Bernie Sanders holding the american people hostage

had to jump ion here, obama just handed over the wh press room podium to Slick willy...what a contrast in styles etc. and obama looks like hes miserable and bill is doing is usual thread the, obama must be beating the crap out of his pillow, he can't do it, so hes got to bring in a closer.....what a come down. wonder if Obama has learned some humility along the way oevr the last week or so....

Thanks...I had the news on in the other room...just had to rewind it to see this.
First of all...WTF????
What planet am I on right now?
Obama talking about how tax cuts stimulate the economy?? What???

This is friggin amazing. And then he walks off to go to a Christmas Party..and leave Clinton alone to take questions???

This is...surreal.

jump to cnn hes still talking ...obama is gonna regret

Bad day for Obama.
He had to bring in a closer.
Wow. This really spells out the trouble the President is in. He is as much as a narcissist as Nixon was, to bring in a former President and let HIM answer questions about the tax deal??
Bernie Sanders is the lead that all Democrats in the House and Senate should be following. He is the kind of politician we need. He is opposing the corporatocracy which is determined to eliminate the Middle Class and bring about another Gilded Age in which there will be conspicuous wealth, conspicuous poverty and nothing in between but a bureaucracy of privileged lackeys committed to maintaining control of the poor


Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He would tell you that himself. As he has before.
So, what you are saying is you want America to be a socialist nation.
If that is not what you want, then read more.

you keep repeating that bernie sanders is a socialist.

that's irrelevant to the bill in question or whether he is right or wrong.

try addressing the actual issue.

You wouldn't understand the real issue if it was provided to you in a pop out book.
Bernie Sanders is the lead that all Democrats in the House and Senate should be following. He is the kind of politician we need. He is opposing the corporatocracy which is determined to eliminate the Middle Class and bring about another Gilded Age in which there will be conspicuous wealth, conspicuous poverty and nothing in between but a bureaucracy of privileged lackeys committed to maintaining control of the poor



For one the dems need to stand up. Yes the republican and the tea party worked very hard to gain seat in the mid terms, but the dems didn't even put up a fight.
For one the dems need to stand up. Yes the republican and the tea party worked very hard to gain seat in the mid terms, but the dems didn't even put up a fight.

They only put up a fight long enough to add several $billion in add ons.
Bernie Sanders is not someone to follow. Unless Cuba is where you want to go.
Bernie Sanders is the only one who has balls, the bill sucked.

The right talks about the people who are on welfare earning their way. It was corporate america that needed bailing out, and got us into this mess they should have to pay part of the tab. They want to ship our jobs over seas and destroy the middle class, then they should have to pay. When Walmart tells their employees to go on state medical because they don't want to pay for their medical, so they can make a larger profit for their stock holders, they should have to pay the taxes that support state medical.

so using obama's also support the dems holding the american people hostage over the issue of taxes on the uber wealthy...

How rich is iamwhatiseem? Why is iamwhatiseem so worried about the rich & privileged? Why does iamwhatiseem lie about Bernie Sanders? Is the socialist fire department, cops, sewage treatment, public schools, VA hospitals, road building with public money all bad?

Revoke iamwhatiseem's right to vote for being anti America. Why would Americans want people like iamwhatiseem to be able to vote and destroy America?
the gilded age? ....lets not get jiggy with Fitzgerald-propisms okay....the gluten free 11k cake, the estate, overall 3 million dollar wedding to a hedge fund manager....?:eusa_whistle:

please, that dog don't hunt no mo.
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How rich is iamwhatiseem? Why is iamwhatiseem so worried about the rich & privileged? Why does iamwhatiseem lie about Bernie Sanders? Is the socialist fire department, cops, sewage treatment, public schools, VA hospitals, road building with public money all bad?

Revoke iamwhatiseem's right to vote for being anti America. Why would Americans want people like iamwhatiseem to be able to vote and destroy America?

How many people does miller employ?
Why does miller not understand that without employers there would be no tax base to pay for the fire/police/schools/etc?

Revoke millers opinion to give opinions.
had to jump ion here, obama just handed over the wh press room podium to Slick willy...what a contrast in styles etc. and obama looks like hes miserable and bill is doing is usual thread the, obama must be beating the crap out of his pillow, he can't do it, so hes got to bring in a closer.....what a come down. wonder if Obama has learned some humility along the way oevr the last week or so....

Thanks...I had the news on in the other room...just had to rewind it to see this.
First of all...WTF????
What planet am I on right now?
Obama talking about how tax cuts stimulate the economy?? What???

This is friggin amazing. And then he walks off to go to a Christmas Party..and leave Clinton alone to take questions???

This is...surreal.
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the sign post up ahead, your next stop...The Twilight Zone!"
Bernie Sanders is the only one who has balls, the bill sucked.

The right talks about the people who are on welfare earning their way. It was corporate america that needed bailing out, and got us into this mess they should have to pay part of the tab. They want to ship our jobs over seas and destroy the middle class, then they should have to pay. When Walmart tells their employees to go on state medical because they don't want to pay for their medical, so they can make a larger profit for their stock holders, they should have to pay the taxes that support state medical.

The reason that jobs shift overseas is down to cost and cost alone. If it is cheaper to manufacture overseas then that is where companies will manufacture. Whose responsible for that? Not the company - the customers are. If we won't buy US goods manufactured in the US because they are more expensive than the stuff produced abroad, then we only have ourselves to blame. It may be convenient, and easy, to blame the corporations - but it doesn't make it true.

And... yea, people on welfare should be working. That is the American way. We work. We do not live on state handouts. Handing people money for nothing is a fine short term solution but long term it destroys society.... One only needs to look at Europe to see what happens.
Bernie Sanders is the only one who has balls, the bill sucked.

The right talks about the people who are on welfare earning their way. It was corporate america that needed bailing out, and got us into this mess they should have to pay part of the tab. They want to ship our jobs over seas and destroy the middle class, then they should have to pay. When Walmart tells their employees to go on state medical because they don't want to pay for their medical, so they can make a larger profit for their stock holders, they should have to pay the taxes that support state medical.
The problem is he swallowed them long ago, his balls that is and obamas. No, the health care bill should be scrapped because it is nothing more than gov't control, and then work on tort reform.
Good for him.

Not because I agree with him, I certainly dont. Not because the bill is good or bad, but because somebody has finally stood up and done a real old fashioned gab fest filibuster over something they believe in. When was the last time one of those shit heels actually stood up for something?
Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He would tell you that himself. As he has before.
So am I.

So, what you are saying is you want America to be a socialist nation.
No. I believe capitalism is the best economic system -- but only when it is controlled by socialist policies, such as the progressive tax which the super-rich are presently resisting with all their might.
Bernie Sanders's ideal country:

Workers have about 15 national holidays a year.
They get 9 weeks off for vacation a year.
The company they work for has to give them about $2000 to spend while on vacation.
Education is free.
Healthcare is free.
The retirement age is 52-55.
The rich pay about 85% tax rate.
If the GDP and the average corporate profit margin could sustain those benefits I'm sure Sanders would pursue them. Why shouldn't he? But based on existing reality what you've postulated here is nonsense. But if it entertains you, play with it.

Gee...this sounds familiar...seems like I have been reading about a country like this recently...

Since you are so opposed to socialism I'd like to ask which nation in the world is thought of as being the happiest. Do you know?

Here's a hint: The Happiest Country in The World
I hope he kicks this into the next session of Congress. He's not smart enough to understand the new class won't give him this good a deal.
No. I believe capitalism is the best economic system -- but only when it is controlled by socialist policies, such as the progressive tax which the super-rich are presently resisting with all their might.

You're in the top 5% wealthiest people in the world. Can we super tax you and give it to the UN to redistribute to the third world shit holes? You are super-rich to someone living on less than a dollar a day in Rwanda.
Bernie Sanders is the lead that all Democrats in the House and Senate should be following. He is the kind of politician we need. He is opposing the corporatocracy which is determined to eliminate the Middle Class and bring about another Gilded Age in which there will be conspicuous wealth, conspicuous poverty and nothing in between but a bureaucracy of privileged lackeys committed to maintaining control of the poor


He's an asswipe, he has skidmarks, I guess you would follow that.

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