Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out

Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
There is no hypocracy. Bernie wants higher taxes so everyone can have healthcare. He could pay more in taxes now, but it wouldn’t go for healthcare. He’d just be paying for tax cuts for the rich.
The problem is lefties like you say this all the secretary pays more in has nothing to do with a specific program.....and it never will be..we've tried that....and it taxes never go to what they are supposed to......even in states with's to pay for a road...road is complete and paid for....tolls's never ending.
Since you're hijacking threads … Trump's the answer. LOL
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
There is no hypocracy. Bernie wants higher taxes so everyone can have healthcare. He could pay more in taxes now, but it wouldn’t go for healthcare. He’d just be paying for tax cuts for the rich.
The problem is lefties like you say this all the secretary pays more in has nothing to do with a specific program.....and it never will be..we've tried that....and it taxes never go to what they are supposed to......even in states with's to pay for a road...road is complete and paid for....tolls's never ending.
Since you're hijacking threads … Trump's the answer. LOL
Not highjacking, talking about Bernie not paying the tax he said we all should.....he's full of shit......
I said people should not pay more than our tax laws if they won’t like how it’s spent. You seem easily confused.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
We don't, because we cant cut any cuts will actually create more money after 2-3 years like they always do.....the problem is we have a spending issue and unless you want to touch're not going to make a dent in the deficit
Tax cuts just decreased revenue.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
There is no hypocracy. Bernie wants higher taxes so everyone can have healthcare. He could pay more in taxes now, but it wouldn’t go for healthcare. He’d just be paying for tax cuts for the rich.
The problem is lefties like you say this all the secretary pays more in has nothing to do with a specific program.....and it never will be..we've tried that....and it taxes never go to what they are supposed to......even in states with's to pay for a road...road is complete and paid for....tolls's never ending.
Since you're hijacking threads … Trump's the answer. LOL
Not highjacking, talking about Bernie not paying the tax he said we all should.....he's full of shit......
He wants taxes to pay for heathcare. Paying more now would only help cover tax cuts for the rich.
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Bernie released his taxes 30 minutes before the debate. Overall I thought Barr and McCallum did a good job of allowing Bernie to expose himself as a hypocrite.
Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

What is hypocritical and a flat out lie -- is if you were to campaign on a tax cut that you promise "isn't for the wealthy" -- in fact, you claim that the wealthy are actually not getting much of a cut at all --- then later you find out that not only did most of the cuts go to the wealthy but you also had special tax loopholes written into the law SPECIFICALLY for you..

Bernie didn't do that -- your cult leader did

Bernie voted against giving himself a tax cut -- how is that hypocritical...

Did Bernie pay what he would have owed under the older, higher rates?
Let me try this again....

Bernie voted against the tax cut.......Trump pushed for giving himself more of a tax cut while telling his cult followers the which one is the liar? about you deal with that reality first....

Let me try this again....

Did Bernie mail in an extra check, to pay the amount he would have under the old, higher rates?
Or did he just pocket his savings, while whining he should pay more?
Oh, so you are one of those idiots who feel that if a few liberal rich folks just simply give their tax cuts back to the government (which can't happen) -- or donate the money to charity -- that this will somehow be a more effective way to deal with the rampant wealth inequality, wage stagnation, etc etc, no, only people like you with idiot strawman arguments think that type of bullshit...

But don't take it from me, take it from one of those billionaire hedge fund managers that you worship so much...

‘I have also seen capitalism evolve in a way that it is not working well for the majority of Americans because it’s producing self-reinforcing spirals up for the haves and down for the have-nots. This is creating widening income/wealth/opportunity gaps that pose existential threats to the United States because these gaps are bringing about damaging domestic and international conflicts and weakening America’s condition.’

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

if a few liberal rich folks just simply give their tax cuts back to the government (which can't happen) -- or donate the money to charity -- that this will somehow be a more effective way to deal with the rampant wealth inequality, wage stagnation,

No, but it would be nice for whiney liberals to put their money where their mouth is.....for a change.

(which can't happen)

That's an interesting claim. If you were rich, and the tax cut last year reduced your taxes by $10,000,
you couldn't send the government a check for $10,000 to make up for your cut? Why not?

Do you need the address?
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
Yeah I heard ya, the problem is that's all the because we don't know how it's spent, it's better to have lower taxes......and hence we spend our money where we want, not where, some crooked politician demands it to be spent..

PS, WHY don't we know where the money is spent? You think that's on purpose?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
We don't, because we cant cut any cuts will actually create more money after 2-3 years like they always do.....the problem is we have a spending issue and unless you want to touch're not going to make a dent in the deficit
Tax cuts just decreased revenue.
Well then raise it to gives you the most money........why don't thy do that?
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
There is no hypocracy. Bernie wants higher taxes so everyone can have healthcare. He could pay more in taxes now, but it wouldn’t go for healthcare. He’d just be paying for tax cuts for the rich.
The problem is lefties like you say this all the secretary pays more in has nothing to do with a specific program.....and it never will be..we've tried that....and it taxes never go to what they are supposed to......even in states with's to pay for a road...road is complete and paid for....tolls's never ending.
Since you're hijacking threads … Trump's the answer. LOL
Not highjacking, talking about Bernie not paying the tax he said we all should.....he's full of shit......
He wants taxes to pay for heathcare. Paying more now would only help cover tax cuts for the rich.
we heard you say's not true.......
no one picks where their taxes are's a bullshit excuse......he doesn't want to pay everyone's that simple.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?
It’s not better when it is increasing deficits.
you lefties don't give a fuck about deficits.....until you tackle entitlements, don't talk about deficits

I’m an independent and i just watched repubs greatly increase Obama’s deficits during a strong economy. The right doesn’t care about deficits.
We don't, because we cant cut any cuts will actually create more money after 2-3 years like they always do.....the problem is we have a spending issue and unless you want to touch're not going to make a dent in the deficit
Tax cuts just decreased revenue.
Well then raise it to gives you the most money........why don't thy do that?
You are a childish one.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
You are only criticizing him for paying more than 25% of his income in federal taxes. I'd be happy if the gop could nominate someone who did the same …. like a Reagan or Ford.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?

And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products.

Seal the border, boot the illegals and put tariffs on Chinese goods.
Really stick it to Trump, eh?
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?

And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products.

Seal the border, boot the illegals and put tariffs on Chinese goods.
Really stick it to Trump, eh?
He’s not a good leader, he didn’t go first.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?
Well it's not the same thing.....trump has already said he did that.....he's not hiding it....and it's benefits him and his corporations, but he's trying to fix it.......As for taxes, no one is stopping you from paying them.......Trump never said he wanted to pay more.....he just wants the playing field level....because it's cheaper to make shit in China.....the problem is they don't let our products a tariff is needed to remedy that.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?

And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products.

Seal the border, boot the illegals and put tariffs on Chinese goods.
Really stick it to Trump, eh?
He’s not a good leader, he didn’t go first.
He's acutally done or tried to do those he is guys are fighting him on every single one of them. But again, you are not comparing the same situations.....
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?
Well it's not the same thing.....trump has already said he did that.....he's not hiding it....and it's benefits him and his corporations, but he's trying to fix it.......As for taxes, no one is stopping you from paying them.......Trump never said he wanted to pay more.....he just wants the playing field level....because it's cheaper to make shit in China.....the problem is they don't let our products a tariff is needed to remedy that.
It is the same thing. According to you trump is a bad leader.
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?

And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products.

Seal the border, boot the illegals and put tariffs on Chinese goods.
Really stick it to Trump, eh?
He’s not a good leader, he didn’t go first.
He's acutally done or tried to do those he is guys are fighting him on every single one of them. But again, you are not comparing the same situations.....
He was hiring illegals and importing products before he was president. He didn’t go first, no leadership.
Do I blame Bernie Sanders for trying to pay as little in taxes as possible? Absolutely not. I just find it hypocritical that somebody who promotes socialism constantly would try so hard to AVOID being a socialist himself. Socialism is so bad that even socialists hate socialism
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?
Well it's not the same thing.....trump has already said he did that.....he's not hiding it....and it's benefits him and his corporations, but he's trying to fix it.......As for taxes, no one is stopping you from paying them.......Trump never said he wanted to pay more.....he just wants the playing field level....because it's cheaper to make shit in China.....the problem is they don't let our products a tariff is needed to remedy that.
It is the same thing. According to you trump is a bad leader.
No it's not......
Trump didn't argue for what Sanders did......Sanders wants a millionare tax...he's a

You said hired lots of illegals......give us some proof?
You said sold lots of Chinese products, he did, he was honest about it.....he said it was cheaper....and he wanted to fix that imbalance, which is what he's trying to do......
He has allowed people to bring their money back with almost no penalty and he is trying to get a better trade deal with that is leading....
I don't see that he's avoiding any taxes. He's paying more than Trump or Romney, LOL

He's in the 1%. I don't think he ever denied that.

There's plenty to criticize but you might find something that is really something to criticize.
No there is plenty to criticize.He's vying to become President.....a leader
Leadership means you go first....if you call the charge, YOU lead it....
If you want a millionaire tax...then pay what you think is fair....otherwise you are full of shit.
And trump hired lots of illegals and sold lots of Chinese products. You only hold this standard for Dems I assume?
Well it's not the same thing.....trump has already said he did that.....he's not hiding it....and it's benefits him and his corporations, but he's trying to fix it.......As for taxes, no one is stopping you from paying them.......Trump never said he wanted to pay more.....he just wants the playing field level....because it's cheaper to make shit in China.....the problem is they don't let our products a tariff is needed to remedy that.
It is the same thing. According to you trump is a bad leader.
No it's not......
Trump didn't argue for what Sanders did......Sanders wants a millionare tax...he's a

You said hired lots of illegals......give us some proof?
You said sold lots of Chinese products, he did, he was honest about it.....he said it was cheaper....and he wanted to fix that imbalance, which is what he's trying to do......
He has allowed people to bring their money back with almost no penalty and he is trying to get a better trade deal with that is leading....
Sanders wants to increase taxes so everyone has healthcare. Paying more now would do nothing to make that happen. Sorry but by YOUR standards trump is not a good leader.

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