Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

What a moronic question....about what you could expect from Fox

Bernie has provided ten years worth of his taxes. When is Fox going to ask why our President won't provide one?
Millionaire Bernie should volunteer to pay the taxes he proposes upon others.
Same logic that those who vote in favor of a war should be required to go fight it

You mean like Obama when he bombed Libya, fought the war in Iraq for three years and escalated the war in Iraqi?

I didn't see him fighting jack shit.
Obama started wars with Libya and Syria because his ISIS comrades need space to stretch out.
Commie Bernie's hypocrisy is glaring. He bitched about Trump's tax cuts but he sure as hell took advantageous of them in 2018.

If he really had convictions on millionaires not paying their "fair share" then he should have sent the IRS additional money, but he didn't.

Just the typical Socialist ruling elite.
It's all just smoke and mirrors with these con-artist, and the American people need real representation like say a new union to represent us all against these crazed idiot's. We need a new power in which runs parrallel to their power (not below it), but definitely equal to it or even slightly above it in order to represent the citizens who are fed up with it all now.

Why not start an anti-socialist/communist union that is made up of American's called "Tired American's who are United for America" (TAUA)?????...... This means Tired (of all the Bullcrap), otherwise as to form a unionized American group who is of course for the better treatment of all citizens under the American umbrella (who aren't anti-American), and for the better treatment of American taxpayers of course, and for the betterment of our nation against tyrannical forces and total chaos that we have seen coming in from the left ??

I think he will win the Moon Bat Primary. He has a strong organization and lots of money.

Can you imagine what Trump will do to him in the debates?

Commie Bernie looked weak against Crooked Hillary in the Moon Bat Primary debates in 2016. Trump will tear him a new asshole.

He is like all Communists promising the moon and the stars but he will deliver nothing but destruction.

The DNC may also feel that it is "Bernie's Turn" since they rigged the Primary for Hillary last time and screwed Bernie. Why the Media didn't make more out of that scam is beyond me, although, yes they are all in the tank for the Democrats.

Crooked Hillary was the Liberal's golden girl. No way were they going to expose her corruption.

Bernie got screwed because Crooked Hillary rigged the primaries.

Bernie got screwed by Crooked Hillary but he is going to get schlonged by Trump.
What a moronic question....about what you could expect from Fox

Bernie has provided ten years worth of his taxes. When is Fox going to ask why our President won't provide one?

Why would they do that when they were interviewing Bernie and not the president? Why would they do that when all the other infotainment outlets are demanding the president's taxes but won't ask Bernie why he hypocritically wants to pay more taxes while making sure he takes advantage of every break possible?

It does seem that you are trying to deflect.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.

And he looked like a hypocrite. At one point he challenged McCallum about why she doesn't pay more and she responded she's not the one pushing for more taxes.

He also skirted his way around his pathetic 3% charitable giving by talking about the Gates Foundation and Warren Buffets charities, both who have made billions due to not having to pay 50-70% tax rates.

I think it was Dan Bonging who said Bernie should have to share all the campaign money he is raising across the field. It's also been mentioned democrats should use some form of affirmative action in their delegate process.
Bernie maximized his tax deductions, legally, under current U.S. Tax Code. I am sure like all other Democrats do, while simultaneously crowing about "the rich" meaning you and me also, should be OK with paying more taxes for Social Engineering Programs, and more wealth and income redistribution.

Bernie and other Democrats are the poster children for utter HYPOCRISY and lies.
Bernie voted to maintain a high tax rate on his own income

Republican millionaires voted to cut their own tax rate and pay for it by cutting programs that help the poor and working class

Where is the hypocrisy?
What a moronic question....about what you could expect from Fox

Bernie has provided ten years worth of his taxes. When is Fox going to ask why our President won't provide one?
10 year's showing he could have donated more, but wouldn't ?????
Hé didn’t make much money in those ten years

When is Trump going to show us how generous he really is?
What a moronic question....about what you could expect from Fox

Bernie has provided ten years worth of his taxes. When is Fox going to ask why our President won't provide one?

Why would they do that when they were interviewing Bernie and not the president? Why would they do that when all the other infotainment outlets are demanding the president's taxes but won't ask Bernie why he hypocritically wants to pay more taxes while making sure he takes advantage of every break possible?

It does seem that you are trying to deflect.
A stupid question
Bernie voted to maintain high taxes on his own income. Against his own interest

Trump signed a bill that saved him and his family a billion dollars
Bernie Sanders is an asshole. He wants to take 52% of every dollar you make!

His bill for all that filthy free stuff he was promising the Moon Bats last night will cost every Americans tens of thousands of dollars.

Maybe if you a millionaire like him an additional tax burden of tens of thousands of dollars is not much but not for most American families.
Twenty grand per household but as I said 50% of the assholes pay zero dollars in federal tax.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Of course. There’s never been a socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty at the top.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders exploded on Monday when asked during a Fox News town hall about accepting tax breaks that he voted against and why he did not send the money back given the fact that he constantly is claiming that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes.

Fox News host Bret Baier first pressed Sanders on the issue, to which Sanders responded: “Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

“Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe…why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes.”

Like you, Trump payed the taxes he owed. Not a dime more or less.
You made need to google what the word explode means...

However, you are doing a good job of showing us what the word "implode" means, because that is what your OP is currently doing...
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did

Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

Did Bernie pay what he would have owed under the older, higher rates?
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.
You mean the same rich people that pay 80 percent of our taxes?
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did

If Bernie was against the tax cut he shouldn't have allowed himself to benefit from it. In the very least Bernie's charitable giving should have matched the amount he made from the tax breaks he didn't support but still took advantage of.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did
Bernie should have paid what he says millionaires should pay.

Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did

Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

Did Bernie pay what he would have owed under the older, higher rates?
Let me try this again....

Bernie voted against the tax cut.......Trump pushed for giving himself more of a tax cut while telling his cult followers the which one is the liar? about you deal with that reality first....
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did
Bernie should have paid what he says millionaires should pay.

He did......
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did
Bernie should have paid what he says millionaires should pay.

He did......
No, he did not.
Bernie did quite well. He walked right into the propaganda hub of the Trump party and called them out for their bullshit to their faces. Guy has no fear.
Bernie should pay his fair share.
Bernie took all the deductions he was entitled to. The test is how he would vote to close all those bullshit loopholes that let very rich people get away far too lightly.
You mean the same rich people that pay 80 percent of our taxes?
How about you learn the difference between the percent of income compared to a middle class tax payer and someone in the top 10%....

If someone has 9 million dollars and they pay a percent of that -- it will be more dollar wise than someone who makes 90K paying a percent of their income...

But here is something the person making 90K can't do -- have congress put in a special tax exemption just for him -- that person making 90K also will be paying EXACTLY what his marginal tax rate is -- while the millionaire and billionaires enjoy the luxury of paying a lower effective tax rate
He does have balls and he didn't do too bad, but Bair and McCallum weren't all that tough or prepared either. The audience was obviously stacked with Democrats.

Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did
Bernie should have paid what he says millionaires should pay.

He did......
No, he did not.
He released his tax returns..

How about you tell me where he evaded paying his taxes?

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