

Bernie scares me because we will be four more years into Socialist indoctrination from the Left (Democrats, Media, Social Media, Education) and it is being mainstreamed and normalized.

That is the real problem.

It is not that we have to worry about the jackass winning this time because he won't but like you said it will normalized the discussion on destructive socialism.

We have imported and allowed to illegally come into this country millions of filthy ass welfare queens and just like what happen in California they will use our democracy to steal stuff for themselves.

That is what socialism is all about. State sponsored thievery.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.
But he can volunteer to pay more, why doesn't he ?
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He did nothing of the sort, he showed himself to be a rich person that is a hypocrite and full of shit. How you let people like that lead you is unreal, but atleast we know how all the psychos of the world took power....due to dupes like you
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.
But he can volunteer to pay more, why doesn't he ?
That childish argument never gets old with clowns.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
"no matter what your views are, you should get involved in politics. you should fight for what you believe" - Crazy Bernie on FOX News last night
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.

Alright, then did Bernie donate the money he saved from Tax Breaks to Socialist causes like Planned Parenthood or helping illegals with housing?

Why am I asking this?

Simple, majority of you on the left want the Government to do what you can do on your own.

You want the government to tax everyone to fund your pet projects and Bernie could just open his wallet and help fund those project and so can you...
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Because you love huge deficits?
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
This is why you are such a loser. You based what happens here as happening everywhere. Conservatives don't hate them, quite the opposite. It is the Socialists/Communists/progressives who hate.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Because you love huge deficits?
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
"no matter what your views are, you should get involved in politics. you should fight for what you believe" - Crazy Bernie on FOX News last night

So what does that prove? He advocated for every pipe dream, give away program known to man with no real way to pay for any of it. Then he dodged any actual questions, and went on an off topic speech about Trump. He's just anther Hope and Change loon we've been hearing from the Democrats forever.
The audience had a fair number of Sanders supporters as would be expected but the hard truth here is that there were a lot of conservative types who forgot they are supposed to hate this guy.
So tell me, why wont he lead..and do the things he says others should do?
If he did that now he wouldn’t agree with where the money gets spent.
Wait what? the democrats control the house...what is this copout? If that's the case then us republicans have a legit reason to love low taxes....thanks for explaining it
Because you love huge deficits?
Nope, but you said people who don't like how the money is being spent shouldn't give what is sounds like you're for deficits.
I don't give a fuck about deficits......and the reason is, we're already toast on that front......
In order to get out of that, it would require much less govt spending and that's not going to lets sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
I've never been a big fan of the guy, but seriously his net worth including his two homes is like 1.8 million.
What Is Bernie Sanders' Net Worth? -- The Motley Fool

I don't think anyone is going to find many 70 something two earner professional types who have a work residence and a "home state" residence who have less net worth. You can't eat the house.

Then he wrote his book and largely gave the proceeds to charity.
Bernie Sanders released his tax returns showing he is a millionaire. He still wants to tax the rich.

People might need to find something else about the guy if they want to bitch about him.

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